Polo-necked John McGuirk, who fronts illiberal website Gript, is a serial liar and promoter of hatred, and an occasional racist
by Village
Polo-necked John McGuirk, who fronts illiberal website Gript, is a serial liar and promoter of hatred, and an occasional racist
by admin
Detective Sergeant who made protected disclosure about under-regulated phone-tracing and then served time for harassment of DPP official, claims multiple breaches of her human rights and “systemic institutional failure”, in complaint recently rejected by European Court of Human Rights
by admin
London extradition hearing was the last stand of either Wikileaks founder or Western Intelligence Imperialism, and awaits January decision By Caroline Hurley Queensland-born Julian Assange (49) founded Wikileaks in 2006. Four years later it published several huge and devastating leaks provided by US Army intelligence analyst Chelsea Manning, including: the Afghanistan war logs, the Iraq […]
by admin
Fine Gael leader Leo Varadkar has come to be known as a leaker. The hashtag #leotheleak has trended on Twitter on several occasions after Varadkar was accused of publishing things he shouldn’t. That Leo leaks however hasn’t yet been proven—or become a political liability for the tánaiste. That may change with evidence from a healthcare whistleblower that Varadkar, while taoiseach, leaked a confidential document to a personal associate.
See below : The Press Ombudsman has upheld part of a complaint that Village magazine breached the Code of Practice of the Press Council of Ireland. The complaint was made under Principle 1 (Truth and Accuracy) of the Code of Practice. Other parts of the complaint are not upheld. Among the issues that have delayed […]
by Enda Leahy
Whistleblower says key witnesses and evidence omitted from Banking Inquiry and prepares for a public battle.
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by Village
When Ibrahim Al Sabe reached Eftalou beach, on the legend-suffused island of Lesbos in Greece, he was soaking wet, but indescribably happy to be alive. The engine of the rubber dinghy, carrying 45 Syrian refugees, had stopped working five times during the four-mile journey. The boat started to fill with water and almost went under. […]
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by Village
In the Sticks: Loss of habitat and food threatens a one-time harbinger of Spring – Shirley Clerkin
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by Village
The media, politicians, the IFA and the CAP promote beef rather than plant foods, to the detriment of health, the environment and the poor – Frank Armstrong
by Village
The old Irish Times website was much better than the new one – Frank Schnittger
by Village
We’re still watching it, but everything else has changed – Richard Callanan
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by Village
The great magazine survivor divides commentators – Gerard Cunningham
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by Village
Investigative journalism in the North is ill-served on-air and in print – Anton McCabe
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by Village
Bunker Roy explains his solar-engineering college and castigates the vested-interest aid industry – Samuel McManus
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by Village
Revolting plastic ocean morass covers an area twice the size of the USA – John Gibbons
by Village
The media must challenge power and the state, and resist interference and regulation – Harry Browne
by Village
We’ve become used to the idea that a society based on loans is normal and sustainable – Paul Ferguson
by Village
Professor Mazin Qumsiyeh talks sorrowful Palestine in Cloughjordan. By Caroline Hurley. Last Saturday, as soup and bread was served, made fresh from local ingredients, people arrived, filling the meeting room of Cloughjordan Enterprise Centre. Two members of local Palestine support groups briefly set the scene and welcomed Professor Mazin Qumsiyeh. A Palestinian scientist, author and […]
by Village
The Greens negotiated a legally ineffective commitment in the Programme for Government and then, worse, changed their minds, all with the figleaf of Friends of the Earth support. By Eoghan O’ Hairis. Even in a post-truth age, the truth has a way of catching up with you. At least this is what we tell ourselves, […]
by Village
I am writing to express my deep disappointment at the recent editorial in your magazine (issue 83) titled ’Nationalism, a scourge’.
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by Village
Swings and roundabouts at Killeen Castle as Joe O’Reilly gets his property back from Nama, at enormous discount, and in flagrant breach of the bad bank’s policy of not selling properties back to the former owner
by Village
In addition to the bike shed, the company of Donohoe’s supporter, Michael Stone, obtained a €40 million tender from the OPW, which is a unit of Donohoe’s department, in 2021
by Village
Former Minister John Gormley calls for publication of Mulcahy report and reset of planning in Donegal; meanwhile the wrecked integrity of the dunes in the former wilderness at Aghadachor — the most egregious flouting of EU habitats law in Donegal and arguably in Ireland — adds a new dimension to the ongoing flouting of law, and environmental and planning norms, in lawless Donegal
by Village
A three-and-a-half party system is emerging. That is, dominant Unionist and Nationalist parties, a Centre party, and a smaller anti-Agreement Unionist party. Rump SDLP and UUP parties may just subsist