10 July-August 2024
White lodged documens wih he High
Cour climing he owns he lnds nd
seeking up o €1 million in monies
owed by Leirim Couresy Ld. for is
use of his lnd
Ukrainians evicted as legal
row erupts over hotel
A legal battle over the ownership of lands
around the Lough Allen hotel in Drumshanbo,
County Leitrim, may have influenced the
decision by the Department of Integration in
May to move 188 Ukrainian refugees from the
As reported in Village earlier this year, the
original hotel developer has issued High Court
proceedings against the current management,
Leitrim Courtesy Ltd. and Mazars, the receiver.
Mazars was appointed by the Cerberus
subsidiaries, Promontoria Aran and Arrow over
outstanding loans owed by the previous
owners in 2017.
Further proceedings were issued this month
by Meath-based developer, Paddy White, who
has claimed that Leitrim Courtesy Ltd. is
trespassing on his property in order to access
the hotel.
In mid-May, the Department of Integration
instructed the Ukrainian residents to vacate
the premises and organised alternative
accommodation. It stated that it did not intend
to renew its annual contact with Leitrim
Courtesy Ltd which opened the hotel for
refugees in April 2022.
The company, whose directors have
included Niall McManus, of Curraghill,
Drumshanbo, his wife Anne Marie and sister,
Karen McManus of Dowra Road, Drumshanbo,
has been paid up to €500,000 per month by
the Department for providing the facility.
Explaining the decision to end its
arrangement with Leitrim Courtesy Ltd, the
Department told Village in late May: “All
accommodations contracted by the
Department is temporary in nature. Moves
happen frequently when contracts end.
Alternative oers of accommodation will be
provided to the residents”.
As reported by Village, White lodged
documents with the High Court claiming that
he owns the lands which provide access to the
complex. He is also seeking up to €1 million in
monies owed by Leitrim Courtesy Ltd. for its
use of his land.
In June, solicitors, Byrne Wallace acting for
the receivers Mazars, lodged an application
with the Property Services Regulatory
Authority seeking to obtain a right of way to the
property. This is being contested by White and
a hearing in the High Court is expected to take
place within weeks.
Meanwhile, the majority of the Ukrainian
residents have moved into private
accommodation in the Leitrim area since the
sudden termination of funds to Leitrim
Courtesy Ltd. by the Department of Integration
at the end of May.
Some have been housed in vacant holiday
homes and other dwellings with the assistance
of the Oer a Home programme run by Leitrim
County Council. Other private property-owners
have taken in Ukrainian refugees through the
Accommodation Recognition Payment scheme
under which they can earn up to €800 per
month tax-free.
Doherty fails to clear up
debt query
Regina Doherty did not let an awkward query
from Village just days before the European
Parliament election, to which she had still not
at the time of publication replied. get in the way
By Frank Connolly
of her successful campaign. She was asked
about the sale of a lease of a property owned
by her and her husband, Declan, at Ashbourne,
County Meath in 2018. The property at
Ashbourne Industrial Park was used by the
couple for their IT sales business, Enhanced
Solutions Ltd, which went into liquidation in
2013 with losses of over €200,000 and debts
of €59,000 to Revenue and €50,000 to AIB,
among other debtors.
During the 2016 general election campaign
Doherty insisted that her debts had been paid
and that they had taken out a loan to repay AIB
“which will probably take me the rest of my life
to pay back”.
She originally purchased the lease from
property developer Michael Ryan of Rybo Ltd
and his partner, John Bourke, in July 2007,
according to property registration documents
seen by Village. Ryan is a big player in the
re-zoning of lands between Ratoath and
Fairyhouse Racecourse in County Meath,
where Doherty served as a TD until 2020. He is
also associated with a controversial bribe
given to a councillor in Waterford who was
jailed for corruption some years ago. Doherty
has praised Ryan in the past for providing
materials for the building of a boxing club in
Raystown among other constituency
Stephan Grehan of Lucan, who purchased
the lease in Ashbourne in November 2018 just
over a year after the AIB loan was cleared, is a
son-in-law of Michael Ryan. Grehan is involved
with a company, Pivotal Construction Ltd, of
which Ryan is a director. Doherty declined to
comment on the price paid by Grehan for the
property or on whether she has lobbied on
behalf of him or his companies.
Councillor Tommy Reilly
shafted but not by SIPO
Village is also disappointed to hear that the
chairman of Meath County Council, Tommy
Reilly, has failed in his bid for re-election after
a low first-preference vote and an apparent
reluctance by his Fianna Fáil colleagues to
encourage their transfers to him. A postponed
public hearing by SIPO into revelations by
Village of Reilly’s role in a controversial land
re-zoning at Liscarton outside Navan in 2018
which benefited his son, Ciarán, has yet to be
scheduled, according to SIPO.
Former Lough Allen Hotel: now refugee reception centre