62 February 2016
he former Taoiseach Albert Reynolds once
said that an Irish General Election was a
series of 41 constituency by-elections. The
vagaries of our proportional representation
system mean that a modern Irish election can
throw up all kinds of results. The landscape of Irish poli-
tics has been thrown into even greater uncertainty by
the extraordinary destruction of Fianna Fáil which lost
three-quarters of its seats in 2011 (dropping from 78 to
20 TDs).
The narrative for this forthcoming general election is
already well-known. Taoiseach Enda Kenny is now seek-
ing the kind of mandate Fianna Fáil used to get in former
years. The rhetoric of stability once deployed by Fianna
Fáil, is now being marshalled by Fine Gael. Kenny has
staked his ground with the mantra, “Keeping the Recov-
ery Going, while making sure to register humility about
the electorate who have brought about the economic
improvement. The Taoiseach is understandably playing
on the anxiety of voters about the potential for eco-
nomic reverse if its voting facilitates a weak coalition
government comprising disparate parties of left and
right with little or nothing in common.
In fact 1977 was the last time an Irish party won an
outright majority and Governments which lack an
actual parliamentary majority have proved to be among
the most successful. Lemass led without
a majority in the 1960s and Haughey did
so again in the 1980s. A three-party coa-
lition led by John Bruton, with little
common ideology, ran quite smoothly
from 1994.
It appears that both Fianna Fáil and
Fine Gael actually perform best when
under the watchful eye of smaller
Clearly there is going to be a coalition.
However, the real conundrum for the
electorate is that the great probability is
that Enda Kenny will be returned as Taoi-
seach though the likelihood of Fine Gael
being back with Labour on their own is
very much an outside chance. It is more likely that
Renua and other independents will make up his
Traditionally there has been a leader of the opposi-
tion who could put together a coalition alternative to
the parties in power. A fully effective leader of the oppo-
sition has to credibly state to the electorate his (or her)
chance of becoming Taoiseach. The numbers now, and
since 2011, do not allow Micheál Martin to make this
claim. The only way he could possible claim to having
a chance of being Taoiseach after the election is if he
consents to forming a government containing his own
party, Sinn Féin and assorted independents or smaller
parties of both left and right.
A hung Dáil could throw up all sorts of permutations
and there is an outside chance that there would be
enough, disparate parties other than Fine Gael to form
an administration. However, it seems unlikely that
Micheál Martin would become Taoiseach and exclude
both Fine Gael and Sinn Féin from government, thus
stranding both in opposition.
Indeed Martin's decision to rule out forming a gov-
ernment with or containing Sinn Féin has allowed Gerry
Adams to cleverly state that voting for Fianna Fáil is an
irrelevance. Adams has made the argument that since
Fianna Fáil would go into power with neither Sinn Féin
nor Fine Gael then it is pointless for voters to give it
Sinn Féin is probably the only party in the political
system, along with the radical parties of the left, that
could, if it chose, openly claim that it is fighting the elec-
tion in order not to go into power. However, it does not
appear willing to embrace this particular high-risk
Though for me FG is
more conservative, all
I could reply was that
Fianna Fáil were a party
of the entrepreneurial
bourgeoisie and Fine
Gael of the commercial
Fianna Gael
The elusive difference between
our two biggest parties
by Conor Lenihan
February 2016 63
gambit. Nevertheless since Sinn Féin appears to
be playing a longer game Fianna Fáil will have
little to complain about if Sinn Féin actually does
pass it out in this particular general election.
Alternatively, if voters take it that there is no
alternative to Fine Gael back in the saddle, they
might construe this as giving them in effect ‘a
free vote’. This could see the creation of a clear,
Sinn Féin-led, left-wing opposition to the status
quo though when faced with the challenges of
being in government Sinn Féin will no doubt
knuckle down, just as it has done in the North.
Whatever the result it is most likely that it will
be open to the leaderships of both Fine Gael and
Fianna Fáil, with inevitable reticence, to form a
grand coalition. This intriguing possibility has
its supporters in both political parties. It is
noticeable that a good many of those who serve
on the Fianna Fáil front bench are privately in
favour of this should the election results make
it possible. On the Fine Gael side of the house
figures like Simon Coveney have been explicit
in not ruling this out. It would of course spell the
end for both Enda Kenny and Micheál Martin.
Maybe it is for this reason that the younger,
more ambitious members, in both parties seem
There is after all much in common between
the two big parties. Indeed the differences are
famously elusive.
The Economist magazine, in 2011, described
Fine Gael as centre-right, Labour as centre-left
and Fianna Fáil as nationalist, and of course two
biggest parties were germinated in opposing
stances during the civil war. Beyond this, Fianna
Fáil’s sobriquet is ‘The Republican Party’ and it
was for a while somewhat unsympathetic to the
British perspective.
In his history of Fianna Fáil, ‘the Party
(1986) Dick Walsh noted that Fianna Fáil was
as much a movement as a party, had always
attracted as many rich people as Fine Gael and
as many poor people as Labour. Donal
O’Shea’s ‘80 Years of Fianna Fáil’ defines it as
a “catchall party… appealing to all classes”.
Walsh said its policies always defied definition
and quoted De Valera as advising, “always
keep you policy under your hat”.
As to the difference, a French newspaper
once asked me, while a Minister, what it was
and when pushed to it all I could reply was that
Fianna Fáil were a party of the entrepreneurial
bourgeoisie and that Fine Gael tended to be
stocked by members of the commercial bour-
geoisie. Seán Lemass was once asked the same
question and rather surprised the questioner
with the curt but solemn reply – “We're in
Both Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael are often
described as pro-EU and pro-enterprise con
servative parties but for me Fine Gael is the
more conservative. My old party has the ability
to move both left and right but has traditionally
done best when it clings to the centre. Fine Gael
is steeped in a deep conservativism and in the
1930s it evolved its current name through a brief
dalliance with corporatist and fascist ideas – the
notorious Blueshirts were a pale imitation of
their continental equivalents but were none the
less moving in a similar direction. Fianna Fail,
can credibly, assert that its natural inclination
is to the left as Micheal Martin has sought to do
in the weeks before the election. It is essentially
a republican or nationalist movement with its
roots in social democratic values but without the
lineage to socialism or communism.
Kevin Byrne and Eoin O'Malley (2012) con-
sider that the differences between the two
parties evoke different nationalist traditions
(Irish Enlightenment and Gaelic Nationalist).
In fact the biggest difference for years was the
simple reality that it was Fine Gael who had to
make up the numbers with Labour to get Fianna
Fáil out. There has now been a clear role rever-
sal. Fine Gael is now the big party of power.
The remarkable thing is how long the basic,
civil-war division, as expressed in political par-
ties was able to survive. Essentially Irish voters
have shown themselves remarkably immuno-
resistant to the toxic strains of both the extreme
left or right. In this sense the country is both
politically and culturally middlebrow.
The real disappointment, from a voter per-
spective, is that few if any of the parties that are
putting themselves forward in this election are
arguing for a deep-seated restructuring of the
way in which our government works. It will
probably take another election before it is pos-
sible to change and make dynamic changes to
the system itself.
People within both Fine Gael and Fianna Fáil
are apprehensive about any post-election
between the two parties as they believe it will
allow Sinn Fein to catapult itself, overnight, into
the major party of opposition and inevitably
government in a relatively short space of time.
Some within Fianna Fáil are prepared to give a
limited level of support to a Fine Gael govern-
ment once Fianna Fáil retains its status as the
major opposition party. This has been described
as a reprise of the Tallaght Strategy which Alan
Dukes announced in the late 1980s to support
Haugheys austerity and recovery policies.
The most recent Irish Times poll exposed an
intriguing socio-economic difference between
the two parties. Fianna Fáil, despite its smaller
size, remains the only party in the system that
draws equally from the entire spectrum of
income groups. Fine Gael, by contrast, is drawn
more exclusively from the middle class and
higher income groups. This sets Fianna Fail
apart and allows it to effectively build a social
democratic platform in the future. The recent
marriage equality referendum saw the party ful-
somely supporting the liberalizing move.
The party no longer sees it as good politics
to be depicted as being on the side of the coun-
try’s more conservative forces.
Conor Lenihan is a former Minister for Science,
Technology and Innovation. For the past four
years he has been a Vice President of the
Skolkovo Foundation. His recent book
Haughey - Prince of Power was published by
Blackwater Press.
Scylla and Charybdis


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