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The world needs more Gorbachevs - leaders whose weaknesses reveal an optimistic belief in human nature

That there was something altogether more disturbing about Hitler’s Germany than Stalin’s Russia is often assumed. Perhaps it derived from disappointment at Germany, the most intellectually and industrially-advanced country of its time, being led by an individual whose core belief was the annihilation of a substantial ethno-religious minority. By comparison the aspirational ends of Stalinism are, superficially at least, universal and even Utopian.

The case of Germany suggests that intellectual progress does not dovetail with moral development. But at least the defeat of Nazism has consigned Far Right ideology in Germany and the rest of Europe to the political periphery since World War II.

The Cold War ended when Mikhail Gorbachev unilaterally stopped projecting Soviet power and the populations of its empire rose up to gain independence. But the descent into anarchy of some of these territories has engendered a conviction, in Russia, that aspects of the ruthless means employed by Stalin are always required for stability and prosperity. The conduct of the West, both in its approach to Russia and a wider flouting of international law, has not helped matters.

Nothing approximating the scale of statesponsored terror is being unleashed in Russia today but there is nonetheless evidence of an attitude to human rights that departs from values ascendant in most of the rest of Europe. A case can be made for Stalinism being more terrifying than Hitler’s Nazism, precisely because the former emerged as victor in the apocalyptic struggle between the two monsters. It was a victory of a system that embraced industrial development and rationality, over one that advocated a primitive way of life for a chosen people fusing cultish spirituality with vicious juvenile biology.

There were of course unforgivable excesses on the Allied side too, in particular the firebombing of Dresden and the unnecessary use of the Atomic bomb against Japan which was on the brink of surrender, as laid out by Gar Alperowitz in his book, ‘The Decision to Use the Atomic Bomb’ (1995).

Man of steel
Man of steel

The political elites of America and Britain have not confronted their wicked pasts – America still refuses to apologise for Hiroshima and Nagasaki, though Obama had an exquisite opportunity to on his recent visit – and their foreign policies in recent decades are connected to an historical amnesia that foreshadowed the decision to invade Iraq in 2003, a decision which Noam Chomsky recently described as “the crime of the century”. Instructively, George W Bush installed a bust of Winston Churchill inside his White House office as he embarked on his ‘crusade’ against terror, reaching back to history for vindication. Churchill himself had ordered the use of poison gas against Iraqis in the 1920s.

Of course the schemes of Hitler and his Nazi party were more diabolically hair-brained than his opponents’. Leading Nazis sought ‘Lebensraum’ in order to restore the Germanic people to the soil in what was a rejection of urban modernity. In Hitler’s ‘Mein Kampf’ George Orwell found: “a horrible brainless Empire in which, essentially, nothing ever happens except the training of young men for war and the endless breeding of fresh cannon-fodder”.

The notion of Hitler’s primary lieutenant and SS leader Heinrich Himmler – that Aryans were not evolved from monkeys or apes like other races, but had come down to earth from the heavens, where they had been preserved in ice from the beginning of time – was dangerously eccentric. He also established a meteorology division which was given the task of proving this cosmic ice theory.

The Nazis came very close to winning the war. Britain could easily have been brought to heel if Churchill had not stood firm against a vacillating Tory party. Hitler’s decision not to complete his victory – after the defeat of the British Expeditionary Force in France in May 1940 – before turning his attention to the Eastern Front was an enormous blunder, as was declaring war on the isolationist United States after the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbour in December 1941.

If Hitler had been victorious, the plight of all of Europeans would have been insufferable for a time at least. The Holocaust may have been completed and many more enslaved. But surely contradictions would have begun to emerge among the Nazis especially as Hitler had allowed competing agencies including the SS, the army and the Party to develop. Blind loyalty to the Fuehrer might have dissipated as the spoils were devoured.

The triumph of a profoundly irrational ideology might have brought chaos in the absence of wartime exigencies especially if a policy of compulsory re-ruralisation was rolled out. Hitler certainly harnessed Germany’s industrial might, especially through Alfred Speer’s planning agency, but only when defeat began to loom. With victory, theories about ‘cosmic ice’ might have become ascendant and the Nazis empire might be expected to have been beset by slave revolts. The dormant humanity of the German people might have awoken. A more dynamic society and economy such as the United States’ would surely have surpassed the Nazi Empire and there was no sign that Germany was close to developing Atomic technology, which required the employment of over a million men at enormous expense in the United States.

We know that Stalin and his not much less unsavoury predecessor Lenin (not to mention Trotsky who was characteristically ruthless) also liquidated vast numbers to advance their cause, more than the Nazis even. One estimate (RJ Rummel) is that in the seventy years after 1917, the Soviet regime killed 61,911,000 people.

State terror was foremost from the start. In August 1918 Lenin issued the following order:

“1. Hang (and I mean hang so that the people can see) not less than 100 known kulaks, rich men, bloodsuckers.

2. Publish their names.

3. Take all their grain away from them.

4. Identify hostages as we described in our telegram yesterday. Do this so that for hundreds of miles around the people can see, tremble, know and cry: they are killing and will go on killing the bloodsucking kulaks. Cable that you have received this and carried out your instructions.

Yours, Lenin

P.S. Find tougher people”.

This was not simply a reaction to the life-anddeath struggle of the Russian Civil War, but policy. As far back as 1908 Lenin wrote that the Paris Commune had failed because of the “excessive generosity” of the proletariat who “should have exterminated its enemies” instead of trying to exert moral influence on them.

Yet if we compare France and Russia only the former absorbed socialist ideas into its shared set of national values. Over the long term an ideology is accepted not by physical force (as George W Bush should have realised in Iraq) but by persuasion. As soon as the constraints of the Communist regime in Russia were lifted the society became ultracapitalist. In the end the ideas of the Communards endured much longer in France than the Bolsheviks’ in Russia.

A revolution may not succeed but it is often how participants (or victors) conduct themselves that defines the acceptance of their ideas. In the case of Germany after World War II the occupiers were able to draw on a long history of liberal democracy that the Nazis did not succeed in wiping out – lessons from the mistakes of Versailles after World War I.

The Communist ideology as implemented by Lenin and Stalin was based on perfection of man by the revolutionary triumph of the proletariat. Lives, millions if necessary, could be sacrificed for the sake of final victory.

In his book ‘The Economics of the Transition Period’ (1920), Nikolai Bukharin used the phrase: “the manufacturing of Communist man out of the human material of the capitalist age”. In his copy, Lenin underlined that phrase and wrote “exactly” in the margin. There was no choice in the matter, no respect for individuality, just blind adherence to the ideal with the great leader, soon to be Stalin, at the helm.

For many intelligent young Europeans of the period Communist conviction was akin to religious devotion. Eric Hobsbawm in his autobiography wrote: “For young revolutionaries of my generation mass demonstrations were the equivalent of papal masses for devout Catholics”. This devotion allowed Stalin to build his power.

Individual Communists were even willing to sacrifice their own lives for the cause, in particular Bukharin – who agreed to the necessity of his own death in a show trial, a psychological drama brilliantly conveyed in Arthur Koestler’s novel ‘Darkness at Noon’.

It was the conviction of Communists, no less than of Nazis, that allowed many of them to carry out some of the worst crimes of the twentieth century. As the dissident writer Aleksander Solzhenitsyn put it: “Shakespeare’s villains stopped short at ten or so cadavers. Because they had no ideology”.

There also emerged a cult of the leader, captured vividly by Solzhenitsyn again. He describes how at a Party conference in one Moscow province a tribute to Stalin was called for. The audience stood up and began to applaud but nobody wanted to be seen to be the first to stop. After eleven minutes the director of a paper factory had had enough and sat down, allowing the remainder of the audience to desist. Not long afterwards, he was arrested and given a ten-year prison sentence.

Stalin hardened a society in a way vividly described by Nadezha Mandelstam who was herself in perpetual fear of arrest: “For our generation, kindness was an old-fashioned quality, and its exponents were as extinct as the mammoth. Everything we have seen in our time – the dispossession of the kulaks, class warfare, the constant ‘unmasking’ of people the search for an ulterior motive behind every action – all this has taught you to be everything you like except kind”.

village-june-lores (2)

Empathy became a failing, as a base and a sullen survival instinct took hold.

This survival instinct is also evident in Mikhail Bulgakov’s dark satire on Stalinism ‘The Master and Margarita’. The poet Ivan Nikolayevich and his friend Berlioz encounter the devil Woland in a Moscow park where the latter predicts that Berlioz will lose his head in a matter of minutes. True to his word, Berlioz is decapitated after slipping under a tram. The encounter drives Ivan mad as he attempts to track down and bring Woland to justice. Eventually he winds up in a mental institution.

But at last he comes to terms with Berlioz’s loss: “I wonder why I go so excited about Berlioz falling under a tram?”, he poet reasoned, “After all he’s dead and we all die some time. It’s not as if I were a relation or a really close friend either, when you think about it I didn’t even know the man very well.”. Only by hardening himself to Berlioz’s plight can Ivan avoid insanity, the same could probably be said for many Russians who under Stalin had become as tough as Lenin had wished.

The revolutionary murderousness of the early Communist period gave way to slow-drip cruelty during the post-War years especially after the death of Stalin in 1953 and Nikita Khrushchev’s denouncement some years later. But victory in the Second World ensured that Stalinism spread beyond the Soviet Union into Eastern and Central Europe, and the recent indifference of much of the population there to the plight of refugees might be attributed in part to the absence of kindness that Mandelstam observed.

Under Vladimir Putin in Russia today the reputation of Stalin is enjoying a measured rehabilitation. The grandson of Stalin’s cook and former KGB operative opines that ruthless methods were crucial to Soviet victory and argues that Stalin never attempted to kill entire ethnic groups. This of course is quite groundless not least considering the Holodmor or terror-famine that may have killed as many as the Holocaust was carried out to suppress Ukrainian nationalism.

The narrative is not monolithic. Prime Minister Dmitri Medvedev has been outspoken in his criticism of Stalin, but Putin’s line has become official policy reflected in school history textbooks where scant attention is devoted to the one and a half million Chechens forcibly removed to Central Asia by Stalin in 1941. In 2007 the Putin government directed an initiative to restructure the national curriculum, teaching schoolchildren that Stalin’s actions were “entirely rational”.

In 2009 a Moscow subway station was refurbished with large inscriptions reading “Stalin reared us on loyalty to the people. He inspired us to labour and heroism”, a direction quotation from the pre-1977 Soviet anthem. Meanwhile this year a statue was unveiled in Yalta, formerly in Ukrainian Crimea, of Stalin alongside Roosevelt and Churchill.

Putin has said that “we can criticise the commanders and Stalin all we like, but can we say with certainty that a different approach would have enabled us to win the war?”. The sacrifices of present-day Russia are situated within a deeper historical narrative. Democracy, a free press and human rights are subservient to the reassertion of order and Russia’s territorial claims and ‘sphere of influence’.

According to Reporters Without Borders, between 2012 and 2014 Russia was placed 148th on a list which ranks countries’ performances in the areas of media pluralism and independence, respect for journalists’ safety and freedom, and media-related legislation, among other criteria. Putin is now de facto dictator of Russia and a free press will not be allowed to interfere with that. Defenders of Putin point to the chaos in Russia under Yeltsin but how will Russia ever become a democratic and tolerant society if this Hobbesian narrative is endlessly trotted out?

Thankfully Putin’s Russia is not resurrecting a murderous ideology, and it is also important to point out that Putin’s reassertion of Russia’s Great Power status has been to some extent a reaction to the eastward expansion of NATO. But failure to respect the sovereignty of Ukraine’s borders, directly in Crimea and indirectly in Donbass, is inexcusable as has been the steadfast support for Bashar Al-Assad in Syria.

We confront an international order where international law is increasingly an instrument of foreign policy rather than a set of collective human values. The US President, a constitutional lawyer, sends drones on weekly missions to commit extra-judicial murder. Guantanamo Bay remains an affront to US values.

All of the victors of the Second World War exhibit a self-righteousness that permits excesses. The invasion of Iraq was the twentyfirst equivalent of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. But in Russia the stain of Stalinism runs deeper as people endured far more than simply the Propaganda model identified by Chomsky as “manufacturing consent”, but had their very humanity ‘manufactured’ as Lenin underlined and Stalin carried out.

All countries must expose the limitations of their ‘great men’, even Gandhi needs to be subjected to greater scrutiny in India. Where a country has had a particularly unfortunate experience with one, as Russia certainly has, this process is all the more necessary and salutary. Germany which has emerged as an unsteady ‘conscience of Europe’ is the paradigm.

Unfortunately, it would appear that Putin’s regime in Russia is doing little to encourage this process, in fact the opposite appears to be occurring, with abuses of human rights domestically and reckless foreign adventures justified by Stalinist pragmatism.

The development of atomic weapons during the Second World War made warfare between Great Powers unthinkable but not impossible. That should be remembered. Since Mutually Assured Destruction became possible it became vital to establish shared values for humanity that will foster kindness among people and nations. Instead of esteeming toughness like Lenin we should prize sensitivity. The world needs more political leaders like Gorbachev whose show of weakness revealed an optimistic belief in human nature.
