By David Burke.

Law-enforcement agencies on both sides of the Atlantic have been – and continue to be – adverse to making inquiries into VIP child sex-abuse. This has been the position for decades.
Donald Trump’s mentor, Roy Cohn, was a paedophile who abused boys on both sides of the Atlantic, including one from Kincora Boys’ Home, Richard Kerr, whom he selected in Belfast and had taken to him in Venice for sexual abuse.

- The mere fact of the trip to Venice demolishes the findings of a series of official inquiries into the Kincora scandal. The cover-up continue to this day.

Richard Kerr had been prepared to supply all of the information in this article – including the photographs and financial records – to the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse (IICSA) in London but it was not interested.
There is a common thread between the Kerr case, Cohn’s activities and, in more recent times, those of Prince Andrew, Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell: a disturbing refusal by British and American authorities to investigate their cases properly.
Cohn may have been part of a sexual blackmail network with Mafia and intelligence links which was later managed by Epstein and Maxwell.

Cohn was so corrupt that he was eventually disbarred from practice as a lawyer after which Trump dumped him. He died from AIDS in 1986. Trump then let Epstein and Maxwell into his life.
In the US, the FBI has covered-up for an ‘intelligence’ agency for whom Epstein and Maxwell ran ‘honey traps’. Their victims should brace themselves for another round of betrayal by the FBI which has acted deplorably thus far. Ghislaine Maxwell may be thrown to the wolves but the intelligence agencies involved in the scandal will escape justice.

In August 2019 the Metropolitian Police in London anounced that it was not going to investigate Prince Andrew for having had sex with a minor. A spokesperson for the Met announced that it had investigated allegations he had “had sex with Virginia Roberts Giuffre aged 17 in Ghislaine Maxwell’s bathroom” in London and confirmed that while they had received “an allegation of non-recent trafficking for sexual exploitation” that “no further action is being taken”.
It is doubtful Met officers even spoke to Prince Andrew or Ghislaine Maxwell. As far as they are concerned, the matter is “closed”.

Meanwhile, the mainstream media continues to ignore the fact that the notorious paedophile and friend of the Royal Family, Lord Greville Janner, introduced a teenage male prostitute to Prince Andrew.

Roy Cohn was a cheating, corrupt, tax-dodging, cocaine-snorting New York lawyer linked to the Mafia who persecuted homosexuals. He acted for Donald Trump and was the driving force behind Trump’s book, ‘The Art of the Deal’ which was published in 1987 shortly after Cohn died. With the election of Trump as US President, Cohn’s primary historical significance is that he imbued the younger Trump with his ruthless, amoral and deceitful approach to life.
Cohn was a paedophile with connections to the Anglo-Irish Vice Ring in London. The link to it may have come through a Texan living in London called Fred Ferguson who was also a paedophile or Dr Morris Fraser, a Northern Ireland psychiatrist who was a key figure in the network. In any event, in 1977 he and Ferguson were able to gain access to a boy from Northern Ireland through the network.
The boy was part of a group of 14-year-old boys who had been residents of Williamson House in Belfast until they were transferred to Kincora Boys’ Home in 1975. Up to this point, Kincora had mainly catered for 16-18-year-olds. Some, if not all, of the Williamson boys had been subjected to horrific abuse, violence and intimidation by one of the staff at the home, Eric Witchell and his associates from outside of it, so much so they had become fearful and compliant child-sex puppets.

Witchell now lives in London. The Independent Inquiry into Child Sex Abuse (IICSA) in London has shown no interest in making any form of contact with him despite his key role in the Anglo-Irish vice ring, a paedophile network that – as this story will demonstrate – overlapped with abuse rings in the US.
Village magazine has published an 80,000-word online book entitled ‘The Anglo-Irish Vice Ring’ which outlines the history of the Irish branch of this egregious paedophile underworld as well as its connections to, and exploitation by, MI6 (attached to Britain’s Foreign and Commonwealth Office) and MI5 (attached to Britain’s Home Office).
The abuse of the children at Williamson House, Kincora and elsewhere in Northern Ireland, was carried out with the knowledge and connivance of both MI5 and MI6. At the time of the transfer of the boys from Williamson House to Kincora, MI5 was the dominant UK intelligence service operating in Northern Ireland. It was commanded by Director-General Sir Michael Hanley. His key officer on the ground in Northern Ireland was Ian Cameron who was mooted in the media as a contender for the position of Director-General of MI5 in the late 1980s.
Cameron might well have ascended to the post but for the Kincora scandal which erupted in 1980, and a fear that MPs such as the redoubtable Ken Livingstone might have raised the issue in the House of Commons. It is deeply disturbing that Livingstone was booed and jeered by Tory MPs when he raised this type of matter in the Commons.
One of the boys transferred to Kincora will be familiar to Village readers, Richard Kerr. He was transferred in August 1975. The other boys were:
− ‘F’, who is still alive;
− ‘B’, who later shot himself;
− ‘S’;
− Steven Waring, who had not been in Williamson House, joined a few months later. He committed suicide in November 1977. He had been abused by Lord Louis Mountbatten the previous August; (See the online book for further details.)

− Another young boy, ‘D’, would be consigned to the hell of this existence the following year. He is still alive.
The boy abused by Cohn, Richard Kerr, was the first of the children from Williamson House to arrive at Kincora. On the surface, there was no logical reason for the transfer of the new residents. Cameron and MI5, however, were the beneficiaries of the new arrangement because it allowed them to replenish their ongoing ‘honey trap’ blackmail operations in Belfast, Bangor and elsewhere with a fresh batch of younger teenagers who were broken, terrified and sexually compliant. In addition, MI5 was in complete control of Kincora, a detached house at a crossroads with a side entrance. The building was also smaller and more manageable than Williamson House which consisted of two structures. It was located conveniently close to a number of venues which were frequented by loyalist terrorist groups, at least one of which, The Park Avenue Hotel, had an MI5/6 operations room to record what was taking place in the bedrooms.
One very senior DUP figure was caught on tape in one of the rooms. He is still alive and an influence on the party. More important than any of this, Kincora was controlled by three men, all of whom were paedophiles: Joe Mains, William McGrath and Raymond Semple. In comparison, Witchell is the only paedophile who we can say with certainty was employed at Williamson House at that point in time. The rest of the staff in the early 1970s were not involved in child sex-abuse and many are remembered fondly by former residents. Witchell did, however, let other paedophiles into the home to abuse the vulnerable children in his care.
After the transfer of this helpless group of boys to Kincora in 1975, MI5 was in a position to move them about at will.
Sickeningly, intelligence figures at the Northern Ireland Office such as Peter England and John Imrie were able to exploit the boys as a nasty perk of their job.

Members of this victim group were trafficked to England and Scotland by Mains on the orders of Joss Cardwell, an influential Loyalist politician and friend of senior MPs at Westminster such as the leader of the Official Unionist Party, James Molyneaux MP. (See Village February 2018:
One of those who had access to boys from Kincora in London was a high-profile MP and a friend of Molyneaux. Another abuser was a famous actor in light entertainment who is still very much to the fore of his profession. Not only are both of these men alive, one of them has a long history of involvement in children’s charities. The IICSA has been curiously apathetic about them. Even at this late stage, Richard Kerr – who was abused by both – is prepared to tell them what he knowns.

In 1977 Richard Kerr was driven by Joe Mains, the Warden of Kincora, and Raymond Semple, a member of the staff at Kincora, to the Whip and Saddle bar at the Europa Hotel in Belfast.. Kerr was familiar with the Europa where he had been abused since he was 14 years of age. One of his abusers at the hotel was Enoch Powell MP.

On this particular occasion Kerr was introduced to some Americans in the bar. One of them did not give his correct name but was in fact Roy Cohn, perhaps the most famous US lawyer of the second half of the twentieth century and the mentor of the youthful tyro Donald Trump.
He was there with two other Americans, Fred Ferguson and Daniel S.
Daniel S’ father owned a company in Wichita Falls, Texas, which supplied parts to the oil industry.
The encounter at the Europa has all the appearances of a sleazy appraisal by Cohn and Ferguson to see if the young Irish teenager whetted their sexual appetites. He was 15 or perhaps had just turned 16 having been born in May 1961. According to Kerr, “nothing happened with [Cohn] at the Europa hotel”.
The plan for Cohn and Ferguson at this time was to visit Venice two weeks later and they sought a compliant teenage boy for sex. Kerr clearly passed the test and arrangements were made for him to join them and Daniel S. on their trip.

Two weeks later Mains ordered Kerr to take a ferry to Liverpool – presumably on the ‘Ulster Monarch’ – where Ferguson and Daniel S were waiting for him. They took a train to London. Ferguson left Kerr with Daniel S who took him to the Bonaparte restaurant at the Napoleon Club, on Lanchashire Place in London. Kerr was kept in London overnight or perhaps two nights at a guesthouse.
The traffickers were now joined by two vice-ring enforcers: Mike Anderson, from Manchester and Stephen Jackson.

Ferguson re-joined the group which ultimately consisted of Kerr, Ferguson, Daniel S, Anderson and Jackson. They headed to the coast by train, presumably to Dover from where it crossed the Channel by ship. After that, “I was put on another train and [we] went through Europe then I ended up in Venice”.
Despite the fact the trafficking of Kerr across Britain and Europe and back again involved four adult males, Judge Hart denied the existence of a vice ring of any sort in his execrable 2017 report on Kincora.
Cohn was waiting for Kerr in Venice at the world-renowned Gritti Palace Hotel, at a glass table. Richard Kerr was struck by the marble floor and majestic pillars close to the ballroom. Cohn “didn’t talk too much [and] just took me up to the room and we had an encounter”. He learned his correct name later. “I believe that I was there three or four days”.
Ferguson also abused Kerr in Venice.

Kerr was not taken to see any of the sights of the city by the Americans. They had only one purpose in mind for him: sexual abuse.
The two British enforcers were present to make sure he did not cause any trouble i.e. he did not run away, talk to strangers or go to the police.

Presumably, the two British enforcers were also brought along to coerce Kerr with physical violence if he refused to submit to Cohn and Ferguson’s sexual demands. However, Kerr had become conditioned to sexual abuse over the previous seven years. He had first been raped in the night while he clutched a child’s toy in his bed in Williamson House.

There were other reasons why Kerr was compliant. At around the time of the trip to Venice, he had been subjected to what amounted to a death threat by Joe Mains. The nature of that threat is so gruesome that Kerr is still unable to open up fully about it in public. The threat related to an indication that Mains knew about the murder of a boy in Belfast who had fallen into the clutches of the vice ring in that city. The underlying menace needs no elaboration.
Kerr was also abused by a string of terrifying and violent men. Foremost among them was John McKeague, the notorious UVF/Red Hand Commando terrorist and serial killer. McKeague was a friend of Mains and a sadistic sexual abuser. Details about him can be found at chapter 8 of the ‘Anglo-Irish Vice Ring’ online book. Please see:
Kerr had also been bullied by older boys at Kincora.
In the event violence was not necessary to force him submit to the demands of Cohn and Ferguson and he was subjected to days of incessant rape whenever the whim took the Americans.

The sex was clearly satisfactory for both men. At the end of the visit, Cohn said to him, “I’d be open to seeing you again”.
Ferguson would become a significant figure in Richard Kerr’s life after he left Northern Ireland and went to live in London for a few years before relocating again to Texas.

During the trip to Venice, Kerr was taken through Switzerland where the travelling party stopped over for approximately four hours. It appears the break occurred at Geneva although that is not certain. A photograph taken during the stop in Switzerland is reproduced below. Richard is crouched on the banks of a lake, perhaps part of Lake Geneva.
Unfortunately, the destination names on the sign on the lamp are not legible, at least not in this copy of the photograph. It is possible a reader of this will recognise the location.
Update: a reader called Richard Maurer has kindly identified this picture of Richard as one taken at Thun on the Aarequai, Switzerland, with the former hotel Beau Rivage to the left of the lamp post. The large building on the right of the picture was the Thunerhof which is now the site of the city administration offices and the Art Museum.

A string of failed official reports into the Kincora scandal can now be discounted, namely {i} Terry Inquiry (failed due to deceit); {ii} Hughes Inquiry (the terms of reference were secretly neutered by Thatcher’s NI Secretary James Prior); {iii} the Hart Inquiry/HIA (led by a biased and gullible judge who was out of his depth and lacked attention to detail); and now {iv} the sterile Jay/IICSA farce (ongoing but with an inexplicable lack of interest in examining evidence relevant to its terms of reference.) None of these futile probes talked to Richard Kerr or other key witnesses.
If you were to read the error-strewn Hart Report, you would be led to believe that Kerr was in Kincora throughout 1975-1977 and never set foot in Britain, let alone Venice. In this regard the reader is directed to the photograph of Kerr in front of Westminster, London which was also taken while he was meant to have been in care across the Irish Sea in Belfast.

The Westminster picture was broadcast on television before Hart produced his report. He simply ignored it as it did not suit his agenda, i.e. that the only abuse suffered by Kincora boys was that perpetrated at the home by the three staff members.

The black and white photograph above was also taken in London by one of Kerr’s abusers, a political figure still well known to the public in Britain.

Clarence Fred Ferguson is the man in the photographs above and below. The one below was taken in Venice during Richard Kerr’s 1977 trip to the city.

He was born in March 1926 so was 51 at the time of the trip to Venice. He went to Breckenridge High School in Texas and later served in the US Army. He obtained a qualification as a chemical engineer from Texas Tech University. In 1952 he went to work for Marathon Oil Company and relocated to Houston, Michigan, Ohio and Alaska. After the became Marathon’s UK Engineering Manager he resided in London.
Again, perhaps some readers will know more about his private life especially his friendship with Cohn and his relationship with figures in the Conservative and Labour parties during his time in the UK in the 1970s to 1990s including whether he made donations to them on behalf of Marathon Oil.

This is another photograph from the trip taken from roughly the same angle at which the photo of Ferguson was taken.

In the 1980s Ferguson set Kerr up in a flat in London at 44 Baker Street. For the avoidance of confusion, this was after Kerr had left Kincora and was living in London.
Kerr also met Cohn again in London. On one occasion he was impressed by a jacket Cohn was wearing. Cohn purchased him a cashmere version of it as a gift from an Austin Reid outlet near the Piccadilly Hotel in London. Kerr has identified the jacket Cohn wore – or one just like it – from a photograph of Cohn which is available on the internet.
By this stage in his life Richard had come to see his abusers as ‘sharks’ and ‘dolphins’. He had abandoned any hope of a normal life and now resolved that, having been thrown into the water, he was going to swim with the ‘dolphins’ rather than the sharks. It is a sad indictment on the world in which he existed that he viewed Ferguson in a benevolent light, a ‘dolphin’.

Ferguson retired in 1986 and returned to Texas. Richard followed him having decided Dallas looked like an attractve place to live from the TV soap opera ‘Dallas’, especially the scenes where the Ewings raised horses. Cohn helped make the arrangements for his relocation. Cohn advised Ferguson to secure the help of the law office of Richard S. Goldstein, a New York immigration specialist. Goldstein and his associates were professionals who had no connection to any of the wrongdoing described in this article and were merely providing an expert service in a perfectly proper manner.
Kerr was flown from London to New York City for two weeks to take care of the necessary paperwork.
A member of Margaret Thatcher’s cabinet, Leon Brittan, was directly involved in helping Kerr obtain documentation to go to the US.
After New York, Kerr returned to London where he was instructed to meet someone at the back of the American Embassy. He then received his immigration papers at the US embassy in London.
Kerr went to live in Dallas. Ferguson and Daniel S became fixtures in Richard’s life. Richard was with Daniel S when he died at the Royal Hospital in Dallas. He never married.

Roy Cohn, who died from AIDS in 1986, was a figure of enormous notoriety during his life. His story had become of great interest to the public again due to a number of developments: {i} the election of Donald Trump as President of the US in 2016, {ii} a recent Netflix Original documentary, ‘Where’s My Roy Cohn?’, {iii} the documentary; ‘Bully. Coward. Victim’, and {iv} perhaps most sinister of all, his links to the Jeffrey Epstein-Ghislaine Maxwell scandal.

Cohn was a ruthless and amoral lawyer. He graduated from Law School at the age of 20. He was involved in the prosecution of the nuclear spies, Ethel and Julian Rosenberg. After they were convicted, he requested the Court to hand down a death sentence. They were both electrocuted. One of his ploys had been to prosecute Ethel Rosenberg although he knew she was innocent of espionage. He gambled that he could use her life as a bargaining chip to get her husband to spill the beans on others who were involved in his actions. Cohn knew full well that Ethel Rosenberg was not a Russian spy.

In other words, a perfectly innocent woman was electrocuted due to his machinations. It has since emerged that Cohn also deployed forged documents, perjury and other perversions of justice to secure her false conviction.
Cohn also worked with J. Edgar Hoover at the FBI and was recommended by him to join Senator Joseph McCarthy’s Senate subcommittee where he participated in aggressive witch hunts of left-wing activists and homosexuals. Indeed, throughout his life, Cohn opposed all civil rights reforms in the area of homosexuality.

After his stint with McCarthy ended in ridicule over his behaviour when his boyfriend was conscripted into the US Army, Cohn established a lucrative private legal career in his hometown of New York. There, he acted for Donald Trump. Cohn is on record as having described Trump as “a genius”. At one point, he wanted him to become America’s lead nuclear-arms negotiator with the Soviet Union. Many of his aggressive tactics can be discerned in Trump’s presidential modus operandi. Cohn was also a supporter of Republican leaders such as the future president Ronald Reagan.
Cohn was the lawyer of choice for the Mafia and drug cartels operating in North America. His links to the Mafia enabled Donald Trump to construct Trump Tower out of poured concrete as opposed to building a metal-based structure. Many of Trump’s competitors did not use poured concrete because the industry was controlled by the organised crime. Yet, in this instance, Cohn’s links to the gangsters enabled Trump to conclude an affordable deal with them.

Cohn denied during television interviews that he was suffering from AIDS and continued to enjoy the company of his lovers.
The two documentaries mentioned earlier are well worth watching to glean an understanding of the man. In the sequence about his sexual habits in ‘Where’s My Roy Cohen’, it is revealed that there “were rumours that he was picking up male prostitutes all around [New York] city”.

The documentary was released in 2019. Richard Kerr told Village about his experience with Cohn long before this documentary aired.

There is a strong possibility that Cohn was put in contact with Joe Mains, the Warden of Kincora, or at least told about the children available at the home, by Dr Morris Fraser, a member of a number of paedophile rings including at least one in New York. In addition, Cohn may have known about the existence of the abuse network in Northern Ireland though his connections to the intelligence services (discussed in section 11 of this article). A third possibility is that his friend Fred Ferguson heard about the boys available in Belfast from a member of the Anglo-Irish vice ring in London and organised the trip to Belfast.

In the 1970s Fraser enjoyed a high profile as a highly respected child psychiatrist in Belfast. He published a book analysing the effect of the Troubles on children, ‘Children in Conflict’. Under the radar, he abused boys in Ireland, the UK and the US.
Fraser was part of an incredibly powerful paedophile network that had many of the children in care in Northern Ireland in the grip of its hand. Cllr. Joss Cardwell, a one-time Stormont MP, was chairman of Belfast’s Welfare Department which ran all the homes in the city and was in a position to place paedophiles into them. No doubt he had counterparts across the North. Cardwell committed suicide after he was interviewed by the police about child abuse.

At a loftier political level, James Molyneaux MP (the Leader of the dominant Official Unionist Party), Enoch Powell MP (one time contender for leadership of the Tory Party), and a string of other MPs at Westminster were involved. One of the Tory MPs had been a serious contender for the leadership of the Conservative Party as Ted Heath’s star waned. This man held a mesmeric intellectual sway over Margaret Thatcher and served in her cabinet in a department which dealt extensively with children.
The Irish branch of the child vice network could also rely on the Northern Ireland Office (NIO) to intervene if a threat emerged. The officials at the NIO – on the security side – were MI5 and MI6 officers who had control over the Royal Ulster Constabulary and enjoyed multiple links to Loyalist terror groups. These terrorists were engaged in the collusive murder of Republicans with the British Army and MI5. In other words, if it ever became necessary to have someone threatened or even murdered, the apparatus was in place at the NIO to achieve this. One of their agents was John McKeague, a terrorist who had plenty of blood on his hands. Ironically, he was murdered by MI5 agents inside the INLA, a Republican paramilitary organisation, after he threatened to spill the beans about what he knew about the vice ring.
Fraser’s role in protecting the vice ring was more subtle. When children who were being abused made complaints or began to behave in a troubled manner, they were sent to him. Instead of identifying that they were being abused, he would conceal what was going on. Fraser was the wrong man in the wrong place at the wrong time. Had the Terry, Hughes or Hart inquiries conducted their investigations properly, we might know how many of the victims of child abuse who visited Fraser were denied the appropriate intervention, and, worse again, how many went on to commit suicide.

Fraser even abused the children who attended him as patients. When Richard Kerr was about 10 in 1971 and a resident at Williamson House, he was taken to Fraser’s clinic at the Royal Victoria Hospital along with his sister. On a second visit, he was alone. “He asked me to stand up and take my shorts down. For some reason, within a minute, he had some sort of Polaroid camera. He started taking shots. He said not to worry – he’s a doctor. But I felt embarrassed”.
Fraser’s mistake was to abuse children outside of the North. Perhaps the NIO-MI5/6-RUC safety net in Belfast gave him a false confidence. He was arrested for child abuse in London in May 1972. However, his sentence was light: a three-year conditional discharge which let him resume his career uninterrupted.
He was arrested again in New York in May 1973 as part of an eight-man child abuse ring. He pleaded guilty to the abuse of three boys in February 1974 in Suffolk County, New York. Again, he was conditionally discharged and deported. Again, the high contracting parties from MI5 and their associates appear to have stepped in to save him. Fraser should have been, but was not, brought back before a UK court, having broken the terms of his May 1972 three-year conditional discharge.
Fraser now lives in Holland, or did so until recently. He may still have the photographs of the young Richard Kerr in his possession as part of a library of sick child pornograph a pervert like him drools over. His legacy will be that of a child molester who was part of a violent paedophile underworld that destroyed countless lives, some by suicide and the murder of 10-year -old Brian McDermott in 1973.

By 2016, Fraser’s profile was so high that even Judge Hart was unable to ignore his existence. Instead, Hart included what purported to be a commentary about Fraser in his risible 2017 report. It was based on various documentary sources and included a string of fundamental factual mistakes. Dr Niall Meehan of Griffith College has carried out a forensic dissection of Hart’s sloppy analysis of Fraser. He has pointed out that Hart, “ignored evidence that from 1971- 73 an accused and then convicted serial child-abuser named Dr Morris Fraser continued to work with vulnerable institutionalised children. The [Hart] Inquiry also refused to examine how and why police protected the internationally-known child psychiatrist from exposure and from professional censure, for a year after he was found guilty of abuse”.
Dr Meehan’s critique of Hart’s “error-strewn commentary” on Fraser can be read at:

Much of the truth about the Anglo-Irish Vice Ring – and its overlap with US paedophile networks – could have been established by Judge Hart if he had seen fit to talk to Fraser, Witchell, the ‘Sadist’ MP (see the online book for details) and the ‘Wife Beater’ (see online book). Regrettably, he neglected to do so. Instead, he used his report to vilify a string of whistle blowers and sex abuse victims.

Fraser and the others mentioned above are still alive. Professor Jay of the IICSA appears to have no interest in talking to them either. Overall, she appears to have little or no appreciation of the existence of a VIP Anglo-Irish Vice Ring, let alone its exploitation by the intelligence services of the UK despite a mountain of available evidence. All of the material in this article, most particularly the photographs and financial statements, could have been made available to her. Sadly, there is now no prospect she will develop any interest in it the extraordinarily relevant and crucial evidence which Richard Kerr could provide to her about a VIP abuse network which included Roy Cohn, Enoch Powell MP, Eric Witchell, a senior member of the DUP (the ‘Wife Beater’) other MPs including a member of Thatcher’s cabinet and the terrorist John McKeague. [For the avoidance of any suspicion: the Cabinet minister was not Leon Brittan. Kerr has never made an allegation of sexual misconduct against him rather that he assisted him obtain travel documentation when Cohn and Ferguson were relocating him to the US.]

Had Professor Jay engaged in the inquiry process in an appropriate manner, she would have been provided with financial statements showing the staggering level of funding which was put Kerr’s way by Ferguson, perhaps with contributions from other members of the vice ring after he went to Dallas. Ferguson also bought him a house and started transferring considerable sums of money into his bank account, perhaps with contributions from other memebers of the vice ring. The sums dispersed were truly jaw dropping. Unfortunately, Kerr and his friends gambled virtually all of it away. Still, the records of the transfers and deposits exist.
Ferguson continued to fund Kerr up to his death in Texas on 26 August, 1995. All of this is traceable.

Ferguson died a batchelor.
In summary, a boy in care was trafficked by a wealthy man who was undoubtedly well known to the most senior politicians and officials in London; a man who along with Cohn had trafficked the boy to Venice for sexual abuse; a man who later financed the boy’s life. Yet, none of this is of interest to Professor Jay whose remit is specifically to ascertain if there was a VIP child abuse ring with links to Westminster. Her apathy is staggering when viewed in light of the available evidence.
The material she has so far produced relating to VIP sex abuse and Westminster is lacking in insight, detail or serious analysis.
Outlined below are a sample of the financial statements that could have been furnished to her inquiry for analysis by forensic accounts:

Ferguson was a wealthy man who never married or had children. He was employed at a senior level by Marathon Oil for most of his adult working life and accrued a large amount of stock in it. The company is still in existence. Its revenue in 2019 was 5.063 billion dollars; 5.902 in 2018. Ferguson was clearly a wealthy man but just how wealthy? In Texas he gave Richard Kerr staggering sums in the region of $1,169,233 and $1,432,064 among other donations. Was he that rich or did others contribute? It is quite likely that Ferguson was joined by other wealthy figures who wanted to get Kerr out of the UK and were prepared to finance a new life for him. At the time panic was rising inside the British Establishment over Kincora, especially at MI5 and Buckingham Palace. The threat to the Palace was acute: journalists in Dublin were inquiring into Lord Mountbatten’s role in the affair with the whistleblower Robin Bryans and would eventually name Mountbatten in ‘Now’ magazine as a member of the Anglo-Irish rape gang. Richard Kerr, for one, certainly believes there was a group who financed his life in the US becasue of a fear he would talk in public about what he knew about Kincora and all of the various vice rings which overlapped with it.

Kerr was also lucky that he was not murdered. Although the serial killing Loyalist terrorist John McKeague was dead, there were others who could have carried out the task. MI5 would have had no compuction in murdering him: in 1989 while Patrick Walker was D-G of MI5, his subordinates murdered a perfectly respectable solicitor called Patrick Finucane. So why didn’t MI5 order the murder of Kerr? Perhaps by this time Kerr had encountered too many VIPs and an inquiry into his death would have resulted in too much unease among a group of MPs, cabinet ministers and other VIPs who knew him. It may also be the case that if Richard’s murder was mooted, Ferguson or someone else might have opposed the initative. (In so far as MI5’s murder capacity is concerned, please see:
Patrick Walker, who served as D-G of MI5, 1988-92, is still alive. Professor Jay of the IICSA could call him before her inquiry if she wants to get to the truth about these deplorable scandals. Walker knows both chapter and verse. Sadly, the chance of this happening is next to zero.
Looking back on his life now, Richard believes he was in effect held hostage by these men for deades of his life.
There is a lot more to the story of Fred Ferguson and certain other figures – victims and abusers – that cannot yet be told but may be one day.

Cohn once admitted that he would do anything to ensure his clients prevailed in their legal battles. “There isn’t anything I would not do because I believe there is only one answer in an adversarial profession like law and that is winning”.
The gangster Joseph Bonnano was one of Cohn’s clients. His son Bill told a US TV documentary in 1996 that Cohn had incriminating pictures of FBI boss Edgar J. Hoover in a dress which he used to blackmail him and prevent federal investigations of his clients. While the allegation about the photograph of Hoover in the dress has gained a wide traction, it sounds fanciful but there may be an element of truth to the story, namely that Hoover – who was almost certainly gay – may have been subjected to blackmail by the Mafia and Cohn, inter-alia, over his relationship with his boyfirend Clyde Tolson.

James Angleton, a towering figure at the CIA, was also reputed to have had blackmail material about Hoover.
What is absolutely certain is that Hoover failed to deploy the FBI against organised crime refusing to believe it existed. He may have been the only person in law enforcement at the time who held this view.
Eventually Cohn went too far and was disbarred from acting as an attorney as a result of fraud and theft from his clients.

He continued to deny his homosexuality. He was also dying of AIDS.
After all this his so-called friends including Trump deserted him.
Trump, however, let another child abuser with political and ‘intelligence’ connections into his life, Jeffrey Epstein.

Kerr’s revelations about Cohn, Fraser and others in the US as well as their links to Europe, chime darkly with the research about child-abuse networks undertaken by Whitney Webb. She asserts that Cohn acted as a sexual blackmailer as part of a Cold War network of intelligence services which acted in concert with elements of the mafia. Her insights would certainly help explain how Cohn evaded the attention of the police for his abuse of cocaine, minors and his exploitation of male prostitutes despite making countless influential enemies in New York, especially in politics and law enforcement.
Webb has unearthed evidence which she presents as that of a longstanding sexual blackmail network, set up by the Mafia and later involving Cohn alongside US and other intelligence services. In more recent times this group has connections to Jeffrey Epstein.

Webb’s theory certainly offer an explanation for the otherwise inexplicable ‘sweetheart deal’ Epstein was afforded despite multiple incidents of child rape in 2008. The prosecutor who agreed to it, Alex Acosta, has revealed that it was arranged because he was told by his superiors that Epstein “belongs to intelligence”. He was also told to “leave it alone” and that it “was above his pay grade”.
Despite being appointed to the position of Secretary of Labour in Trump’s 2017 administration, the Epstein scandal eventually cost Acosta his place in Trump’s cabinet.

Incredibly, this shocking revelation has been all but forgotten by the mainstream US media. Instead journalists should be digging to find out:
{i} when Acosta received a tap on his shoulder;
{ii} what exactly was he told;
{iii} by whom;
{iv} who else was involved in the chain of command which passed the order along to Acosta;
{vi} what was the nature of Epstein’s involvement with the world of ‘intelligence’;
{vi} which intelligence services were involved;
{vii} what did Epstein do for them;
{viii} if Epstein did not collect ‘compromat’ for his ‘intelligence’ connections for blackmail purposes, what service did he provide?

Epstein destroyed the lives of hundreds of young girls. One of the more depressing stories about him relates to a ‘gift’ he was sent from Paris by a fellow paedophile. According to Virginia Giuffre, Jean-Luc Brunel, a model scout, sent three 12 year-old impoverished French girls to Epstein for sex. The American enjoyed them on his birthday and sent them back to Brunel the next day.
Village has no first hand knowledge of the matters raised by Webb. Readers, however, can make up their own minds by visiting one of Webb’s articles on child abuse which can be found at
Another can be found at https://www.mintpressnews. com/shocking-origins-jeffreyepstein-blackmail-roy-cohn/260621/

The link between Cohn and the Kincora scandal shows that the paedophile network which existed in Northern Ireland did not merely overlap with the vice rings in Britain but extended across the Atlantic Ocean. Sadly, none of this is of any significance to the one person who should be most interested: Professor Alexis Jay and her futile IICSA inquiry in London.

The Epstein case – even if it has no historical connection to Roy Cohn – demonstrates that blackmail predicated upon child sex abuse is probably still a covert tool of the darker elements of the West’s intelligence services.
Epstein was not a spy who travelled to Russia or China. So, what else could the reference made by Alex Acosta to an ‘intelligence’ dimension to the deal he afforded Epstein refer but to child abuse to gather ‘compromat’?
There are multiple indications that Epstein may have made recordings of former President Bill Clinton, Prince Andrew and other VIPs. His New York mansion heaved with recording devices. Witnesses say they were installed in each and every room – even in the lavatories. Presumably, his weird island in the Caribbean and ranch in New Mexico, were also strewn with recording devices. Imagine the control Epstein’s superiors could have exerted over Hillary Clinton had she had won the US election instead of Trump.
Imagine the control they may have exercised over Bill Clinton during his eight years in the Oval Office.

Epstein does not appear to have had any incriminating information about Trump. At least this would appear to be so given that the latter did not step in to keep him out of the reach of the law. His failure to intervene may also be attributable to his loathing of the Clintons. In other words, on this occasion, a number of honest law enforcement officers are not being muzzled although they have tread upon VIP toes with powerful political-intelligence connections.
Meanwhile, what control do the master blackmailers now exert over the British Establishment via incriminating tapes of Prince Andrew with minors?

Readers may be interested in a story which the British mainstream media has studiously ignored – especially the BBC – about Prince Andrew and a bizarre episode in the life of Richard Kerr’s younger brother Alan, and the paedophile Lord Greville Janner. See:
For a more detailed look at the life of the boy who was introducted to Prince Andrew by Janner see the two links below:

If Webb is correct about an intelligence-mafia-mega corporation complex which has resorted to sexual blackmail, the implications for democracy are immense.
The illegal drugs industry generates hundreds of billions of euro every year. By some accounts in excess of 500 billion. In comparison, the budget for the European Union in 2017 was 157.9 billion.
The mainstream media rarely, if ever, investigate who sucks up these unimaginable oceans of drug money.
How is it possible for literally hundreds of billions of tax free euros/dollars to be absorbed by the mainstream global economy without the tax departments of the US, UK and other western nations noticing, not to mention their respective intelligence services.
How is it laundered?
Which banks manage it?
Where is the money invested?
Can anyone refer to a mainstream media organisation which has named any of the senior figures in control of the global drugs industry?
While it is not difficult to find information about the donation of tens of millions in ‘political donations’ from big business to politicians, the media has not sought to identify whether any of them are made by front companies controlled by the drug cartels.

Is it possible that the arch criminals who benefit from this industry have purchased stock in the six or seven media mega corporations who control – by some accounts – more than 90% of the media in the West?
While there are occasional successes against middle ranking drug lords, the overlords who generate hundreds of billions every year, decade after decade, are never bothered. In early July 2020 the British police conducted raids across the United Kingdom which netted £54 million of dirty cash including a single haul of £5 million. This operation was conducted in conjunction with European forces. The Metropolitan Commissioner Police Cressida Dick called the operation the most significant one of her career. 740 so-called ‘kingpins’ were implicated while two tonnes of drugs were confiscated. By comparison to the 500 billion or more generated every year, this was inconsequential.
If a mafia-intelligence-mega corporate nexus with operatives like Cohn and Epstein serving as cogs in a massive machine controlled by it has been eroding democracy and the freedom of the press by running bribery and blackmail operations – including sexual blackmail exercises – to compromise and control influential figures in the media for literally decades – it would certainly help explain the craven attitude of countless television broadcast companies, newspaper and magazine editors, leading journalists and TV broadcasters, and even publishing houses, who have thwarted worthwhile investigative journalism for decades, especially into drug empires, people trafficking and child abuse. The American media, for example, knew about the Epstein scandal for years but swept it under the carpet.
Amy Robach has let it slip that ABC knew all about Epstein but spiked the story.

No one is even bothering to ask who killed ABC’s Epstein story.
Who took the decision to spike it?
What do the memos show?
Who was consulted outside of the TV station/newsroom?
Who gave the ultimate order?
In March 2003 Vicky Ward of Vanity Fair wrote a story for the magazine which included details about Epstein’s abuse of two underage girls. The abuse had taken place in 1996. The section about the abuse was excised from her story. The excuse proffered was that the information came in too late and did not meet its exacting libel standards.

Instead of exposing Epstein, the Vanity Fair article lauded him. The piece by Vicky Ward which they butchered was entitled, ‘The Talented Mr. Epstein’. Yet, why was the story of the 1996 abuse not published in the next edition after the lawyers had had a chance to test the evidence? Instead this is what it published and let stay on the record for years:

It was Ward who discovered that Acosta had been told to go easy on Epstein in 2007 because of his ‘intelligence’ links. She wrote how:
Epstein’s name, I was told, had been raised by the Trump transition team when Alexander Acosta, the former U.S. attorney in Miami who’d infamously cut Epstein a non-prosecution plea deal back in 2007, was being interviewed for the job of labor secretary. The plea deal put a hard stop to a separate federal investigation of alleged sex crimes with minors and trafficking.
“Is the Epstein case going to cause a problem [for confirmation hearings]?” Acosta had been asked. Acosta had explained, breezily, apparently, that back in the day he’d had just one meeting on the Epstein case. He’d cut the non-prosecution deal with one of Epstein’s attorneys because he had “been told” to back off, that Epstein was above his pay grade. “I was told Epstein ‘belonged to intelligence’ and to leave it alone,” he told his interviewers in the Trump transition, who evidently thought that was a sufficient answer and went ahead and hired Acosta. (The Labor Department had no comment when asked about this.)

Could the arrest of Epstein’s malevolent child pimp, Ghislaine Maxwell, finally offer a glimmer of hope that the festering corruption at the heart of the American and British media has hit a bump on the road? Assuming Epstein was a blackmailer, the answer to that question must depend on who has the Epstein tapes, and/or copies of them, and what Bill Clinton, Prince Andrew and other powerful people were caught doing while the cameras whirred silently.

The odds are that Maxwell has concluded some sort of a deal with the FBI. She has had a year to negotiate with them.
Yet, if we are to believe the FBI, they only caught up with her in July of 2020.
Are we really expected to believe that it took the FBI a full year to track her down while she was under their noses in the US all along? During this time she was able to operate her bank accounts. $1 million of her fortune was furnished to another individual who purchased a house for her in New Hampshire. Bearing in mind that she was British and had traversed the world, it is strange that she decided to stay in America where she was wanted by the police. She had access to millions of dollars and US, UK, Israeli and French passports.
Reports now emerging allege that she was under surveillance in Colorado and Wyoming but managed to disappear before she was later detected in New Hampshire.

The victims of Jeffrey Epstein should brace themselves for disappointment and betrayal by the FBI. Its conduct during its investigation of Epstein in the mid-2000s was deplorable. In this respect the recent four-part Netflix series on Epstein is recommended viewing for its focus on the FBI and Alex Acosta’s machinations (despite the fact it completely ignored what Acosta said about the involvement of the ‘intelligence’ services in the scandal).
In any event, how can anyone trust an organisation which has a HQ named after the notoriously inept, corrupt racist J. Edgar Hoover, a friend of the Mafia?

The Maxwell affair is going to be a murky one. A little speculation should be forgiven at this point. Bearing the foregoing caveat in mind, and based on past behaviour, observers should watch out for signs that the following scenario is about to unfold:
{i} The FBI is lying and has concluded a deal with Maxwell;
{ii} The FBI will do what it did in 2008 and protect the high contracting ‘intelligence’ interests which Alex Acosta has described;
{iv} Maxwell will present herself in court as a victim of the late Epstein and claim that she broke from him a decade ago;
{v} She will testify against a limited number of celebrities who abused children at one of Epstein’s properties to satisfy the public – (Clinton if Trump is re-elected; someone else if Biden becomes President);
{vi} The witnesses against Maxwell who are allowed to testify – if she doesn’t plead guilty – will be savaged and vilified by her lawyers;
{vii} Maxwell will receive a medium sentence which she will serve in a comfortable prison and receive an early release for good behaviour;
{viii} She will not betray the ‘intelligence’ and mafia overlords involved in the scandal.

{ix} The mainstream corporate media in the UK and US will divert attention away from the ‘intelligence’ dimension to the scandal by portraying Epstein’s surveillance of his house guests as the acts of a perverted voyeur. Towards this end, footage of celebrities – possibly even Prince Andrew – will be disclosed but none of politicians with the exception of those already in the public domain such as Bill Clinton.
{x} The library of ‘compromat’ which she may have access to will be passed over to the high contracting ‘intelligence’ parties after her release.
Maxwell’s allies are telling the media that she will not turn her back on Prince Andrew. This is a polite way of saying that she has the goods on him but that if the British Government deploys its resources to help her, she will keep her mouth shut. In other words, she is blackmailing the Royal Family.
For his part, Prince Andrew is not commenting on her arrest. According to the leaks from his camp, he is agonising over whether to condemn her or not. He will be damned if he does and damned if he doesn’t.

Thus far, luck – or something more sinister – has been on his side. Last August the Metropolitian Police in London anounced that it was not going to investigate him for having had sex with a minor. A spokesperson for the Met announced that it had investigated allegations he had “had sex with Virginia Roberts Giuffre aged 17 in Ghislaine Maxwell’s bathroom” in London and confirmed that while they had received “an allegation of non-recent trafficking for sexual exploitation” that “no further action is being taken”.
As Channel 4 disclosed, ‘The Met Police has refused to answer detailed questions about the allegations and whether they ever spoke to Epstein, his friend Ghislaine Maxwell, Prince Andrew or anyone from the Royal Household. Channel 4 News asked the Metropolitan Police a series of questions about Virginia Roberts’account of what she says happened to her at Maxwell’s London residence in early 2001. The Met told Channel 4 News: “[We] can confirm that the Metropolitan Police Service [MPS] received an allegation of non-recent trafficking for sexual exploitation. The MPS reviewed the available evidence and the decision was made that this would not progress to a full investigation. As such, the matter was closed”.
Last August Channel 4 News discovered that the Met had “reviewed the available evidence” and decided that the matter “would not progress to a full investigation”. The Met’s purported inquiry had begun with a review of the “available evidence” in 2015 after receiving a complaint over claims in US court papers that a girl was “forced to have sex with Prince Andrew”.
A further complaint concerning the sexual trafficking of Roberts to the UK was received by the Met in 2015 from an unconnected third party
Independently, Roberts’ lawyers had contacted the Met in 2016.

At least one ruse looks like it will not be available to the ‘intelligence’ cover-up artisits on this occasion: the planting of false witnesses to produce wild allegations which can later be ‘exposed’ as ridiculous. The British public fell for a fraud called Carl Beech hook, line and sinker when he made sensational allegations about VIP child sex abuse, ultra violence and murder which – incredibly – were widely reported by the mainstrem media in the UK. Disturbingly, the British police gave Beech (then calling himself ‘Nick’) credence for a long time by taking his absurd allegations seriously and made him – not the real victims – the focus of mainstream media attention. It was a masterful piece of misdirection. When the moment was right, Beech was ‘exposed’ as a liar. Village had predicted that this would happen before it did, namely that Beech was a paid agent tasked with undermining genuine victims of VIP abuse such as Richard Kerr. Predictably, a greatly relieved – and gullible – British public lost interest in any sort of allegation of VIP paedophile abuse. It was if Beech and no one else had made allegations about VIP abuse and since he had been discredited, the entire issue could be forgotten.
Every single newspaper, magazine and television news department fell for the stunt.
Logically, this meant that Jimmy Saville could be cleared of wrongdoing becasuse he had been accused of abuse by Beech.
At one stage Beech attempted to befriend Richard Kerr but the Irishman concluded from a distance that he was a sinister fraud and kept well clear of him.
Some of the police involved in the astonishing farce were promoted rather than sacked for incompetence. Please see the chapter on Beech and the ‘Dietrich Gambit’ in Village’s online book or go to Hopefully, in the Epstein-Maxwell case, there is no room now for a Beech-type fraud to seize the centre stage and discredit the genuine victims by painting them all with the same absurdist brush.

Epstein’s victims should take a long, hard and salutary look at the plight of Richard Kerr and the victims of the Anglo-Irish vice ring for a flavour of what has happened in their case. The people determined to cover-up for Epstein’s ‘intelligence’ masters have a limited repertoire of dirty tricks which they use over and over again. A good starting point for dirty trick precedents from the past is:
The notion that the obedient, compliant and sterile ladies and gentlemen of the UK and US press are going to throw off their shackles and revolt against their corporate masters is not realistic, even in this era of #MeToo and BLM. There won’t be a ‘Take the Muzzle Off the Media’ movement.
While, following the disgrace of Epstein, the arrest of Ghislaine Maxwell and general pressure on Prince Andrew suggests international attention is finally focusing on international paedophilia, from Belfast to Texas via London and New York there remains a generation of exceptionally damaged and vulnerable victims for whom the scandal of their abuse lies unaddressed.

The author would like to acknowledge the assistance of John McMahon in the preparation of Part 1 of this article.
David Burke is the author of ‘Deception & Lies, the Hidden History of the Arms Crisis 1970’ and ‘Kitson’s Irish War, Mastermind of the Dirty War in Ireland’ which examines the role of counter-insurgency dirty tricks in Northern Ireland in the early 1970s. His new book, ‘An Enemy of the Crown, the British Secret Service Campaign against Charles Haughey’, was published on 30 September 2022. These books can be purchased here:
Other stories published by Village which exposed UK VIP child sex abuse scandals:
For more about Cohn’s paedophilia see: Trump’s child abusing attack dog. The only lawyer Trump professes to admire these days was a well-known paedophile, child trafficker and blackmailer who was disbarred from practice.
With regard to Lord Mountbatten see: SECOND UPDATE: Kincora boy abused by Mountbatten committed suicide months later
With regard to Prince Philip: Prince Philip’s infidelity, love children and the Profumo scandal .
With regard to Prince Andrew: The Prince, the pauper and the paedophile peer: the dangerous questions the BBC failed to ask.
The plot to discredit victims of VIP sex abuse: Carl Beech and the ‘Useful idiots’ at the BBC. The incompetence of the BBC has now made it a pawn in the cover-up of VIP sex abuse. The darkest forces in MI5 and MI6 are the true beneficiaries of its inepitude.
With regard to the Profumo scandal including Prince Philip: Keeler Concealer: the British Establishment’s severe embarrassment at the depth of the Soviet Union’s penetration of MI5 and MI6.
With regard to Enoch Powell: Suffer little children.
With regard to former British prime minister Ted Heath: Not just Ted Heath: British Establishment paedophilia and its links to Ireland
With regard to Margaret Thatcher, MI5 and the murder of the lawyer Patrick Finucane: Thatcher’s Murder Machine, the British State assassination of Patrick Finucane. By Joseph de Burca.