50June 2015
H Broadsheet.ie! Where did you
come from and why do I flit to you so
reflexively? Why are the newspa-
pers, which you for some reason call “De
Newspapers, suddenly so full of you?
You are George Orwell for our Irish age.
No concern needed, these post-modern
days, to secure the “hearing” that moti-
vated him: with digital journalism
immortalising our inglorious musings, we
are all indeed much, and long, heard.
And I don’t just mean the narcissism of a
blog or under-followed Twitter account.
For now we have the power without respon-
sibility that is the interactive and
anonymous “news source for the bewil-
dered. “Everything. As it happens.
Though not so much usually. And yet you
showed spine against Ireland’s biggest
Contradictory ‘Broadsheet, refuge of the
office drone, dog-wagger of official Ireland,
purgatory of the arts gradu-
ate, icon for the libertarian,
past-rejecting Y-generation.
You never quite know when to
just keep schtum. You wear
your liberalism like an old
scout’s badge, while an army
of unpaid volunteers (me
included) chomp and choke on
a tsunami of sub-journalistic
tidbits. Gay-cake debacle
anyone? A cat that looks like
Broadsheet marches to the
beat of twitterdom and twit-
terdee. It vituperates the Iona
Institute and all its progeny and smirks at
our ante-diluvian institutions and their
machinations. It celebrates little politically
though it loves High Design and it cannot
get enough gay rights and the campaigns
they spawn.
Almost whimsically and perhaps in
closet guilt at the apparent libertarianism
of its no doubt mostly junior advertising
exec readership (it promotes, nay ogles,
Julien Mercille, conspiracy theorist
extraordinaire, Maître Mitty on a Monday.
Worse still – and alien to the “get that state
out of my life readership, this is a leftie.
“Beef cake, ” boffin”, “egghead, “the man
they all want to marry”: all bouant hair
and sallow skin, his clean-cut just-bathed
Canadian earnestness, an embodiment of
dissent for Broadsheet’s hirsute, lycra-clad,
hashtag revolutionaries. Julienne, You
tease us with your threat of taser-flashing
Gardaí; whip us into a frenzy with your
regurgitation of pertinent surveys, poke us
with your boring quotes from the eminent
King and Thoreau. I applaud your refusal to
succumb to what you describe as the
medias “propaganda of silence, as you
buzz around, flogging your book on every
show in town. May I be so bold as to suggest
you partake in the donning of a trench
coat, a suitable accoutrement, a worthy
homage to your mots
Noms de Plume such as “FluyBiscuits,
“Spaghetti Hoops” and “Bodger”: words
synonymous with childhood innocence, a
Freudian nod perhaps to the infantilism of
Broadsheet, where ‘Animal
Farm’ meets Old McDonald
and Broadsheet ends up con-
fusing our furry friends with
the Irish electorate? What
would Village make of a cat
named after that notoriously
unreliable chronicler, Hero-
dotus, recently to be found on
Broadsheet, purring at us (as
Gaeilge, no less) mere humans
to vote (Yes)? To meet the
standards imposed by Broad-
sheet editorially, the poster
requires just a talent to irri-
tate the commenter merely
the ability to circumnavigate a crude filter.
Though there are suspicions that one John
Ryan posts under more than one Nom and
some of the commenters seem suspiciously
Even Village, doctrinaire as it is, deigns
to allow dissenters: John Waters and Ruth
Cullen. Constantin Gurdgiev with his Beck-
ettian opaqueness. But Broadsheet only
posts counter-liberal perspectives in a way
that invites attack. Despite its name, sug-
gestive of an open platform, where
anything goes, Broadsheet and its com-
mentariat are – dare I say it – profoundly
Catholic in tone, devoutly intolerant of any
counterweight to the individualistic, hip-
ster agenda. Its commenters and posters
drown in a pool of contradictions, one
minute decrying “Je suis Charlie”, the next
putting the boot into “Ich bin Hitler” mer-
chants. And what’s going on with over 
posts about the Fuehrer?
Broadsheets approach confuses editorial
restraint with neutrality and balanced cri-
tique with trolling; hysterically accusing
those who challenge the bluff of its resident
in-“journalists”, of risible blueshirtisms.
Perhaps Broadsheet should pay some heed
(on this and only this) to the bluster of
Julien Mercille who in his attempt at adult
analysis, opines worthily though uninter-
estingly that “democracy is a full time job
and much remains to be accomplished.
I challenge the chalet-girl spirit of Broad-
sheet, but can concede Broadsheet, being
all things to all modern men, is not without
its merits, though perhaps the sheet is nar-
rower than it thinks.
Lost, Broadsheet be thy carriage office.
Public order offence, Broadsheet be thy
kangaroo court. Gay, Broadsheet be thy
brave champion. Spill thy guts, Broadsheet
be thy diary. Gossipmonger, iconoclast,
purveyor of transcripts, bolsterer of the
hipster status quo. Bully, dogmatist, mate-
rialist. Never entirely unintelligent though
hardly wise. Know thyself.
Why Broadsheet thou art indeed the
entertaining slutty un-grown-up child of
thy paper predecessors.
Redemption ows from thy every post. •
Hymn to the online publisher. By Jane Tuohy
Confessions of a
Broadsheet addict
MEDIA Broadsheet
Why Broadsheet
thou art indeed
the entertaining
slutty un-
grown-up child
of thy paper
June 2015 51


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