16ā€ƒApril 2015
HE Children and Family Rela-
tionships Bill is the most
important piece of legislation
affecting parents and chil-
dren for a generation. There
is much that is good in the bill but this
article focuses on one surprising defect:
the provisions on unmarried fathers and
While the extension of automatic
guardianship under the Bill to fathers
who can demonstrate that they have
cohabited with the mother for one
year (with three of the months after
the birth of the child is an advance of
In these jurisdictions, automatic
guardianship for unmarried fathers can
be challenged by the mother if it is not in
the best interest of the child.
In other words the presumption that
the father should have guardianship
over his children can be rebutted (the
same position as applies to the motherā€™s
The proposal in the current Irish bill
seems to be based on the view that the
father derives his guardianship rights
as ā€œfamilyā€ rights from co-habitation.
But the rights accrue to the child on the
basis that it is better the child should
have fully engaged parents, mother and
father alike ā€“ and should not derive from
any interpretation of family.
It is possible that the Children and
Family Relationships Bill when enacted
will be inļ¬rm either constitutionally
or under the European Convention on
Human Rights.
Currently where a child is born to par-
ents who are married to each other, the
childā€™s mother and father automatically
acquire joint guardianship in respect of
the child. By contrast, where a child is
born outside marriage, only the mother
a sort, concerned agencies like Treoir,
which provides advice to unmarried
parents, believe that the Bill does not
go far enough to reļ¬‚ect the rights and
responsibilities of unmarried fathers
for their children. Unmarried fathers
should be the automatic guardians of
their children ā€“ as married fathers
are. The fatherā€™s relationship with the
mother should not be determinant. The
Law Reform Commission (LRC) recom-
mended this in 2010 (and indeed in its
1982 Report on Illegitimacy). It stated
unequivocally: ā€œequality should be the
guiding principle in reforming the law
in this areaā€.
Equality is a big principle with clear-
cut edges and the Bill simply does not
enshrine it. That is a fundamental prob-
lem. The LRCā€™s recommendation that
ā€œlegislation be enacted to provide for
automatic joint parental responsibil-
ity (guardianship) for both mother
and father of any childā€ has been
ļ¬‚outed in the Bill.
Unmarried fathers are the automatic
guardians of their children in Northern
Ireland, Britain, Australia and many
European countries.
The Children and
Family Relationships
Bill betrays the equal
rights and duties of
paternal guardians.
By Michael Smith
Improved but still
fundamentally ī›„awed
The Law
should be
the guiding
principle in
reforming the
law in this
NEWS Guardianship
April 2015 17
NEWS Guardianship
will acquire automatic guardianship.
An unmarried father is not automati-
cally deemed to be a guardian, though he
may become a guardian either by means
of a statutory declaration made jointly
by both parents, or by court order. This
means that a child born to married
parents automatically enjoys the guard-
ianship of two persons. A child born
outside marriage, on the other hand,
has no automatic right to this second
guardian. The childā€™s right to a second
guardian is, in such cases, contingent
on the fatherā€™s willingness to seek and
accept guardianship, and then on either
the motherā€™s willingness to accept him
as a joint guardian or, in the alternative,
on the assent of a court.
The Commissionā€™s suggestion of a
strong presumption in favour of the
father, while an incremental step, would
nonetheless maintain the current situ-
ation whereby responsibility will be
conferred only on unmarried fathers
who seek to exercise such responsibil-
ity, (through the courts if the motherā€™s
consent is not forthcoming) while moth-
ers and marital fathers will continue
automatically to assume such responsi-
bilities on the birth of a child.
The LRC thinking is reļ¬‚ected in that
of the Equality Authority which has spe-
ciļ¬cally committed itself to supporting
initiatives ā€œā€¦[p]romoting the status of
men as carers, in particular the equal
sharing of caring rights and respon-
sibilities between women and men
and continuing dialogue with menā€™s
organisations on issues of equality
for menā€¦ā€.
In 2010 the Equalit y Aut horit y recom-
mended that steps be taken to promote
equal sharing of parental responsi-
bilities by those in a parenting role in
respect of the child, where this is appro-
priate in the particular circumstances.
In this regard, as a matter of principle,
the fact that a child is born inside of or
outside of the context of marriage should
have no bearing on the childā€™s right to be
cared for and supported by both of his or
her parents.
If guardianship is viewed as a vehicle
primarily for conferring responsibility
in respect of a child, the case for con-
ferring parental responsibility on both
father and mother automatically on the
birth of a non-marital child, has much to
recommend itself:
ā€¢ It would remove the distinction
between marital and non-marital
fathers, emphasising that parental
responsibility is predicated on the
relationship between the parent and
child and should not depend on the
relationship between the parents of
the child;
ā€¢ It would emphasise that mothers and
fathers alike each have equal respon-
sibilities towards their child.
Certainly there may be exceptional
cases in which it will not be either in the
childā€™s best interests, or in the inter-
ests of the wellbeing of the mother,
for the father (or indeed other guard-
ians) to retain parental responsibility.
Some disgracefully argue, for exam-
ple, that rapists should potentially
beneļ¬t from paternal rights including
These exceptional situations will
necessitate a mechanism whereby a
person may be removed as a guard-
ian. Such situations should include,
in particular, where that person has
consistently failed to meet his respon-
sibilities towards the relevant child or
where that person has raped the mother
or been convicted of a serious criminal
oļ¬€ence or has committed a serious civil
wrong against the person of the child or
other guardian. This removal must be
subject to periodic review and subject
to appeal.
Exceptional circumstances should
not shape general policy and principles
of the law as it applies to the majority of
cases of childbirth.
The Bill reveals an extraordinary def-
icit in egalitarianism ā€“ denigrating the
father and denying him guardianship
unless he can prove certain conditions
have been met ā€“ being married, having
been in a relationship with the mother
for a year etc.
The presumption should be reversed.
Unless he is shown delinquent in some
signiļ¬cant way the presumption must
be that the best interests of the child
are served by his being guardian and he
should have that status automatically,
subject to rebuttal of the presumption. If
the fatherā€™s rights are not seen through
the lens of equality there is a danger that
his duties will not be either.
Legal reform should have been guided
and informed by the United Nations
Convention on the Rights of the Child
(UNCRC) as well as the relevant case
law of the European Court of Human
Rights and the EU Charter of Funda-
mental Rights. In international law,
particular emphasis is placed on the
seminal importance of the best interests
For example, Article 18 of the UNCRC
1. States Parties shall use their best
eļ¬€orts to ensure recognition of the
principle that both parents have
common responsibilities for the
upbringing and development of the
child. Parents or, as the case may be,
legal guardians, have the primary
responsibility for the upbringing
and development of the child. The
best interests of the child will be
their basic concern.
2. For the purpose of guaranteeing
and promoting the rights set forth
in the present Convention, States
Parties shall render appropri-
ate assistance to parents and legal
guardians in the performance of
their child-rearing responsibilities
and shall ensure the development
of institutions, facilities and serv-
ices for the care of children.
Guardianship really matters. The
guardian of a child decides where that
child will live, and go to school, and
what religion, if any, the child will be
raised in. The guardianā€™s permission is
required for medical treatment of the
child, including vaccinations, and to
secure a passport for the child.
Beyond guardianship the Bill will
ļ¬nally ensure the voice of the child will
be heard and his or her best interests
will be taken into account in decisions
aļ¬€ecting a child.
Treoir has welcomed the provisions
that grandparents, step-parents, foster
parents and others who have acted in
loco parentis to a child can apply for
guardianship. And recent amendments
made to the Bill will mean that a Birth
Registrar will be empowered to witness
a statutory declaration for joint guardi-
anship, signed by the mother and father,
appointing the father as a guardian. This
can be done when the birth of the child
is being registered (or re-registered) or
within 14 days of the registration. This
is a welcome advance. Many unmarried
fathers are currently under the mis-
apprehension that jointly signing the
birth register gives an automatic right
to guardianship of a child.
While the Bill constitutes an advance
in several important areas, it is con-
trary to elementary principles of human
rights, egalitarianism and the best
interests of the child to link automatic
guardianship to any marital or cohabi-
tation criteria. ā€¢
Unless he
is shown
in some
way the
must be that
the best
interests of
the child are
served by the
father being