16 February 2016
1. Jobs and long-term
The recovery in jobs is an important contribution to
addressing recent, recession induced, levels of eco-
nomic inequality. However, it is not the only contribution
required of the labour market. The key labour market,
and perhaps key public policy, issue for the next decade
will be long-term unemployment and the need for
resourced and strategic interventions to assist large
numbers of people getting back to work. The boom
proved that most of these people will happily work.
However, without active support, little of which is
currently being provided, these people are likely to be
trapped in long-term unemployment.
2. Fair Pay
Fair pay is usually seen as a low-pay issue. However,
there are fair-pay problems at both ends of the earnings
distribution. With one in five workers living on less than
the living wage, the challenge for many workers to make
ends meet remains difficult. At the other end of the
labour market high pay has become more and more dis-
connected from the reality of decent pay, average
earnings, living costs and the appropriate rewards
employees should get for their service.
Policy aimed at addressing, and reducing, economic
inequality will need to focus on pay at both ends of this
distribution and pursue strategies to narrow the overall
3. Welfare
The welfare system is the core mechanism for eco-
nomic equality. Social-protection payments provide a
safety net for almost all families and directly support
the living standards of a large proportion of our popu-
lation. The system dramatically alters the shape of our
income distribution and enhances equality via child
benefit, illness and disability payments, unemploy
ment supports and old age pensions, among others.
As the recovery unfolds, there is a danger that wel-
fare will be deprioritised as the policy focus shifts
elsewhere. The experience of the last Irish recovery, in
the late 1990s is telling. In a few short years the poverty
rates of welfare-dependent households sky-rocketed
with, for example, pensioner poverty increasing from
5.9% in 1994 to 44.1% in 2001. Earnings increases and
income tax reductions flowed to others and those
What percentage the tax-take needs to be
not 29
by Micheál Collins
February 2016 17
Under 10,000
10,000 to 13,000
13,000 to 15,000
15,000 to 18,000
18,000 to 20,000
20,000 to 25,000
25,000 to 27,000
27,000 to 30,000
30,000 to 35,000
35,000 to 40,000
40,000 to 50,000
50,000 to 60,000
60,000 to 70,000
70,000 to 75,000
75,000 to 100,000
100,000 to 150,000
150,000 to 200,000
200,000 to 275,000
275,000 and over
2016 Revenue Commissioners Projection
Yellow bars highlight the
middle 20% of the distribution
Source: Revenue Commissioners
Post Budget 2016 projection
dependent on welfare slipped further and fur-
ther behind. It took some significant welfare
increases in the early 2000s to address the
legacy of these decisions. It is important for
economic inequality to maintain the relative
value of welfare payments and increase them
in line with living costs and changes in earnings
elsewhere in society.
4. Taxation
There is an issue regarding the appropriate-
ness and adequacy of current Government
plans for the scale of the overall tax take, as set
out in the Spring Statement and Budget 2016.
While one can argue about how much or how
little tax needs to be collected to run the coun-
try, the realistic range sits somewhere between
31% and 35% of GDP. However, current plans
are for a tax take of around 29% of GDP; a figure
that is unrealistic and puts unnecessary pres-
sure on the appropriate provision of public
services across the state. Where these services
are under-delivered, it is those who are most
disadvantaged in society who suffer most.
There are economic-equality issues related
to the nature of public spending and taxation
changes that are planned. Taxation changes
focused on income, whether through USC
changes/abolition or changes to bands, rates
and credits, will by definition benefit those with
taxable income; people who are predominantly
located in the top half of the income distribu-
tion. From the perspective of tackling, rather
than enhancing, economic inequality, fairness
in any structural reform of the taxation system,
or offsetting accompanying measures is
5. Women
On average women are better educated,
brighter, and longer-lived yet are paid less and
are more disadvantaged than men. This points
towards structural problems that we need
aggressively to address. The gender-specific
nature of these inequalities is reinforced by the
fact that they spread right across the income
6. Children
One in five children live in a household with
an income below the poverty line. The long-
term implications and costs of childhood
disadvantage are very high: multiples of the
costs associated with addressing these issues
now. The return on investing in addressing
these issues now is many times the return avail-
able elsewhere; or indeed any benefit-cost ratio
threshold. Early Childhood Care and Education
programmes providing a free year of care and
education for children of pre-school age, school
meals in disadvantaged areas, adequate and
affordable childcare facilities and targeted
library services for children are just some of the
options available.
Dr Micheál Collins is Senior Research Officer at
the Nevin Economic Research Institute (NERI)
and an adjunct Professor of Economics at
Trinity College Dublin.
The return on investing
in addressing childhood
poverty is now many
times the return
available elsewhere


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