14 March/April 2022
N  the chairman of ISME (the small and medium enterprise
lobbyist), Seamus Butler, wildly alleed that – in my capacity as CEO of
ISME - Id been involved in fraud of the EU by submittin unpaid invoices
for payment of EU rants. In fact, unknown to me and after ISME had
claimed the rant, the EU chaned its rules, to prohibit what was
formerly standard practice – its own acceptance of such unpaid invoices -
across the EU.
It was that chane that ave credibility to the alleation. Butler and others
in ISME wanted to et rid of me, since I adamantly opposed ISMEs involve-
ment in the social partnership process which was becomin central to its
operations. Butler’s supporters were actually in private discussions with
Mary Harney, Tánaiste and Minister for Enterprise, concernin her decision
to include ISME in the partnership process despite my opposition. I had not
been informed.
Since I had the overwhelmin support of the members and I had refused
the inducement of £,-plus to resin, ettin rid of me was not oin
to be easy. Butler, however, was willin to o to considerable lenths to
destroy my character and thus directweaken my authority. So, as explicitly
threatened, Butler implemented threats to ensure that I would “never work
in this country aain” by makin “poor controls and manaement. look
like fraud”.
To that end he conspired in  to brin phoney complaints to the Garda.
Nevertheless in , despite the prior faxed threats and to everyone’s
The State, led by
Micheál Martin, lied
and destroyed me
By Frank Mulcahy
Martin said hed correct his statements
implicating me in fraud after the EU showed
that far from committing fraud I’d been set up
by his department, but didn’t a) to protect a
party colleague and b) to protect the exchequer
from a maladministration claim. Indeed the
State eventually effected a useless Inquiry
process to cover the scandal up
Fax from accountants confirming ISME leaders Hynes, Hobdell and
O’Loinsigh threatened in 1998 that “Frank Mulcahy’s name will be
blackened, he will never work in this country again”.
surprise, his alleations were treated seriously and forwarded to the DPP.
In the end no prosecution was recommended. Two years later, after an inter
nal ISME report concluded that Butler had justified his alleations by
discreetly corruptin previously audited accounts, I endeavoured to enae
March/April 2022 15
Deprtment of Finnce briefing note
confirms tht, fter deprtment lobbied, it
EU Commission committed to not replying
to further correspondence from Mulchy
with the Garda. Respondin, the Garda authorities declined to accept a copy
of that report. They dismissed my complaint of audit corruption as
In  Micheál Martin as the Minister for Enterprise, when replyin to
Deputy Ruairi Quinn and others, emphatically endorsed the basis of Seamus
Butler’s complaint. The Department wrote that its Minister was actin in
“absolute” ood faith. We had no reason to doubt that. Further we knew of
no relationship between the Department, its Minister and Seamus Butler
which miht have explained that endorsement.
However, in  after we established further unsettlin evidence ,
Assistant Commissioner of the Garda, the later discredited Martin Callinan,
undertook to reinvestiate the alleations levelled by Butler. He ave a “per-
sonal uarantee” as to the thorouhness of that reinvestiation. Time
passed. It proved that Callinan was not a ood bet on a personal
In November , when no investiation ensued, I made technically
unauthorised email contact with the civilian forensic accountant to the
Garda, Dave McManus. He was straihtforward. He endorsed what ISME
had concluded in its private report in . That was damnin of his Garda
colleaues and particularly of Martin Callinans stated position.
I immediately wrote to Callinan notin that the Garda’s forensic account
ant’s contradiction amounted in law to admission that the Garda had
enaed in collusion with Butler.
However, when I met the investiatin ardaí in December  they
extraordinarily denied any contact with their forensic accountant. Immedi-
ately after that meetin the forensic accountant was sent to Coventry, my
emails were blocked by the Garda and I was prevented from ever aain con
tactin the forensic accountant or any ocer by their direct email address.
Despite repeat enquiries by Assistant Commissioner Noirin O’ Sullivan, by
the GSOC and in  by the Minister for Justice, the Garda adamantly
denied the block. This interdiction lasted ten years until . This was
accepted recently in his report by Jude McMahon, appointed.
Faced with an inexplicable wall of hostility by aents of the State, I eventu
ally turned in despair to the EU Commission for clarity. It was then that I slowly
pieced toether the tale of how the Department of Finance had been locked
in a battle with the European Commission since  because of the EU
demand that the Irish exchequer “repay” over one billion euros in European
rants. That repayment demand arose from the Department of Enterprises
“systematic maladministration” of EU rants since  and the“overlappin
drawdown (EU code for double charin) of EU Cohesion funds.
In / the Department of Finance endeavoured to prevent the EU
Commission from communicatin directly with me [top riht] Memo. Indeed
they recorded that they had secured that commitment. However, as if in a
studied response, three months later the EU Commission wrote and dis-
closed that the culpable party (in respect of Butler’s alleation) had been
the Department of Enterprise, itself. The EU Commission specifically exon
erated me. In a second email the Commission oered to ive evidence to
Martin Callinan and any relevant Irish Authority. Here’s the email:
“From: Brian Gray <Brian.Gray@ec.europa.eu>
To: mulcahyfm@eircom.net
Cc: ruairi quinn <ruairi.quinn@oireachtas.ie>, eamon ilmore
Sent: Mon,  Jul  :: + (IST)
Subject: RE: Brian Gray Dir General, Int Audit Services, EU Comm
Dear Mr Mulcahy, I confirm my availability to reply to any questions your
interlocutors may have on the requirements of EC reulations as reards the
declaration of expenditure of structural funds. Kind reards,
Brian Gray”.
That oer has, to this day, never been availed of, presumably because the
implications were so unacceptable. The EU revelations meant that some
party had knowinly used the parliamentary process to authenticate But-
lers lies, the eect of which was to deprive me of my ood name and
employment. Deputy Ruairi Quinn was the first to reconise the
In March Quinn contacted my chief adviser, the former ISME
Letter on behlf of Quinn (by his Chief of Stff)
showing he’d wit for Secretry Generl to retire nd
stop blocking Mulchy’s exonortion
chairman Don Curry. Ruairi Quinn oered and we areed that Deputy Quinn
would have the state make a meaninful apoloy in exchane for which I
undertook to foreo the leal route. The followin year as Minister for Edu
cation he reularly reconfirmed his intent. He emailed that the obstacle was
the then servin Secretary General. He was waitin on his retirement before
havin my name cleared [Immediatley above].
On bein advised of Deputy Quinn’s intent, the former Minister Micheál
Martin asked to meet me. At that encounter he confirmed that Butlers alle
ation never had a basis: that his parliamentary replies were wron. He
claimed to have been lied to by his ocials. He declared himself “livid. He
undertook to correct his Dail record and the damae done to me. I was
elated. I left that meetin full of confidence. I remained inorant of any rela-
tionship between Deputy Martin and my accuser.
Two weeks later Seamus Butler suddenly resurfaced. In a series of
16 March/April 2022
From: Frank J. Bergin <FJBergin@dataprotection.ie>
Date: Wed, 26 Aug 2020, 10:45
Subject: RE: C -20-6-511
To: <
Dear Mr Mulcahy,
I refer to your complaint with Ms Deirdre Gillane.
Ms Gillane has indicated via the Data Protection Officer for Fianna Fail,
that while she has worked in in multiple capacities for Fianna Fáil and
Micheál Martin TD, she has not been a data controller in any of those
roles. The relevant data controller for the matter in question is Deputy
In light of the fact that this matter is being dealt with under our
reference C-19-5-400, we will now proceed to close this file.
Yours sincerely, Frank J. Bergin Case Officer
From: Frank J. Bergin <FJBergin@dataprotection.ie>
Date: Fri, 9 Apr 2021, 08:08
Subject: RE: C -19-5-400
To: <frankmulcahy101@gmail.com>
Dear Mr Mulcahy,
I refer to your complaints with Fianna Fáil, Deputy Michael Martin and Ms
Deirdre Gilliane.
We specifically raised the the issue of the meeting which took place on 7
March 2012 with Deputy Martin and Ms Gilliane asking four specific
question to which Fianna Fáil have replied with the following
1. Please indicate if the meeting of 7 March 2012 took place in Lenister House.
Ans / This meeting did go ahead. Deputy Micheál Martin and Ms Deirdre
Gilliane attended the meeting.
2. if so, were there notes/minutes of the meeting taken
Ans / Handwritten notes were taken
3. if minutes were taken, who took them
Ans / Ms Deirdre Gillane
4. the present whereabouts of the minutes, if taken
Ans / The notes taken by Ms Deirdre Gillane were not retained.
I trust this clarifies the position.
Yours sincerely, Frank J. Bergin Case Officer
From: Frank J. Bergin <FJBergin@dataprotection.ie>
Date: Wed, 26 Aug 2020, 10:45
Subject: RE: C -20-6-511
To: <frankmulcahy101@gmail.com>
Dear Mr Mulcahy,
I refer to your complaint with Ms Deirdre Gillane.
Ms Gillane has indicated via the Data Protection Officer for Fianna Fail,
that while she has worked in in multiple capacities for Fianna Fáil and
Micheál Martin TD, she has not been a data controller in any of those
roles. The relevant data controller for the matter in question is Deputy
In light of the fact that this matter is being dealt with under our
reference C-19-5-400, we will now proceed to close this file.
Yours sincerely, Frank J. Bergin Case Officer
From: Frank J. Bergin <FJBergin@dataprotection.ie>
Date: Fri, 9 Apr 2021, 08:08
Subject: RE: C -19-5-400
To: <
Dear Mr Mulcahy,
I refer to your complaints with Fianna Fáil, Deputy Michael Martin and Ms
Deirdre Gilliane.
We specifically raised the the issue of the meeting which took place on 7
March 2012 with Deputy Martin and Ms Gilliane asking four specific
question to which Fianna Fáil have replied with the following
1. Please indicate if the meeting of 7 March 2012 took place in Lenister House.
Ans / This meeting did go ahead. Deputy Micheál Martin and Ms Deirdre
Gilliane attended the meeting.
2. if so, were there notes/minutes of the meeting taken
Ans / Handwritten notes were taken
3. if minutes were taken, who took them
Ans / Ms Deirdre Gillane
4. the present whereabouts of the minutes, if taken
Ans / The notes taken by Ms Deirdre Gillane were not retained.
I trust this clarifies the position.
Yours sincerely, Frank J. Bergin Case Officer
ISME’s own solicitor’s letter, obtained by Mulcahy, confirms the
£100,000 inducement from Butler (its chairman) to Mulcahy
(its CEO). Yet in March 2013 Butler denied that inducement,
dishonestly dismissing it as “incredible and a blatant lie”
However, inevitably it transpired, as explained at the outset by the des-
inated Inquiry Jude Patrick McMahon, who bears no responsibility for the
failure, that the “terms of reference” prevented the Inquiry from investiat-
in that central complaint of “collusion” between the Department, the EU,
politicians and others. Before any hearins, Jude McMahon noted that I
would not be happy with the result of his Inquiry which was published in
December last; and he was riht.
Nevertheless, we continued to press Fianna Fáil to release the one set of
relevant minutes. It took three years. In Auust  Ms Gillane informed
the Data Commissioner that the Taoiseach was the “FF data controller” for
the minutes in question - just for the minutes in question! [see top imae
below] Presumably they hoped that the date commissioner would not pursue
a busy Taoiseach. It was a bizarre development. Nevertheless, the Data Com-
missioner pursued the Taoiseach for access. It took a further nine months
before a reply was forthcomin.
abusive faxes he doubled down on his alleations. He denied that he had
ever proered me £, to resin, concludin with the emailed boast “I
am answerable to nobody[second imae below].
In April  the Taoiseach confirmed the meetin and that Ms Gillane
had recorded the minutes. However, the excuse then oered for non -dis
closure was that he had had the record shredded. It was extraordinary. [see
email below]
That latest claim itself raises many more fundamental questions, chief of
which is whether the Taoiseach is now claimin that the endorsement he
ave to Councillor Butlers alleations, in his parliamentary replies in ,
was and is in fact correct; is he denyin the precise testimony of the EU Com-
mission? Is he exculpatin Callinan’s dishonesty?
The State, the overnment, multiple Ministers for Enterprise, and the
Department of, Enterprise, the Garda, a State Inquiry: all compromised. The
media have done little better in exposin the scandal. The only hope is
Micheál Martin takin responsibility, or bein forced to take it.
Justice lon delayed is justice lon denied and I’m beinnin to et old.
Several months later Deputy Martin reneed on his commitment. He
claimed that the Ombudsman had excused him of the need to act. It took
another two years before I learned by chance that Mr Butler had been oper
atin as FF Councillor Seamus Butler since . So there was a
Subsequently, in  the Ombudsman wrote and denied what Deputy
Martin had attributed to him. Neither he nor his predecessor had reviewed
the evidence that had caused Deputy Martin to be seeminly so arieved
about his department’s lonstandin dishonesty. Clearly Deputy Martin had
no valid excuse. He should have acted to correct his parliamentary replies.
In May  just when the collusion of the State and its aents was in
daner of bein exposed by ex-Taoisih, Government Ministers and a party
leader, the State established a Statutory Inquiry. I was aain elated.
We considered that Deputy Martin’s explicit admission that he had been
lied to by his ocials would be central to that Inquiry. Consequently, under
the data protection acts we requested access to the relevant minutes dated
March  which his Fianna Fáil consiliere, chief of sta Deirdre Gillane,
had recorded. We intended to ive them to the Inquiry.
Butler’s emils to Mulchy (nd his collegue Curry):
“I m nswerble to nobody”.
Mrtin’s Chief of Stff hd designted him the dt
controller for key minutes
Dt Protection Commission confirms the shredding of
minutes which hd indicted Mrtin’s support for Mulchy


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