July 2016 3 5
22% of dáil
Needed: childcare, cash, confidence,
culture and candidate selection
reland had, until this year, an appalling record on
women’s participation in politics. Men always rep-
resented at least 84% of TDs. The proportion of
women TDs had never increased above 16%. Voter
choice was severely restricted, with no women can-
didates of any party fielded in several constituencies in
both the 2007 and 2011 general elections. Between
1990 and 2011, women’s rate of political representation
actually reduced. In 1990, Ireland was in 37th position
in the world table of women’s representation in national
parliaments but by 2011 had fallen to 84th position,
with only 23 women TDs out of 166 (14%), well below
the world average.
In the February 2016 general election, the percentage
of women TDs increased significantly to 22%, with 35
women out of 158 TDs. This still remains below the Euro-
pean Union average. Ireland is at 76th place in the world
tables of women’s representation. So, while improved,
our democracy continues to be not truly representative.
Nonetheless progress now seems possible and further
gains can be expected.
Gender parity has been one of my key campaign pri-
orities since my first election as a Senator in 2007. The
barriers are significant, known as the ‘ve Cs’ of child-
care, cash, confidence, culture and candidate selection.
These are captured in the 2009 report, that I drafted,
of a Sub-Committee on Women’s Participation in Poli-
tics of the Joint Oireachtas Justice Committee. We made
a series of recommendations aimed at addressing each
of these challenges. The introduction of quota legisla-
tion to require political parties to
select a minimum proportion of
women candidates for each election
was recommended for candidate
selection. This was the underpinning
for the progress made in the Febru-
ary 2016 election.
This recommendation was contro-
versial and was vocally opposed by
many, including some high-profile
women politicians. NGO support and
campaigning was key in changing
the political climate for this recom-
mendation. The National Women’s
Council, ‘50:50 by 2020’ and ‘Women for Election’ all
played a big role in this. ‘Labour Women’, the women’s
section of the Labour Party, had a particularly influen-
tial role. The combined strength and influence of these
groups enabled Labour to push successfully for the
inclusion of this recommendation in the Programme for
Government of the Fine Gael/Labour coalition elected
in 2011.
The Electoral (Amendment) (Political Funding) Bill
was introduced in the Seanad in February 2012, and
became law in July 2012. It obliged each political party
to select at least 30% of their candidates of each gender
for the subsequent general election; rising to 40% after
seven years. Political parties failing to meet this figure
would lose half of their state funding. Legal quotas
work and have a transformative effect as was proven in
the February 2016 election.
Clearly, other obstacles remain. Candidate selection
is only one of the ‘ve Cs’. Culture is key and remains a
significant barrier. The political culture in Ireland is still
predominately male, just as it is in other spheres, such
as third-level education. Quotas need to be accompa-
nied by action for a change in culture.
It is early yet to predict the likely impact of gender
quotas on culture and practice within political parties.
There was some opposition to the Act itself from indi-
viduals who felt adversely affected by it. The
Constitutional status of the Act was challenged unsuc-
cessfully in the Courts. Generally, however, the
necessity for some positive action measure to tackle
persistently low levels of women’s political representa-
tion was accepted, albeit grudgingly by many.
Culture within the political system is also at issue. It
is to be hoped that, over time, the way we do politics
may be positively influenced by the increased presence
of women in the Oireachtas. In my own limited experi-
ence, increased numbers of women in the Seanad
seems to have made for a more collaborative and less
adversarial working environment.
Much more still needs to be done before we can
achieve gender parity in our democracy. In particular
the intangible work of changing cultures within politi-
cal parties and the political system requires attention
and initiative. I look forward to continuing the campaign
and to further developing this focus.
I am currently working with others in the Oireachtas
to celebrate the centenary of that momentous 1918 elec-
tion, with a series of events in Leinster House and
elsewhere. Our celebration - called ‘VoteAll 100’ should
remind us that as we commemorate the achievements
of the past, we have yet to achieve true gender equal-
ity. It is these types of initiative that can stimulate the
shift in values that would drive a new culture in our poli-
tics that embraces and reflects gender equality.
The Political Funding
Act 2012 obliged each
political party to select
at least 30% of their
candidates of each
gender; rising to 40%
after seven years
by Ivana Bacik


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