Issue 42
February 2016
Election 2016
More of the same, disappointingly.
n 2011 we wrote in this space, “You would think
from our recent history of some of the most noto-
riously bad governance on the planet, that we
would have learnt that our political classes need
to be replaced. In fact, this election time we see
no new ideas”.
Sadly democracy in Ireland needs an overhaul every
bit as much now as it did in 2011. Village is disappointed
at the quality of politics, across the range. It’s easily
Fine Gael is open to regressive policies and crony-
ism. However, at least on its own terms it deserves
credit because it has consistently stuck to its agenda
of (unimaginative) economic orthodoxy and because
Enda Kenny has proved relatively competent, in the face
of scepticism, including from this magazine. In 2011, we
stated, “ Perhaps it is a unique merit of Fine Gael that
if it is elected with a mandate, this time it may actually
govern as it has campaigned. The electorate will be able
to assess whether what it voted for was what it wanted”.
This edition of Village explores at length the extent to
which the coalition government delivered on its Pro
gramme for Government. It’s a fair test and it shows
that, beyond promoting economic stability, the Govern-
ment has been a disappointment.
Labour certainly does not have the Fine Gael appeal
of consistency. It never does what its manifestos prom-
ise. Worse, a number of its senior TDs have allowed
themselves to appear smug and ideologically jaded or
even, in Alan Kelly’s case, dangerous. Because of the
elasticity of its conscience Labour has long attracted
the wrong type of representatives.
Fianna Fáil is tainted by its reckless past and the inco-
herence of its platform. It believes serving the people,
parish and business in equal measure is viable. It has
learnt little beyond the need to regulate the banks.
Sinn Féin’s commitment to a Left agenda is unclear
bearing in mind its defining preference for irredentist
nationalism over ideology, its centrist pragmatism in
the North and its willingness to coalesce with Fianna
Fáil. Its performance at local-authority level is not
impressive or particularly leftist. It is cultist, and ambiv-
alent about democracy and transparency, and its
leaders lie casually about its, and particularly its leader
Gerry Adams’, past.
Renua seems like a somehow unendearing chip off
Fine Gael’s Christian Democratic block, with a penchant
for propriety.
The Independent Alliance (dubbed Shane Féin) is
utterly incoherent of policy and membership. If ex-
stockbroker Mr Ross and turfcutter Michael Fitzmaurice
ever breathed an atom of the same political air, Village
cannot imagine where it was.
Village has a weakness for the Social Democrats,
whose mild platform is essentially the same as
Labour’s, though strangely more pro-business, but
whose small membership is more prepossessing.
Its antipathy to water taxes is expedient but
The radical Left offers the huge appeal of integrity
and seriousness but its opposition to property taxes is
inexcusable, and its focus on opposition to the loathed
water taxes rather than a broader anti-inequality plat-
form, including opposition to the iniquities of Nama,
corruption and the resurrection of the developer
classes has diverted its revolutionary ideology.
The Green Party’s policies are often radical, and its
agenda mature, but it is not hard-minded and it
achieved so little in the last government that it is diffi-
cult to be enthusiastic.
To the extent that we have not afforded space in this
edition of Village to the policies and protagonists of
most of these parties, it is because they simply don’t
offer enough to justify it.
Village believes equality of outcome, sustainability
and accountability are the most important policies; and
it is difficult to be optimistic about their immediate Irish
Laboured machinations over the fiscal space are
ephemeral, though most of the other media address
little else.
Reflecting the need for a vision of society as well as
economy this edition focuses on the coalition’s delivery
across a number of departments that promote equality,
sustainability and accountability, though we do have
articles by Constantin Gurdgiev, Michelle Murphy and
Sinead Pentony on the iniquitous handling of the frag-
ile economy.
We consider Education, Health, Social Welfare, Envi-
ronment including climate change, Small Firms policy,
and Accountability. These departments make life worth
living. We systematically assess whether they achieved
the goals set by the Government for each of them when
it took office.
In the end the conclusion is that they have under-
performed. And so therefore has the unimaginative,
regressive and stolid Government behind them.
Against this backdrop, we would again not presume
to advise readers where to direct their votes.
However, we can say the non-ideological, non-
visionary parties of the pragmatic centre hold little
appeal, even when mitigated by somewhat more
thoughtful ones.
A coalition of the parties of the Left, radical Left and
the Greens would, as always, best promote Village’s
agenda, if no doubt imperfectly.
Village Magazine promotes
in its columns the fair
distribution of resources,
welfare, respect and
opportunity by the analysis
and investigation of
inequalities, unsustainable
development and corruption,
and the media’s role in their
perpetuation; and by acute
cultural analysis.
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