32 November 2020
Des O’Malley served as Chief Whip and Junior
Minister for Defence to Jack Lynch’s govern
ment in 1969 and 1970. In May 1970 he was
appointed as Minister for Justice by Lynch,
though he was only 31 years of age - just as the
Arms Crisis was erupting. Despite his youth
and inexperience, Lynch chose to place him in
this crucial position.
On top of this, the appointment was made
as the Provisional IRA was learning to crawl.
Questions for the former
Minister for Justice
by David Burke
The Provos maintained a low profile through-
out 1970 and some of 1971 while its leaders
focused on recruiting volunteers in competi
tion with the Marxist Ocial IRA. So low was
its profile that Martin McGuinness joined the
Ocials unaware that the Provisionals even
existed. Cleary, O’Malley did not appreciate
what was afoot either.
O’Malley has recently descended from re
tirement claiming to be “duty bound” to set the
record straight on new revelations about the
controversial arms importation attempt that
sparked the Arms Crisis. The new – and not
so new – evidence about the crisis O’Malley
contests portrays his hero Jack Lynch in a very
poor light. It indicates that Lynch knew about
the arms importation that sparked the Arms
Crisis; moreover, that it was a secret but legal
manoeuvre of the State. In making his case
O’Malley pointedly vilified the memory of Cap
tain James Kelly and a multitude of others in
the Citizen Defence Committees (CDCs) whom
he has recklessly and inaccurately portrayed
as midwives to the Provisional IRA.
Unfortunately, Des O’Malley has not en
gaged with any of the evidence which has
emerged in recent times, not to mention that
which has been in existence for decades.
His account is a conceited fantasy in which
he and Lynch saved the State from civil war
despite daunting odds and the treachery of
disloyal Fianna Fáil colleagues who were aid
ed and abetted by menacing allies in military
intelligence. All he seems prepared to oer is
an assertion that Lynch was a man of great in
Des O’Malley, who nurtures
a reputation for lawyerly
truthfulness, attacked recent
research on the Arms Trial in a
surprisingly evidence-free article
in the Sunday Independent in
September. Here are 10 questions
he must answer
November 2020 33
tegrity incapable of deceit and that – for some
bizarre reason – the authors of two new books
on the Arms Crisis - Michael Heney and I - have
claimed that Jack Lynch was a party to a plot
to arm the Provisionals. This is an astonishing
misrepresentation for neither of us made any
claim that even remotely chimes with this.
I would like to test O’Malley’s account of his
struggle to save Ireland from doom by refer
ence to a number of documents which contra-
dict his mythmaking.
How, if the arms importation operation which
was at the centre of the Arms Crisis was con
ducted behind Lynch’s back, does O’Malley
explain the content of a document which came
into existence on 10 February 1970?
It was prepared by the Department of De
fence. It was withheld from the jury at the Arms
Trials but eventually released by the National
It was reproduced in a book by Angela Clif
ford entitled ‘Military Aspects of Ireland’s
Arms Crisis of 1969-70’ in 2006. In other
words, O’Malley has had at least 14 years to
provide his account of it. He ignored its exis
tence in his memoirs which appeared in 2014.
He did not mention it in his recent Sunday
Independent article. O’Malley was the Junior
Minister for Defence when the document -
from his Department, remember - came into
The document specifically referred to the
Taoiseach Jack Lynch and was entitled Ad
dendum to the Memo of 10/2/70, Ministerial
Directive to CF: It stated that: “The Taoiseach
and other Ministers have met delegations
from the North. At these meetings urgent de
mands were made for respirators, weapons
and ammunition the provision of which the
Government agreed. Accordingly truckloads
of these items will be put at readiness so that
they may be available in a matter of hours”.
There is no sign this document, despite it’s
unimpeachable pedigree, has yet registered
with O’Malley.
QUESTION : How do you reconcile this docu
ment with your assertion that Jack Lynch did
not know about attempts to supply weapons
to the citizens of the North?
In early April 1970 panic swept across Bal-
lymurphy, a Catholic estate in Belfast,
that the British Army was about to aban
don the Catholics who lived there to an
onslaught by Loyalist murder and arson
gangs: in other words, a repeat of the
violent killings and forced evictions of
August 1969. The fear proved ill-founded
and was short lived.
While the panic was abroad, (senior)
Minister for Defence James Gibbons or
dered the transport of some of the Irish
Army rifles that had been set aside under
the orders given in February 1970. He did
so without input from Jack Lynch who
could not be contacted.
A transport of army trucks with 500
rifles, 80,000 rounds of ammunition and
respirators was sent to the North but
did not cross the border. Instead, the
trucks parked at Dundalk Barracks in the
Republic. According to a Military Intel
ligence file, there was insucient room
to store all 500 of the rifles so 350 were
returned to Dublin. The remaining 150
were kept in Dundalk. This contradicts
the Gibbons-O’Malley-Lynch version of
events which would have us believe that
there was never any intention of storing them
in Dundalk.
Evidence about the storage of the 150 rifles
was withheld from the Arms Trials.
The arms were returned to Dublin on 1 May.
The ostensible reason for their return was a
fear that Dundalk barracks might be raided.
It is far more likely, however, that they were
returned because the Arms Crisis which had
been simmering behind closed State doors
was about to boil over.
The rifles could only have been stored in
Dundalk on the orders of Gibbons. The testi
mony provided by Gibbons at the Arms Trial
about the transport of the arms was illogical,
unbelievable and bordered on farce. I outline
it in my book.
Des O’Malley was junior minister for de
fence and a member of the Council of Defence
at this time.
QUESTION : What, if anything, can O’Malley
tell us about the purpose of storing 150 rifles
in Dundalk?
My belief is that they were left in Dundalk
as a stop-gap measure pending the imminent
arrival of arms from Europe which – unlike
those in Dundalk – were not going to have se
rial numbers which could have been traced
back to the Irish Army. Hence, if military intel
ligence decided to distribute arms in a dooms-
day situation, there was less of a chance that
the British government would discover their
true origin.
Part of a handwritten ‘secret’ military report,
again from the Department of Defence, on the
storage of the rifles is reproduced below. The
last paragraph is the relevant one. It states as
34 November 2020
QUESTION : Are we to believe that such high-
ly sensitive files were brought to your atten-
tion but you were not told the news that had
shaken the Special Branch to its core: that the
Provisional IRA network was more extensive
than had been believed because the Garda
was relying on its top informer who had hid
den this fact from his handlers?
We know that O’Malley knew that there was
an informer because he mentions this fact in
his memoirs – where he reveals that the Garda
received a “tip-o” from an informer about the
arms importation attempt that sparked the
Arms Crisis of 1970.
O’Malley would also have known of the exis-
tence of an informer, from the evidence pre-
sented by the Head of the Special Branch,
John Fleming, at the Public Accounts Commit
tee in 1971.
In addition, Peter Berry who was Secretary
General at the Department of Justice at the
time of the Arms Crisis also confirmed the
existence of an informer in his diaries which
were published by Magill magazine.
Andrew Ward took over from Peter Berry
in January 1971. It was his job to monitor the
activities of the Provisional IRA and report on
them to his minister. Ward relied on C3 and
the Special Branch for his information. C3 was
led by Patrick Malone at the time while Flem
ing was in charge of the Special Branch.
QUESTION : Are we to believe that Ward,
Malone and Fleming concealed the fact that
MacStiofáin was an informer, from you, Mr
O’Malley, when the Conaty papers were pre
sented to you?
In his memoirs O’Malley did let something
significant about the informer out of the bag.
He stated that the Gardai had received a ‘tip-
o’ about the pending arms flight from the
Continent to Dublin Airport. This was a bad
slip on O’Malley’s part because this contra
dicted the account which Lynch gave to the
Dail about how the arms flight was discovered.
Following intelligence reports of the
possibility of a raid by a subversive
organisation in Dundalk military barracks,
the balance of 150 rifles and 80,000
rounds of ammunition stored in Dundalk,
were returned to stores in Dublin on Fri 1
May 1970.
QUESTION : Do you deny that 150 rifles were
stored in Dundalk while you were junior min
ister for defence?
QUESTION : What was the purpose of the
storage operation?
QUESTION : Why was this information with
held from the jury at the Arms Trial?
There is another document – a letter – which
refers to Des O’Malley by name. It is repro
duced in the picture beneath this paragraph.
It was written by an ocer who once served
with the overarching Garda intelligence direc
torate known as C3. The ocer was involved in
the Sean MacStíofáin case. MacStíofáin was
the former Chief of sta of the Provisional IRA.
He somehow managed to mislead the Garda
into believing that he was a reliable informer
during the 1960s and early 1970s. I have writ
ten about MacStíofáin’s machinations in my
book, ‘Deception and Lies: the Hidden History
of the Arms Crisis’. It reads as follows.
“Mac STIOPHAIN had until July 1972 con
ducted a brilliant masquerade as a Garda in-
formant and been well paid to boot. His status
would in all probability have continued but
for documents found in the home of a retired
Irish/American and a former Clann na Gael
Treasurer, James CONATY, Drumshirk, Stra
done. These documents were such that they
were brought to the Minister for Justice for his
personal perusal. That MacSTIOPHAIN should
have been in receipt of State funds and regard
ed as an Informant must, to any sane objec-
tive person, appear the height of improbability
but it is a fact. MacSTIOPHAIN was recruited in
good faith in approximately 1961 but the justi
fication of his later role must surely bewilder
men of goodwill. You know how the PROVOS
were formed, how SAOR EIRE acted as their
Financial agents in the Republic so as not to
incur the disapproval of the State against the
Provos and until disenchantment about Mac
STIOPHAIN occurred in July 1972 his immunity
was at a reasonable level”.
In the article O’Malley felt “duty-bound”
to produce for the Sunday Independent on
27 September 2020 he cast doubt on the
revelation that MacStiofáin was an ‘informer’.
He stated that he is “99.9% sure” that MacS
tiofáin was not an informer. I find this curious.
O’Malley either knows or does not know that
MacStiofáin was an informer. So, why leave
the element of 0.1% uncertainty floating?
QUESTION : Who do you believe was the
informer if you are so certain that it was not
Sean MacStíofáin?
The information in the letter written by the C3
ocer described a cache of documents relat
ing to the Provisional IRA which was found on
a premises owned by James Conaty, an Irish
American who was a supporter of the IRA,
indeed one who had taken part in the 1916
Rising, the War of Independence and the Civil
War. The discovery of the documents in Co
naty’s house alerted the Garda to the fact that
MacStíofáin had been misleading them for
years as he had concealed the names of the
IRA volunteers recorded in the files from them.
Significantly, the letter reveals an additional
fact: that the Conaty files were shown to Des
O’Malley while he was serving as minister for
Rare photo of Provisional IRA leaders
Twomey, MacStiofáin, McGuinness and Ó
Peter Berry (l) Captain James Kelly (r)
November 2020 35
porters of the IRA, let alone MacStíofáin’s fac-
tion which transformed into the Provisional
IRA after the IRA split in December 1969.
Yet, O’Malley would have us believe that the
CDC as an organisation was the incubator of
the leadership cadre of the Provisional IRA.
Tom Conaty who was Chairman of the
Central Citizen Defence Committee (CCDC)
was opposed to physical force violence. In
1972 he was chosen as part of a commission
of 11 to advise William Whitelaw, the Secretary
of State to Northern Ireland. He denounced
the Provisional IRA during interviews he gave
during his tenure as Chairman of the CCDC.
Paddy Doherty was one of the most
important leaders of the CDC in Derry. He was
also opposed to physical force violence. He
was a friend of John Hume.
Canon Padraig Murphy was another man
who was opposed to violence and exercised
great influence over the CDCs. James
Callaghan, the then Home Secretary and later
prime minister of Britain, described him in
glowing terms in his NI memoirs.
Lynch’s account made it seem there was no in-
former, no ‘tip-o’ rather that the ocials at
the airport unravelled what was going on inde
pendently. While they may very well have dis-
covered what was afoot, their activities served
to conceal the role of the informer.
It is now clear that the most senior men in the
State’s security apparatus were asleep at the
wheel. They did not realise that their prized
asset – the Chief of Sta of the Provisional IRA
– was playing deceitful and dangerous games
with them. They somehow managed to remain
in a deep slumber during 1971-72 despite the
cacophony of bomb explosions and gunfire
that had announced to the rest of the world
that the Provisional IRA was on the warpath.
Had competent individuals served instead
of them, MacStíofáin might have been arrest
ed at one of his many assignations with his
Garda handlers.
The arms which Gibbons and his colleagues
attempted to import in 1970 were going to be
transported to a monastery in Co Cavan where
they were to have been held under lock and
key by the Irish Army and only released after
a vote of the Government. Such a vote would
only have taken place in the most dire of cir
cumstances, i.e. a threaten of a pogrom. After
such a vote, they would have been distributed
to the Citizen Defence Committees (CDCs) in
Northern Ireland, not the IRA.
The CDCs were made up of people, many of
whose leaders cannot be described as sup
Jim Sullivan was another senior figure in
the Central CDC. The suggestion that he was
a militant hawk, the type of person who later
became a Provisional IRA volunteer is yet
another of O’Malley’s fantasies. O’Sullivan
was a Marxist who was loyal to Goulding and
later sided with the Ocial IRA and became
active in politics on behalf of the Workers
Paddy Devlin and Paddy Kennedy MP.
Paddy Devlin served as Secretary to the Cen
tral CDC. He was opposed to physical force
violence and later became an SDLP minister
in the 1974 Power-Sharing Executive. Paddy
Kennedy was a Nationalist Stormont MP. He
was one of the signatories to the CDC bank ac
counts along with Paddy Devlin.
None of these men were supporters of the
Provisional IRA.
QUESTION : On what basis do you say these
men were supporters of the Provisional IRA?
QUESTION : If you are not in fact saying
these men were Provisional IRA members or
supporters, are you prepared to oer an apol
ogy to their families?
Cathal Goulding and Jim Sullivan
Canon P Murphy
Paddy Kennedy
36 November 2020
O’Malley has ducked all the hard questions.
He exploited his Sunday Independent article
to smear Captain James Kelly, Charles Haugh
ey and others as conspirators who helped to
create the Provisionals. O’Malley did not deal
with a single one of the 30 instances described
by Michael Heney in his masterful analysis
of the Arms Crisis, particularly where he de
scribed how Lynch misled the public about
these events. Instead O’Malley professes his
belief in the honesty and integrity of Lynch. –
as if research doesn’t matter or as if history did
not depend on research.
At one point he states “I am certain that I
and other colleagues were never misled by
Jack Lynch. I knew Lynch intimately, working
more closely with him at this time than any
one, and know what sort of man Lynch was”.
But, Mr O’Malley, the evidence must prevail
over feelings.
The truth is that no one in Fianna Fáil or Irish
military intelligence set out to establish the
Provisional IRA. The reality is less shameful
but egregiously embarrassing nonetheless:
the Provisional IRA came into existence and
flourished while Jack Lynch was Taoiseach and
Des O’Malley was Minister for Justice because
they and their ocials gave MacStíofáin a free
pass to recruit, train and deploy Provisional
IRA volunteers. This happened due to incom
petence and ineptitude. Worse still, MacStio-
fain was almost certainly financed in his en-
deavours – in part – by State funds.
Charles Haughey once said of Bertie Ahern
that, “He’s the man. He’s the best, the most
skilful, the most devious, and the most cun
ning of them all”. That description is probably
more apt for Jack Lynch who did it unostenta
tiously. Honest hurling, pipe-smoking Jack.
Sadly for Des O’Malley, it is beginning to
look like Jack Lynch chose him for the crucial
role of Minister for Justice precisely because
he was young and inexperienced and he be
lieved he would be able to move him about
like a pawn on a chessboard. Despite hav
ing grown to maturity and achieved much
politically, the scales have never fallen from
O’Malley’s eyes.
Worse still, had Lynch not wrapped himself
up in lies and deceit, he might have appointed
a more experienced minister who might have
seen through MacStíofáin and crushed the Pro
visionals before they had a chance to flourish.
O’Malley’s predecessor, Micheál Ó’ Móráin
paid little or no heed to the information which
Peter Berry and the gardaí were feeding him
from MacStíofáin.
I somehow doubt that O’Malley’s succes
sor as minister, Patrick Cooney (of Fine Gael),
would have fallen for MacStíofáin’s deceits.
As O’Malley put it in his recent article about
the Arms Crisis: “As the last man alive who
Michael Heney (l) Captain James Kelly (r)
was centrally involved, I feel duty bound to set
the matter straight”. If this is a sincere senti
ment, surely O’Malley will now address the
actual circumstances in which the Provisional
IRA was allowed to construct its foundations in
the South during the period 1970-72?
Thousands of people died during the Trou
bles because of the Provisionals and the other
organisations with whom they engaged in a
brutal and protracted campaign. Thousands
were maimed, wounded and traumatised.
There are countless people alive today who
lost loved ones; and many who are living with
physical and psychological scars.
O’Malley owes it to them to deliver more
than bluster and hot air about Lynch’s alleged
integrity. He should deal with the factual evi
dence that exists.
The issues raised in this article are far from
exhaustive. There are plenty more which con
tradict the Lynch-Gibbons-O’Malley account of
the Arms Crisis and the birth of the Provisional
IRA. Nonetheless, O’Malley’s response to
them would provide valuable materials for his
torians to adjudicate upon where the blame
for the success of the IRA in the period 1970-
1972 truly lies.
It is now time for O’Malley to address the
evidence, especially since, as things stand, it
is beginning to look like history will record an
inexperienced young man who was appointed
as a minister at a tender age by a wily and de
ceitful Taoiseach who reckoned he could ex-
ploit his inexperience to further his cover-up
of what had happened in the months leading
up to the Arms Crisis. Furthermore that Lynch
was not suciently astute to realise that the
State faced a deadly threat from an emerging
paramilitary organisation in the shape of the
Provisional IRA and that Des O’Malley was not
the man to thwart this.
The end result was that O’Malley and his ad
visers let MacStiofáin run rings around them.
By the time they realised their deep-rooted
mistake, it was too late and the Provisional IRA
was up and running.
Patrick Cooney


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