4 0 April 2017
HE GARDA appears to be stumbling from crisis
to crisis. As Village was going to print Fianna
Fáil was considering a vote of no confidence in
its management and the Government had
agreed a 'root and branch' review. It is now dif-
ficult to keep account of all of the controversies that the
force has been embroiled in - or the associated inquiries.
The current difficulties with a million phantom breath
tests, and 14,700 wrongful convictions for motoring
offences, the ongoing tribulations of Garda management
in the mishandled controversy surrounding the Garda
whistleblower, Maurice McCabe, apparent misaccount-
ing in Templemore and rumours of false crime, including
murder and domestic-violence, statistics, are just the
latest in the downward spiral of scandals - but are noth-
ing new.
For most of the history of the new Irish state the suc
cess of the Garda force in presenting a neutral, unarmed
and publicly acceptable form of policing after a bitter
civil war has been the subject of wide-ranging favourable
commentary. However, in the modern era, certainly from
the 1980s onwards, the force has not coped well.
Vincent Browne recently recalled how, following the
murder of the British Ambassador Christopher Ewart-
Biggs in 1976, two gardaí who argued a fingerprint
allegedly found on a helmet near the scene of the explo-
sion was not the suspect’s were moved out of the
fingerprint unit and were effectively demoted. A subse-
quent inquiry into the affair led by the head of the
fingerprint unit in Scotland Yard concluded that what
was done in the Ewart-Biggs case “endangered the sci-
ence of fingerprinting worldwide.
In 1977 Nicky Kelly, Osgur Breathnach and Brian
McNally, members of the then newly formed Irish Social-
ist Republican Party (IRSP) were convicted of committing
a £200,000 train robbery in Sallins, Co Kildare. The only
evidence against them was confessions they made while
in Garda custody and while in that custody there was
clear evidence that they had suffered significant injuries.
More that 20 gardaí gave evidence in almost identical
phraseology that the accused were not assaulted in cus-
tody and that the confessions were voluntary. Kelly was
ultimately pardoned and the other two acquitted.
In many ways I am the last person to be critical of An
Garda Síochána. My own grandfather joined the force in
1922, rising to the rank of Chief Superintendent, was
shot at during the civil war and was compelled to carry
a revolver for most of his service career. The fact that my
father was a Minister from before I was born meant that
much of my parenting and early lessons in life were actu-
ally provided by my fathers two Garda drivers. They were
really part of our family and in many ways an inspiration
to us growing up. My grandfather's old dress uniform
hung in his bedroom wardrobe well into retirement and
we would gaze at it, as children, with great awe - its gold-
braid peaked hat and the Sam Browne belt with blue
whistle and tie.
Over the years in politics, business and in journalism
I have interacted with senior gardaí and never found
them wanting. In particular I found Garda Commission-
ers Pat Byrne and Fachtna Murphy to be exemplars of
professionalism and would go as far as to count them as
friends. Most of the gardaí I have spoken to, not the pre
viously mentioned I hasten to add, have been shocked
by revelations in the whistleblower affair.
Few understand how the current Commissioner can
retain her position, given that she must have known
about so many of the controversies that are undermin-
ing the force including the incendiary rumours that
were circulated about Maurice McCabe, including by
To regain confidence, strengthen policing
and change leadership
by Conor Lenihan
too strong,
yet too weak
The same...
April 2017 4 1
senior members of the force. Though out of politics I
was also on the receiving end of these stories. When
the Garda want to put something out there they are not
shy about it.
One reason why the Garda has not made an easy tran-
sition into the modern era of more sophisticated crime
is because much of its work from 1969 onwards was
taken up by the demonstrable threat to the state
posed by the IRA. It gave a culture of
secrecy and stealth the upper hand
within the force. In a recent Irish
Times’ article Vincent Browne
claims: “Lawyers, acting for
accused persons associated
with illegal organisations,
stated repeatedly during that
time – ie in the 1970s and
1980s – that Garda perjury
was a regular feature of such
cases and, later, became
almost a constant feature of
many criminal trials, whether sub-
versive related or not. At no time was
there any inquiry into this or was any
Garda disciplined within the force in that con-
nection”. The same over-zealousness accounts for the
fact that it is now suspected that at least 2,800 non-999
calls were monitored, in 23 Garda stations, from 1980 to
2013. The Ian Bailey case currently advancing to the
French courts has aired serious allegations that gardaí
considered paying someone in order to frame Bailey for
murder. The instincts of many gardaí have been called
into question.
More generally in the JC case streetwise Supreme
Court Justice Adrian Hardiman rehearsed the critical
findings of tribunals of inquiry into Garda conduct and
cited recent “deeply disturbing developments” in rela
tion to the force and its oversight. “If the ordinary citizen
were provided with a defence of ‘I didn’t mean it’ or ‘I
didn’t know it was against the law, then many parts of
the law would become completely unenforceable, he
The conflict in the North occasioned a corollary and
opposite problem: the resources that had to be devoted
to the conflict in Northern Ireland skewed the force’s
operations. While on the one hand the conflict engen-
dered some heavy-handed tactics, on the other it
reduced the force’s efficacy, weakening it.
So, the Garda was late to counter the
threat posed by armed and well-
organised crime gangs. The fact
that for example the Kinahans
have become one of the big
gest drug gangs in Europe tells
its own story.
Symptomatic of the weak-
ness of the Garda was the
incident during the general
election last year where the
entire Kinahan gang were
allowed to openly move through
Dublin airport and around Dublin on
their return from Spain for a family
funeral. The Kinahans appeared to get VIP
treatment as they arrived, with the media lovingly tell-
ing us that they were given Garda protection en route to
the church and on their way around Dublin. This and the
incident at the Regency Hotel, in north Dublin, called for
a dramatic and robust response by the State. The sur-
prise is that there was no such visible response. Even
though there was an election under way the Minister
Frances Fitzgerald did not seem to grasp the unsettling
Most of the gardaí I have
spoken to have been
shocked and appalled
by the revelations into
the whistleblower
...but different
4 2 April 2017
message the incident was sending to the voting public. In
years gone by ‘the General’ (Martin Cahill) was the sub-
ject of around-the-clock surveillance that bordered on
intimidation and harassment but was needed to keep
him under pressure. The impetus for such attentions
has, for some reason, been lost latterly, even as foreign
assassins arrive in our ganglands.
The murder of journalist Veronica Guerin spurred an
immediate and far-reaching response. Neither the Garda
nor this government seem to have realised that the inci-
dents involving the Kinahans was a similar opportunity
to assert themselves for the forces of law and order. Fine
Gael has always prided itself as one of these, but under
Enda Kenny it has, in effect, undermined the Garda in a
very public way. The manner in which Garda Commis-
sioner Martin Callinan was removed showed a
government that was more interested in shielding itself
than in serving the public interest in policing. While both
the Minister and the Secretary General or the Depart-
ment of Justice were also moved on eventually it seemed
likely this was being done for all of the wrong reasons -
in short to protect the Taoiseach.
What has never been addressed has been the whole
structure of Garda management which is clearly no
longer fit for practice. Some years ago a tough, no non-
sense, Inspector of the Garda was appointed - Kathleen
O'Toole had reformed the way the Boston Police force
operated and introduced zero tolerance. She was an
impressive person and many in government felt she
should have been elevated to the role of Commissioner.
Recent years have seen instigation of Ombudsman Com-
mission, the Garda Inspectorate and the Policing
Authority but the culture at the top is awry and new over-
sight and new strategies can never change that.
The arguments for having an outside appointment as
Garda Commissioner is now doubly relevant. In the wake
of the financial crisis an outsider, Matthew Elderfield,
was brought in to improve the regulation and new sys-
tems of regulation for the financial services sector.
Across the water in the UK the then Chancellor of the
Exchequer George Osborne, braved the obvious criti-
cism, by appointing the former governor of the Canadian
Central Bank, Mark Carney, to the exclusive position of
Governor of the Bank of England. It took Chris Patten, an
Englishman, to drive the instigation of a new police in
Northern Ireland after the RUC failed to attract cross-
community support and was awarded its P45, and the
George Cross.
Thankfully the job of now restructuring the Garda is
not as great as putting the Northern Ireland Police Force
together. Society in the Republic of Ireland is till rela-
tively sympathetic to the Garda force and strong
leadership at the top of the organisation should be able
to repair the damage done by recent controversies.
Having lived and worked abroad in recent years, I feel
Ireland should have a more robust form of policing than
it currently has. In 1997 the Fianna Fáil party went into
the election promising zero-tolerance-style policing. For
political reasons and in fear of the potential subversion
of civil liberties, the governments led by Bertie Ahern
backed away from zero tolerance. This was a historic
mistake which inured the Garda against more thorough-
going policing reform in the public interest allowing it to
languish unreformed.
Largely because of the troubles our once-exemplary
Garda became both under- and over-zealous. I await a
root-and-branch review but in any event it needs to
regain its scruples to satisfy the imperatives of civil lib-
erties, probity and decency. Moreover, many
commentators forget, it also must improve the effective-
ness with which it deals with crime, if it is to regain
popular trust.
Conor Lenihan is a former Dáil Deputy of 14 years and a
former Minister in the Department of Justice.
Much of the Garda’s work from 1969 was
taken up by the IRA threat creating a
culture of secrecy and stealth but also
diverting and weakening it
Murder of Veronica Guerin, 1996
Commissioner O'Sullivan with Paul Williams


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