22 March 2015
The failure to jail white-collar criminals remains egregious
AST year the prosecutions of Anglo Irish bank bosses fizzled out in
community service for Pat Whelan and William McAteer, guilty of
10 counts of providing illegal loans to the group of investors known
as the Maple 10 to prop up the Anglo share price. Sean FitzPatrick, the
bank’s former chairman, was acquitted of engaging in an illegal share-
support scheme.
As the ‘Ansbacher’ tax scandal took briefly again to wing in Decem-
ber, the outgoing chair of the Revenue Commissioners, Josephine Feehily,
reminded us again that although 289 cases of illegality were identified in
relation to the largest tax evasion scheme in Irish history, not one person
has been prosecuted over Ansbacher.
In July 2013 the DPP withdrew corruption charges against four county
councillors and a businessman ending a 21-year saga of the rezoning of
lands at Carrickmines in South Dublin because of the medical condition
of former government press secretary and lobbyist Frank Dunlop who
was the chief prosecution witness.
Corrupt ex-planning official George Redmond won his legal battle last
month to have all adverse findings against him removed from the plan-
ning tribunal report following a Supreme Court ruling on the evidence
of whistleblower, James Gogarty. Tribunal findings of corruption against
(corrupt) former Minister for Justice, Ray Burke, and (corrupt) business-
men Michael Bailey and Joseph Murphy Jr were quashed for the same
reasons. Findings that they hindered and obstructed the tribunal were
Mr Redmond was convicted of corruption in 2003 and sentenced to
12 months imprisonment following a majority jury verdict. That con-
viction was overturned on appeal as unsafe and he was released after six
months. He was retried in 2008 on two separate corruption charges but
the jury failed to reach a verdict on the first count and he was acquitted
on the second.
Sean Quinn is back at his glass plant though his family seem to have
hidden €500m in assets all over Europe.
So far so bad.
However, there has been some ambiguous momentum. Sean FitzPatrick
still faces 12 counts of failing to disclose to auditors Ernst & Young the
true value of loans worth at least €139m given to him or people connected
to him, by Irish Nationwide Building Society from 2002 to 2007. The
Garda are finally considering a file concerning the Ansbacher accounts,
after “a delay in the system”. The State has sought the extradition of
former Anglo CEO, David Drumm.
Democracy is subverted by the flagrancy and impunity of white-collar
crime. At every level the criminal system has been set up to ensure main-
tenance of the status quo, and certainly not to challenge the privileges of
the wealthiest or most powerful, who ravaged this country.
For example, since its inception, the Competition Authority – now the
Competition and Consumer Protection Commission – has secured 33
convictions against companies and individuals, but the yield has been
low: €629,000 in fines and no one sent to jail, though nine people were
given (suspended) custodial sentences. The ODCE has secured around
300 convictions, mostly in the District Court where fines and penalties
are derisory. In its 14-year history, the Office of the Director of Corporate
Enforcement (ODCE) has never secured a single prosecution for insider
trading or market abuse, though in 2012 it did finally secure a three-year
prison sentence arising from a company law conviction and in 2014 it
secured the convictions of Whelan and McAteer, though Sean FitzPatrick
was acquitted.
The only convictions related to the drawn-out tribunals have been of
Ray Burke for tax evasion, George Redmond (eventually overturned)
and Frank Dunlop for corruption, and Liam Cosgrave for offences under
the ethics acts; as well as of Liam Lawlor for blatant obstruction of the
Planning Tribunal. More are needed. The idea that Bertie Ahern’s digout
story which the Planning Tri-
bunal discounted, was never
looked at for possible perjury
or obstruction of the tribunal,
is inflamingly iniquitous.
Comparisons have inevitably
been drawn with the US where
$65bn-Ponzi-scheme supremo,
Bernie Madoff, is serving a
150- year jail term. But, even
there, though over 800 bankers
served jail time for the savings
and loan crisis in the 1980s,
not one was imprisoned for the
sub-crime crisis of 2007-9.
The US prosecutor’s panoply
of wire-taps, plea-bargaining,
monetary incentives for wit-
nesses to testify against former
colleagues and the wholesale
removal of discretion in sentencing from judges are alien to the Irish
judicial system.
The recent protected disclosures bill ushers in US-style immunity from
prosecution to corporate whistleblowers, though in the US they are now
even offering enormous financial rewards to whistleblowers. It is also
time to consider introducing pre-trial hearings that would force prose-
cutors to show their hand at an early stage, flushing out frivolous cases,
and reducing delays. This would undoubtedly have helped with the first
Anglo prosecutions.
But above all we need a change in the ethos of the criminal justice
system. A rigorous programme of training for judges, lawyers, Gardaí,
ODCE, Central Bank, Competition and Consumer Protection Commission,
Revenue and DPP must be prioritised.
Eighteen months ago Village announced, in frustration, an initiative to
promote private prosecutions of tribunal villains and corrupt bankers. We
pursued the matter with banking whistleblower Jonathan Sugarman.
After some frustrating false starts, lawyers – including senior counsel
Michael McDowell and Newry-based solicitor Kevin Neary who handled
the £10,000 reward that ultimately led to the instigation of the planning
tribunal – generously undertook to provide their services for the initia-
tive. However, Mr Sugarman, whose career was devastated by his bravery
in disclosing breaches of banking regulations by Unicredit Bank, decided
in the end not to pursue his commitment to the case. This was a pity as a
senior figure in the enforcement apparatus had made contact about the
matter. After this Village has had to deal with four separate and unlikely
defamation cases, which it has dispatched. It all sapped our energy for
the private prosecutions. That energy has now returned.
Village is looking for another case to pursue and will return to this issue
over the next few issues. •
Private prosecutions, again