24 October/November 2023 October/November 2023 25
later dropped. The original house was burnt
during the Williamite wars and Moatville was
probably constructed by Robert Bruce, who
fought at the American Revolutionary battle
of Bunker Hill. It was lived in by Bishop William
Reeves of Down, Connor and Dromore but has
been left vacant and abandoned since
purchased by Kerry Foods Ltd. Talks to gift it
back to the people of Charleville have not
proceeded. It is now left open to the elements.
In February 2023, Tourism Development
International (TDI) appointed by Ballyhoura
Development CLG and Kerry Group PLC to
prepare a feasibility study and development
plan for Moatville House and Gardens.
The vacant buildings and derelict/
abandoned sites next to the primary schools
on Smith’s Lane are owned by businessman
John Keating of Kanturk. Two of his buildings
on that street were demolished last year due
to parts of the building tumbling to the
ground, after years of neglect. It caused trac
chaos in October 2022 as the street had to be
closed for two weeks while the buildings were
demolished. He still owns three lots on Smiths
Lane, all vacant and abandoned for years.
The next two vacant buildings comprise an
old town ball alley purchased by businessman
Michael McCormack of Foxhall, County
Limerick and an adjacent house which features
large cracks.
Directly across the street from the primary
schools on Smith’s Lane, is a row of vacant
cottages and buildings. The first cottage is
owned by Martha Noonan, Kippane,
Charleville. The roof tiles of this property are
loose and dangerous and are a potential
safety risk to the public.
The last known residents of this vacant
cottage were the Malone family. Abandoned
for years, it is open to the elements.
These vacant buildings on Smith’s Lane
comprise an abandoned old mill, house, and
large rear yard. It is owned by businessman
and local Charleville-based detective Liam
Ruddle of Ardagh, County Limerick. Near the
CBS schools on Baker’s Lane is a former coal-
yard premises which local Fianna Fáil
The first cottge is owned by Mrth Noonn, Kippne, Chrleville
The lst known residents of this vcnt cottge ws the Mlone fmily Abndoned for yers
Former John Lne nd Sons bed-mnufcturing unit
Buildings left empty for mny yers