64 February 2016
ill the 2016 election bury the idea that
the left-right divide is the key one in poli
tics? For most of the 20th century
choices facing voters in Europe were to
go for parties that said they’d tax more
and spend the fruits on public services (the left) or
those who would provide fewer public services and aim
to take less in tax (the right).
What we might consider the centre has shifted about
a bit. From the 1950s to the 1970s most, even the right,
agreed to tax and spend more. From the 1980s the
centre shifted right. All this time most parties were
identifiable on this left-right dimension. Voters too
could usually identify themselves on this scale. If you
were working class you tended to vote left, if you were
middle class you tended to vote right. Sometimes the
middle classes who worked in the public sector would
vote left, and sometimes the left was too left or the right
too right for their ‘natural’ group to support it fully.
Then there was a convergence on the right, and so in
the UK the Labour Party became New Labour, and
essentially became a right-wing party. In Ireland wily
Fianna Fáils shifting policies offer a good barometer of
which direction the ‘centre’ is going.
In the last decade, particularly since the Great Reces-
sion in 2008, left and right have become less meaningful
as an explanation of what divides the parties. While
Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump appear to have little
in common, they are both appealing to voters con-
cerned about the same crisis. Those voters are
demographically very similar (white and working class).
While Trump and Sanders interpret the crisis in differ-
ent ways – one a crisis of capitalism, the other a crisis
of border control among other things – they agree in
many ways. They both rail against a corrupt politi-
cal and business elite, they both claim to represent
the ordinary worker, they agree on protectionism
in trade.
More than anything they are both angry.
They represent the frustrated in life. It is
this emotion that may be the
main denominator in
Rather than left-right, par-
ties can be distinguished by
whether they are angry at the estab-
lishment or are part of it. If we look at
the rise of UKIP we can see that the
partys support comes at the
expense of what Labour might
have thought its core supporters
– the working class. Labour was
(and perhaps still is) seen as a part of
the metropolitan elite.
The party divide in Ireland was always hard to under-
stand. There wasn’t a strong left-right divide, but it was
Fianna Fáils genius that it could simultaneously portray
itself as a party of the ordinary man AND be the main
party of government. Bertie Ahern used to talk about
the government as if it were some third party, not the
organisation he was leading. In this election Fianna Fáil
still likes to portray itself as the party of the worker,
painting Fine Gael as a party of the rich. But it’s not
angry. It’s a part of the establishment.
Labour is trying to sound as if it represents the frus-
trated. Its ‘Standing up for Ireland’ slogan is designed
to pit it on the side of the ordinary against some elite,
but it is not plausible, having campaigned to deliver
Labour’s way not Frankfurt’s way in 2011. It has for
some time been a party that gets much of it support
from the middle classes. And Fine Gael is happily
appealing to those in Irish society who are content.
The other side are the frustrated: people who feel
unfulfilled and unable to do anything about it. It’s a
toss-up whether the parties representing them will be
on the left or right, but in Ireland they tend to be on the
left. Shane Ross and his alliance of independents posi-
tion themselves as anti-establishment rather than
obviously left or right. Renua will attract some of the
angry on the right, who perhaps see Ireland as being
ruled by a liberal elite.
Sinn Féin pitches based on the premise that there is
a cartel of bankers and politicians who rule Ireland for
their own interests, a proposition shared by the alpha-
bet soup parties on the left. This is made more plausible
by the banking crisis. Sinn Féin talks of a two-tier recov-
ery “that benefits [the government] and their friends at
the top, not the majority of hard-working, fair-minded
Irish citizens”.
These are sentiments that one could hear a Le Pen, a
Trump or UKIP venting as readily as an Alexis Tsipras or
Pablo Iglesias.
The main difference distinguishing left and right
internationally, which no Irish parties have focussed
on, is immigration. It’s to Sinn Féin’s credit that it never
used immigration, especially given it is a populist
nationalist party. Many young working class men hold
views that make them ripe for anti-immigrant politics
but Sinn Féin’s nationalism (and Ireland’s history of
emigration) makes it difficult to be an anti-immigrant
But parties can’t be anti-establishment forever. What
happens when the parties representing the frustrated
get into power? They usually disappoint.
Eoin O’Malley is the director of the MSc. in Public
Policy at Dublin City University
Are you content, or angry?
Left-right is no longer the key divide
by Eoin O’Malley


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