March 2015 69
HE environment is the enemy of
jobs. Thats what my lad recently
reported was the universal belief of
all those in his Leaving Cert ‘Civic, Social
and Political Education’ (CSPE) class in
our west cork community school. To be
honest, its what most people think in
modern Ireland. To object to develop-
ments in rural Ireland is a swift route to
social ostracisation – or worse.
But if we don’t protect the environ-
ment our dwindling natural resources
will be used foolishly and the ultimate
cost of cleaning up will one day be too
great or too late to pay. Yet Dan and
his school mates are no different from
the current revisers of Directives in
Brussels or the Kerry Councillors with
their Material Contravention motions to
overrule planning protection.
Environmental regulation is under
unceasing attack at every level. The buzz
word is light regulation’. Light regula-
tion? Isn’t that an oxymoron, a paradox,
like ‘open secret?
We rely on the environment for life
itself. It’s just that the connections can
be hard to see. Let’s look at what happens
with say industrial peat extraction
and public health.
In  the group I work with received
an anonymous letter from a hotmail
account. It was a detailed missive with
photographs demonstrating the devas-
tation of hundreds of hectares of raised
bogs in Westmeath by large industrial
operators. We found no planning author-
ities had any record of these activities.
We spent five years pursuing the
authorities to require them to assess the
activities and protect the environment.
We filed a Petition to the European Par-
liament. We went through the planning
process all the way to the High Court
where even now three cases await final
determination. We commissioned a sat-
ellite survey of exposed peat-lands from
University College Cork and presented
the Department of the Environment with
detailed maps of  extraction sites of
more than hectares across local
authorities, the vast majority of which
their subsequent site visit reports con-
firmed required planning permission.
Why does this matter? Is it the quix-
otic defence of a rare bog orchid? Well
partly: fragile biodiversitymatters; and
bogs are a significant carbon store also.
It matters also because the drainage of
peat and forestry and land reclama-
tion on peaty soils releases organic
carbon into the water the peaty
colouryou sometimes see. When this
water is treated with chlorine, THMs
[Trihalomethanes a group of chemi-
cals like chloroform that are associated
with cancer] are formed.
According to the EPA’s Quality of
Drinking Water in Ireland we analysed
for our complaint, almost ,
consumers in water supply zones
are currently receiving drinking water
exceeding the European Union / World
Health Organisations’ parametric limit
for THMs.
And nobody has told the consumers,
even though the law says they must be
informed. The Directive and the Irish
Regulations say that: “In such cases
consumers shall be informed promptly
thereof and given the necessary advice”.
THMs are volatile prolonged show-
ering, jacuzzis, steam rooms become
dangerous, pregnant women may be at
greater risk, etc.
Ireland’s defence to the EU’s investiga-
tion was assembled by the Environmental
Protection Agency and the Health and
Safety Authority. “The public should be
reassured that all exceedences of the
standards are examined to determine
if there is a potential danger to human
health”, the joint document said. It con-
cluded that there is ‘not enough evidence
to prove that THMs pose a health risk in
the short term.’
Carcinogens by their nature are not
“immediate” risks. Cigarette smoking,
exposure to asbestos these are not
immediate risks either.
They have to deny any public health
risk because the Commissioner for
Energy Regulation [who also regulates
water] is committed to giving a %
discount for consumers receiving water
unsafe for human consumption. And a
% discount to , consumers
would end water charges more quickly
than any marches on the Dáil.
Meanwhile, the public will continue to
drink potentially dangerous water that
could be made safe – if they knew – by a
simple charcoal filter.
The eight or ninemini Bord nanas
who are doing the extraction most
of them registered outside the state
have been lobbying the Government
(from high up’) over the loss of jobs
that potential controls could mean. The
booming mushroom industry which
is now almost half of all Irish horticul-
tural products relies on peat to grow its
crop. Our competitive advantages will be
lost, they say: , jobs will be at risk.
Hence the Minister is told regulation is a
threat to national food security.
He has been told that peat should be
removed from planning controls alto-
gether and subject instead to you
guessed it – “light regulation”.
If we want a more progressive Ireland
we’ll have to go back to school. •
Tony Lowes is one of the founders
and a Director of Friends of the Irish
Environment, an environmental lobby
group established in 1997 to ensure the
implementation of European
environmental law.
There is no other way to change our approach
to the environment. By Tony Lowes
Back to school
deny public
health risk
from THMs
because CRE
is committed
to a 100%
discount for
unsafe water.
would end
water charges


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