April 2015 33
OLITICAL reform is yet another Irish oxymoron.
Certainly not something to be serious about: it is
a field for making promises rather than taking
Political reform that advances equality and human
rights is more elusive still.
The establishment of a new Oireachtas Sub-
Committee on “Human Rights Relevant to Justice and
Equality Matters”, therefore, merits some attention.
Inevitably it got almost none.
The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of
Europe resolved in 2011 that parliaments are “key to
the effective implementation of international human
rights through legislating (including the vetting of
draft legislation), involvement in the ratification of
international human rights treaties, holding the
executive to account, liaising with national human
rights institutions and fostering the creation of a
pervasive human rights culture”.
The Dáil and Seanad do not fulfil these roles.
The Resolution recommended that national
parliaments establish “appropriate parliamentary
structures to ensure rigorous and regular monitoring
of compliance with, and supervision of, international
human-rights obligations, such as dedicated human
rights committees”.
Four years later, and – begrudgers be silent – we
have such a committee.
As with all such change in Ireland, it is about having
the right people in the right place at the right time:
David Staunton TD, Chair of the Oireachtas
Committee on Justice, Defence and Equality and Chair
of the new sub-committee, and Senator Katherine
Zappone, Rapporteur of the new sub-committee. The
sub-committee has three other members, all ready
volunteers: Anne Ferris TD, Labour; Senator Ivana
Bacik, Labour; and Finian McGrath TD, Independent.
Staunton said the sub-committee was “established
with a view to examining how issues, themes and
proposals take account of human rights provisions.
The focused membership of the sub-committee
intends to work to ensure that any new legislation is
human rights ‘proofed’”. Zappone added: “members
agreed ambitious but achievable areas to examine,
which will ensure that this sub-committee provides
robust parliamentary oversight in how Ireland
complies with its international human-rights
The sub-committee has identified four important
areas for immediate attention. It will review the 2009
Charities Acts failure to include human-rights work
as a purpose of benefit to the community. Such a
provision would have allowed organisations working
for the advancement of human rights to have
benefited from charitable status.
The sub-committee will investigate the
introduction of a regularisation scheme for
undocumented migrants for which the Migrant Rights
Centre of Ireland has been campaigning. It estimates
that there are between 20,000 and 26,000
undocumented migrants living and working in
Ireland, most of whom have been here for many years.
The sub-committee will examine the ratification by
Ireland of international human-
rights instruments. This could
usefully start with the UN
Convention on the Rights of
Persons with Disabilities. Ireland,
Finland and the Netherlands are
the only EU Member States that
have still to ratify this Convention.
The Optional Protocol to the UN
Convention Against Torture will be
another focus in this work. The sub-committee could
usefully extend its focus in this area to the
incorporation of international human-rights
conventions into domestic law.
The sub-committee will support public bodies to
prepare for their obligations under the positive duty
to have regard to eliminating discrimination,
promoting equality of opportunity and protecting
human rights. This obligation has been introduced by
the Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission Act
2014. It offers the potential to inculcate a new culture
of equality and human rights in Government
Departments and public bodies. However, it runs the
risk of being limited to a tick-box exercise unless there
is some drive and support behind it. The sub-
committee is now usefully offering a rare impetus.
Sub-committee reports will be published, sent to
the Minister for Justice and Equality, and laid before
both houses of the Oireachtas for debate.
The only fly in this otherwise cleverly formulated
ointment is that the field of work for the sub-
committee is conned to issues emanating out of the
Justice and Equality brief of its parent committee.
However, Zappone noted “I am hopeful the
Committee can demonstrate the ways in which
parliamentarians can monitor the implementation of
our human rights obligations within the remit of
justice and equality issues so that other Oireachtas
Committees can do the same or that a stand alone
Human Rights and Equality Oireachtas Committee
might eventually be established”. •
We have a new
Begrudgers, move along


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