5 2 April 2016
he elephant in the room at the so-far abortive
meetings in Leinster House to form a viable
government is the presence of a once popular
leader now entirely without credit.
Enda Kenny even assumed a very low pro-
file in the centenary commemorations of the 1916
Rising. His presence was easily overshadowed by that
of President Michael D Higgins - who occupies a posi-
tion of symbolic power in our modern day republic.
The Independent TD and commentator Shane Ross
understood this very well when he stated that he was
gazing at a "political corpse" when he was part of the
first discussions with the acting Taoiseach. Independ-
ents have, and need, a keen nose for public opinion
since they have no big political-party apparatus
designed to keep them informed.
Ross was then extensively criticised for his use of
language by the politically correct classes who felt he
had disrespected the office of Taoiseach as well as by
the supporters of a wounded Fine Gael.
Ross is in substance correct. It is virtually impossible
to install a new government if it involves putting Enda
Kenny in as its head. To do this would be to truly pervert
the course of public opinion, as expressed in the gen-
eral election.
If things are changed utterly then it is because the
election of 2016 delivered a hammer strike from the
electorate to both Enda Kenny and the Fine Gael party.
Willie O'Dea, one of the brightest men in the Dáil, also
captured this point well in a recent article in the Sunday
Independent. By coincidence the same paper has pro-
duced a poll which shows that Micheál Martin, not Enda
Kenny, is the one most favoured by public opinion to be
the next Taoiseach.
A large section of the media and commentariat
expressed surprise at the scale of Fine Gael's defeat - it
seems the more comfortable members of the commen-
tariat fell for the Fine Gael spin that Labour would lose
but Fine Gael would hold
its own.
The failure of the Fine
Gael-led government started
with the water-charges fiasco and
continued into the election where Kenny made a pre-
eminent contribution to the party's defeat. He cannot
escape blame on this front. It also appears that he has
at least three hungry wolves within his own ranks who
wish to replace him - Leo Varadkar, Simon Coveney and
Frances FitzGerald.
Enda Kenny was comprehensively outshone in the TV
debates during the general election by Micheál Martin
despite the fact that he has spent the past five years
strategically blaming Martin and Fianna Fáil for all of
the problems that beset the country. It simply did not
work. The public has moved on from the blame game,
even if Fine Gael has not.
Moreover, Kenny told people they would not under-
stand economics at the start of the campaign and
towards the campaign's end delivered the immortal
insult that people who did not like him or his policies
were " whingers". Fine Gael continue to defy public opin-
ion by presuming, in the post-election discussions, that
the party must be part of any government that is formed.
Caretaker Taoiseach Enda Kenny has now been
defeated on three occasions - all three defeats have
been very clear, public and formal - first in the election
and twice now in the Dáil on votes to determine who
should become Taoiseach.
There are signs, with over 40 days gone since the
general election, that the public is wearying of the pos-
turing and pranks of the political class as they
collectively fail in the task of government formation.
The first casualty of jadedness from the public will be
the independents who will see the fools’ pardon
extended to them in the election withdrawn if either no
government is formed or an election ensues.
Fianna Fáil +
Fine Gael
= Stable
Government but
a new election
might clear the
Big-party conservatism
led to rise of others
FF will support FG-led minority
government but a coalition must
be led by Martin
by Conor Lenihan
by Conor
April 2016 5 3
One of the most dangerous statements
issued so far was by Fine Gael's Richard Bruton
who stated on Morning Ireland that he would
consider the formation of a Fine Gael minority-
led government but not participate nor
contemplate its polar opposite a Fianna Fáil-led
minority government. Fine Gael, including its
fabled leadership contenders, seems to believe
that the party has some sort of divine right to
be in government.
Leo Varadkar, for all his faults in Health,
seems to have got it right when he acknowl
edged openly that no government could be
formed unless it combined the parliamentary
numbers of both Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael. The
numbers and the logic of the general election
are pointing that way but neither of the two big
parties wishes to accept that its rival should
lead in the political equation: Fianna Fáil + Fine
Gael = Stable Government.
Well before the election result was known I
indicated my own view that if the two big par-
ties were in touching distance of each other, in
levels of political support, then there was a real
chance that there could be a Fianna Fáil- Fine
Gael partnership government - with even the
possibility of a rotating Taoiseach.
The fact that this prediction, if you like, has
not happened so far is because of internal insti-
tutional resistance to the concept, or
competitive rivalry, from both parties. There is
also a huge, in my belief, misplaced fear in both
parties that by forming such a government they
will leave a wide-open door for Sinn Féin to
become the major force in opposition and the
government in the election that follows.
This conservative-mindedness, or risk aver-
sion, by the two big parties is precisely the
reason they have both so far lost support to
Sinn Féin, anti-austerity parties, and a broad, if
inchoate, collection of independents.The two
big parties no longer think big in terms of their
ambition. The bigger parties attract an older
(more reliable?) vote while the apparently more
radical parties capture the younger and more
socially disadvantaged vote.
The upshot of the failed attempt by Kenny to
put together a Partnership government of FF, FG
and apparently some rural independents is that
Fianna Fáil has declared its willingness, in
defined circumstances, to give support to a Fine
Gael-led minority government with Enda Kenny
(its greatest asset according to one insider
quoted in the newspapers) presumably left in
charge of the country. Fine Gael has, despite
FF's generosity, ruled out a similar arrangement
with Micheál Martin in the saddle - and that
despite his obvious popularity for the role.
The FF-FG partnership coalition will only work
if it is Micheál Martin as Taoiseach with Enda
Kenny taking a back seat. It may in fact be too
early in the discussions to have this prospect
entertained and it may also be the case that
Fine Gael has no mechanism (or will, for that
matter ) to replace him.
Fianna Fáil and the independents have much
more leverage in this situation than Fine Gael.
Fine Gael seems slow to learn this lesson. The
picture from the discussions of Leo Varadkar
playing with his mobile phone as the Healy
Raes looked on is testimony in some ways to
where things are heading. It is a vignette not
unlike the one of Nero fiddling while Rome
The reality is that it may take another 40
days, or even more, to put a government in
place. The public voted for a change of govern-
ment but they did not define who should lead
that changed government.The electorate, as
much a