July-August 2018
NYONE USING the Google mobile search
app to look for a podcast on an Android
phone in the last month will have noticed
something interesting happening. In addition
to the usual links to relevant websites and
iTunes directories, Google presents direct
links to the most recent episodes of the rel-
evant podcast. Hit a handy play button, and
users can listen directly to the podcast via
Google without opening an audio app.
Google wants users to listen to pod
casts through its own apps,
rather than using third-
party Android clients
like PocketCast or
That way,
Go og l e c an
gather valuable
data on listening
patterns, which
it can correlate
with all the other
data it collects
on browsing
habits, search his-
tories and YouTube
In mid-June, in addition
to the new addition to Search,
Google officially launched a stand-
alone podcast app for Androids. The app
replaced the little-known and awkwardly-
named Google Play Music Podcasts app,
which was only available in North America.
The clunky name alone is evidence that the
project, like Google Listen before it, was one
of the many neglected packages in the
Google stable.
Google Listen, launched in the summer of
2009, died in 2012, as the search engine
declared there were other, better apps avail-
able in the marketplace. Two years later,
podcasting began its move from niche inter-
net product to the mainstream.
In 2014, podcasts took off in the popular
imagination, going from a minority interest
listened to by very few to something every-
one was talking about, if not consuming. In
the popular memory, the sudden emergence
of podcasts is linked to ‘Serial’, the twelve-
part investigation by 'This American Life'
producer Sarah Koenig into the death of Bal-
timore high-school student Hae Min Lee, and
the possible miscarriage of justice which led
to the conviction of Adnan Syed for her
But other factors combined
to create the optimal con-
ditions which launched
‘Serial’ to viral fame.
The Apple iPods
which gave pod-
casting its name
were declining
by 2014, but
were ubiqui-
tous, and in the
US, Apple
accounted for half
of all smartphones
sold. In 2014, Apple
put podcasts to the
fore on their phones,
adding them to iTunes and
prominently displaying their native
podcast player on the home screen. Since
then, iTunes charts have dominated podcast
downloads (which might more accurately be
described as phonecasts).
But podcasts have never had the same
prominence for Android users.
Users have had to seek out podcast apps,
rather than finding one installed on the home
screen by default. And while several such cli-
ents exist,iner tia means the Android audience
has always been smaller than on Apple. The
numbers are stark. One third of American
smartphones come from Apple, but those
iPhones account for two thirds of podcast
listenership. Apple's share of the smartphone
market is lower in other countries, but the
same listenership pattern can be seen. That
untapped Android market is the prize for
Google, if it can get its product right.
Google made another significant announce-
ment in June. Doubleclick, the advertising
software subsidiary which allows it to domi-
nate online search advertising, was getting
into the business of audio advertising.
Initially the expansion is targeting music
products such as Google Play Music, Spotif y,
and Soundcloud, but the company is unlikely
to leave any podcasting money on the table.
If Google is serious this time about break-
ing into podcasting, then programme-makers
could be faced with a future of paradoxes.
Google's expertise could allow for the collec-
tion of more accurate statistics on listener ship
among Android users, while at the same
increasing the size of the Android audiences,
making podcasts a more attractive option for
advertisers. However, at the same time, the
rise in automated programmatic advertising
insertions may dilute the revenues advertis-
ing brings in. To date, much podcasting
advertising has an almost handcrafted feel
to it, with podcast hosts reading out mes-
sages from their sponsors, more akin to
American public radio programming than
commercial broadcasts. The ability to auto-
matically inser t a boilerplate message based
on Google's data about listeners could mean
an end to that format for all but the top per-
formers, where advertisers are willing to pay
a premium.
Podcasting is about to take its next great leap as Google makes
it easier for Android users and gets into audio advertising making
Podcasting more attractive to corporate advertisers
Casting the Pod more widely
by Gerard Cunningham
A third of American
smartphones come from Apple,
but those iPhones account
for two thirds of podcast
podcasting: increasing