WAS having dinner with Peggy Lee. I
had just interviewed her in the bed-
room of her home in Hollywood and
she had kindly invited me to stay, she
resting on the bed after a recent fall and me
sitting beside her in a chair, quietly thrilled.
A butler brought in tortillas and scotch. As
one of the great song stylists of the twentieth
century, Peggy was a sophisticated woman
with an impressive knowledge of the arts
and a large library of books lining the walls
of her bedroom. She had been reading about
Michelangelo and when the conversation
turned to his most famous sculpture, she
made a telling observation: “Imagine see-
ing David in that block of marble”.
It was a phrase which I borrowed some
years later when I began training and
coaching prospective radio presenters and
producers. Rather than impose a style, the
better approach is to chip away at the bits
that aren’t David and allow him to come alive,
so that an authentic personality emerges,
relieved of the irritants and bad habits that
compel the audience to move the dial.
It was akin to
the technique I
encountered in
the mid-Sixties,
when I was being
trained as a conti-
nuity announcer
for Radio Éireann,
based then in the
old studios in
the GPO. Denis
Meehan was in
charge of the
Section, aided by
his deputy Brigid
Kilfeather and his
Chief Announcer,
Terry Wogan,
who spent his
time subtly con-
tradicting what
Brigid had said
the previous evening.
Terry was much influenced by Denis, a
witty and kindly man, who encouraged us
to sound like ourselves, rather than try to
sound like ‘the man on the wireless. On the
training course, he picked us up on pronun-
ciation errors, in Irish and English, and gave
such sage advice as, for example, when con-
fronted with an unfamiliar name and unsure
which syllables to emphasise, equal stress on
all syllables gets you out of trouble.
Denis favoured an informal style, seri-
ous on occasion, but natural in approach.
His philosophy encapsulated the essence of
public service broadcasting to make what
is good, popular and what is popular, good.
He was adamant that the national station
should show respect for the audience, by
treating them as intelligent. “They may be
ignorant, he said, “that is, lacking certain
information, but they are not stupid”. It’s a
mantra that has underpinned my broadcast-
ing: Assume they are bright’.
Denis reserved much of his spleen for
Speech Tunes. These are bad habits that
infest the airwaves even now, on radio and
television. They characteristically entail
delivering a script in a sing-song manner
that bears no resemblance to the meaning
of the words. It includes pauses in. The mid-
dle of the sentence. And ends in a downward
descent to the full stop at. The end of the sen-
tence. A Speech Tune rings false, is tiring to
listen to and can be cured only if the speaker
concentrates on the meaning of the text.
Denis also reminded us that, even though
there are thousands listening, they are lis-
tening in ones.
The days of communities clustered
around a radio set are long gone, as are
entire families watching the same TV set,
so an intimate style by the presenter works
Eventually, there is an audition. A Radio
Éireann executive told me of his way of decid-
ing on one presenter, rather than another:
“Nice people come across as nice people”, he
said, “and bastards come across as bastards
– and there’s damn all you can do about it.
There is truth in that.
So, it is possible that, having chipped
away the bits of marble that aren’t David, we
are left with a figure that is less than beau-
tiful. You know the kind of broadcasters I
mean- the smug ones, the dull ones, the
ones that regard programmes as an oppor-
tunity to show off their knowledge, the ones
who refuse to adopt even the most basic pro-
nunciation guidelines, (‘Nooz’, anyone?).
Training and coaching can release what
was inherently already there. But it can’t
teach talent.
It may teach you to read music, but it
can’t teach you to be Peggy Lee.
Chipping at David
Some radio techniques can’t be taught… though some can. By Brendan Balfe
brendan balFe MEDIA
Tunes entail
a script in
a sing-song
manner that
bears no
to the
meaning of
the words
Balfe, as
host of
quiz show
‘Off the
Beat’ with
Frank Hall
and Hugh


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