42 February 2016
Report Card
by John Gibbons
he Fine Gael/Labour coalition govern-
ment did manage to pull off one
headline act that had eluded the pre-
vious FF/Green administration, and
that was they managed to get climate
legislation, of sorts, on to the statute books for
the first time ever.
In its 2016 Annual Report on the Programme
for Government, this fact is trumpeted as bur-
nishing the ecological credentials of an
administration that has, over the last five years,
shown a strong aversion to what husky-hug-
ging UK prime minister David Cameron once
memorably called “that green crap”.
The reason is hardly a mystery. Both IBEC and
the IFA are among the lead industry players who
have lobbied tirelessly to ensure any climate
actions that should emanate from the Cabinet
table would be so diluted as to be worthless.
And, with Fine Gael in particular basing its
entire political pitch on growth-at-all-costs,
nothing that looked like slowing that gallop was
ever going to be entertained.
"The recently enacted Climate Action and Low
Carbon Development Act 2015 builds on exist-
ing efforts to decarbonise the economy and
places the Governments adaptation efforts on
a legal statutory footing, according to the
Annual Report. And those “existing efforts”
would be what exactly?
The Act provides for a National Mitigation
Plan which will specify how we will achieve our
objectives as well as a National Climate Change
Adaptation Framework which will provide a
strategic policy focus”, it goes on to say. This
Mitigation Plan has been safely kicked into that
distant place known only as “later in 2016”
– somewhere safely beyond the shores of this
Back in February 2011, Fine Gael and Labour
jointly published their Programme for Govern-
ment. Its section dealing with climate change
ran to all of 95 words, including the promise to
deliver a Climate Change Bill, which “will pro-
vide certainty surrounding government policy
and provide a clear pathway for emissions
reductions, in line with negotiated EU 2020
The section also promised legislation to give
the relevant ministers temporary powers over
the State’s response to what it calls “natural
disasters”. This was at least prescient, given
the unnatural number of weather-related disas-
ters that have occurred in the term of the
outgoing government, up to and including the
severe winter flooding that – yet again –
recently plunged much of the Shannon region
into chaos.
The last, brief, section in this 2011 document
promised to “further improve energy efficiency
for new buildings, with a view to moving
towards zero carbon homes in the longer term.
All new commercial buildings will be required
to significantly reduce their carbon footprint.
By ‘further improve’, this presumably meant, at
the very least, maintaining the progress of the
outgoing FF/Green administration regarding
energy efficiency in the building sector.
How has this one measurable commitment
worked out? One of the widely accepted suc-
cesses of the previous government was its
home-retrofit programme. In 2011, some 67,500
homes underwent an energy overhaul under
the scheme. By last year, under FG/Labour, this
had plummeted, to just 21,600 energy retrofits.
Indeed, efforts by the atrocious outgoing Envi-
ronment minister Labours Alan Kelly to stymie
local authorities from pushing towards ‘passive
house’ standards speaks volumes for the
“green crap” mentality that has pervaded the
Cabinet since 2011.
To be fair, the writing was on the wall from the
outset. Take a section in the 2011 Programme
for Government under the heading ‘Peat’. First
off, the incoming administration magisterially
granted "an exemption for domestic turf cutting
on 75 National Heritage Area sites subject to the
introduction of agreed national code of environ-
mental practices". What, you might wonder, is
the value of a bog being designated as a
National Heritage Area when the government
signs off on this free-for-all before even taking
Soothingly, they went on to promise to
"establish an independent mediation to resolve
outstanding issues associated with turf cutting
on blanket bogs". It would be unfair to single
out the private contractors and their political
accomplices for sole mention in this regard.
IBEC and the IFA have
lobbied tirelessly to ensure
any climate actions tabled
would be diluted
"Little real engagement on climate.
Promised little but delivered even
less: 'dog ate my climate policy’ not
a valid excuse. Avoided a ‘fail’ by
scraping in Climate Act)"
February 2016 43
Climate Legislation
Climate Change legislation promised.
Climate Action and Low Carbon Development Act 2015 delivered, to mixed
reviews. Long on aspirations, short on the targets and enforceability that
characterise most other legislation. Climate Advisory Council, heavily laden
with economists, convened.
Home Energy
Promised to double funding for home energy efficiency & renewable energy
until end of 2013, then replace it with ‘pay as you save’ scheme.
75% fewer homes being retrofitted than five years earlier.
Green Jobs
Ireland to be established as ‘a renewable manufacturing hub to attract interna-
tional and domestic investment’. Energy co-ops to be supported in order to
‘make it easier for small- scale renewable energy providers to contribute to our
renewables targets’.
Promises long forgotten. No renewable energy ‘hub’, and worse, the feed-in
tariff for small-scale energy producers, rather than being expanded, has
been scrapped by the ESB, under government guidance.
We recognise the need to rebalance transport policy to favour public
Bus and rail fares increased. Private car sales return to pre-2008 levels.
Traffic chaos returns to M50. Instead of reducing, emissions from Ireland’s
transport sector set to rise by 12% between 2013 and 2012, according to
SEAI data.
Three woefully inefficient peat-burning
plants in the midlands only remain open thanks
to the Public Service Obligation (PSO) levy on
electricity bills siphoning some €120 million a
year into these plants – that’s around €2.5 mil-
lion a week in subsidies to produce the dirtiest,
poorest grade and most ecologically damaging
form of energy possible. In 2014, this State-
supported madness exceeded the total PSO
support for the production of clean electricity
using renewable energy.
Meanwhile, the government has extended
the life of these monuments to parochialism
and incompetence by another 15 years, which
is nicely timed to coincide with 2030, by which
time Bord Na Mona will have completed its dec-
ades-long assault on some of Europes richest
ecological regions, as well as what used to be
our most efficient carbon sinks. Quite where
this fits with the governments new climate leg-
islations that “builds on existing efforts to
decarbonise the economy, it’s difficult to even
begin to fathom.
To understand the true objectives of the 2011
Programme for Government, its necessary to
look elsewhere. For instance, under the section
headed ‘Growing the agri-food sector, the
seeds of the agri-steamroller later known as
Food Harvest 2020 are clearly set out: “Further
expansion and innovation in our dairy and meat
sectors will be a key priority under a reformed
CAP and we will work with industry to achieve
more intensive levels of production”.
Note the blunt language above. Such sly
euphemisms as “sustainable intensification”
hadn’t yet entered the lexicon of spin – this was
a straightforward declaration of expansion and
intensification. Later in the same section, it men-
tions that Bord Bia will be given a number of
marketing tasks, including developing “value-
added Irish food brands, such as an eco brand”.
The State food board has been an enthusias-
tic ambassador of a ‘greenwashed’ Irish food
sector. Irish agriculture currently accounts for
well over a third of Ireland’s GHG emissions,
and this will, according to EPA estimates, rise
to 45% by 2020. In a stunning act of moral lar-
ceny, one small, albeit politically untouchable,
sector of the Irish economy has sequestered vir
tually half of the entire nation’s emissions
Its boosters, notably outgoing Agriculture
minister, Simon Coveney have made it abun
dantly clear that our most emissions-intensive
forms of agriculture (beef production and
dairying) are planning to continue to ramp up
as the national dairy herd expands
What jars for these agendas is the pesky EU-
mandated EU emissions cuts (20% by 2020,
rising sharply to 40% by 2030). This exposes
Ireland to fines that even An Taoiseach admits
may run towards half a billion euro per annum.
Just as the banking industrys gambling losses
were ‘nationalised’, it seems clear that the beef
and dairy sectors are using similar political
clout to ensure the hapless general taxpayer
once again picks up the tab.
Anyhow, if all else fails, it’ll be Enda The Peni-
tent, cap in hand, off to Brussels later this year
to ask the big lads if they’d be able to do us a
dig-out on all these fines…by rewriting the
emissions rules as they might apply to Ireland,
in light of the ‘special position’ of our agricul-
ture sector (which is already, lest we forget, in
receipt of EU taxpayers’ largesse to the tune of
over €2bn cash transfers annually).
Enda Kenny completely misread the mood of
the COP21 Climate Conference in December. He
breezed in to Paris to tell journalists not to pay
heed to the high-sounding blarney in his formal
speech. This backfired spectacularly, leading
to some frantic back-pedalling as the gravity of
the Paris Agreement came to be better under-
stood. Whether this has helped loosen the iron
grip of corporate lobbyists on a new Fine Gael-
led coalition remains to be seen.
The Climate Mitigation
Plan has been safely
kicked into that distant
place known only as
“later in 2016”
Climate Legislation Report Card


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