July 2017 4 7
ALKING UP the driveway on my
first day of secondary school I felt
an added sense of trepidation on
account of the dandyish slip-on
shoes I was wearing. As I entered
the school buildings I ran the gauntlet of a rowdy
phalanx of students, giddy with first-day nerves.
They smelt fear.
A piercing cry rang out: “check out the shoes
on your man”. A chorus of guffaws followed leav-
ing me red-faced and mute. On returning home
that afternoon I dolefully slipped off the offend
ing shoes for the last time, recovering an old,
innocuous, pair that would do service for another
year. The following day no one noticed my
change in footwear as I blended with the crowd,
no doubt dispensing my own barbs still suffered
silently decades on by others.
I suggest another damaging conformity ema
nates from a superficially progressive elite that
holds back radical change in the UK and Ireland,
mostly by controlling media pronouncements,
that can ultimately be traced to the educational
The alt-right which now whispers into US Pres-
ident Trump’s ear comprises a collection of
misfits who hark back to a halcyon 1950s land-
scape of milk bars, jukeboxes, white picket
fences and horn-rimmed glasses. The Fourth
Turning they imagine is a fiction that invents an
enemy in extreme Islamism that appeals to a
similar myopic nostalgia among their equally
deluded adherents.
Nonetheless, I am drawn to a term ‘the Cathe
dral’ coined by an otherwise abhorrent alt-right
ideologue Curtis Yarvin, a.k.a. Mencius Mold-
bug. According to Paul Eliots superb account
that recently appeared in Mays Village: “The
Cathedral describes a media-academic-cultural
consensus with conditions for belonging: mem
bers must ascribe to the progressivist religion
and must accept dogmas from feminism, multi-
culturalism and trans-rights activism”.
The alt-right are correct nonetheless that what
used to be called political correctness excludes
certain positions from expression in the liberal
fraternity. Witness the former leader of the Lib-
Dems Tim Farron being hounded from office for
his Christian beliefs, and in Ireland the treatment
of John Waters by his former colleagues in the
Irish Times, as well as the ‘group-think’ that
impelled RTE ‘Prime Time’ journalists to jump to
conclusions about a missionary priest.
I agree with the Cathedral on social issues,
although I find the shutting down of debate dis-
tinctly undemocratic. My difficulty with this
broad liberal consensus is that its dogmas
extend well beyond issues of personal con
science such as gay sex or reproductive rights. I
suggest the Cathedral now occupies a position
on the centre right that stymies meaningful dis
tribution of wealth, and environmental shifts. In
so doing it has ceded space that allows an ata
vistic right to thrive.
The Cathedral’s candidate in the last US Presi-
dential election was Hillary Clinton whose
victory in the Democratic primaries was stage-
managed by party elites, against the surging
appeal of Bernie Sanders, the first candidate in
decades to declare himself a socialist. The
Cathedral is backed by large corporations in the
US who devoted billions to Clinton’s electoral
campaign. A sufficient number of a traditional
white working class recognised this, and fell
prey to Trump’s scoundrel patriotism.
The global income gap between richest and
poor has never been greater, and the social con-
science which the Cathedral exhibits is rather
like George Orwells description of the million-
aire, “who suffers from a vague sense of guilt,
like a dog eating a stolen leg of mutton”. Stark
inequalities in the UK have been laid bare by the
penny-pinching that appears to have led to the
Grenfell Tower fire.
The members of this amorphous Cathedral are
not all millionaires. But they are drawn from
fields such as law, medicine, education and
media, and have reached, or feel themselves
capable of reaching, a comfortable level of
wealth. They have vested interests in maintain-
ing the status quo, including the price of
In the UK, Blair and Cameron apparently
brought their parties into the centre ground, but
actually affirmed Thatchers social revolution.
Both New Labour and Compassionate Conserva-
tism fell in line with the broad thrust of the UKs
distinctive Cathedral. In the process, each “de-
toxified” its brand: from union-jack-under-panted
jingoism and unabashed capitalism in the case
of the Conservatives; and from old-fashioned
trade unionism and socialism in the case of
Labour. But through the Blair-Brown years, and
less surprisingly under ‘Compassionate’ Con-
servatism, inequality (magnified by rising
property prices) actually increased.
The fingerprints of the UKs Cathedral was
glaringly evident in the UK (and Irish) media’s
treatment of Jeremy Corbyn, an unashamed
socialist, anti-imperialist and vegetarian in the
months after he won the leadership of the Labour
Party in 2015. A Media@LSE report: ‘Represen-
tations of Jeremy Corbyn in the British Press’
reviewed what was the very opposite of a hon-
eymoon period.
Bias emanating from the Murdoch and other
right-wing press that includes The Sun, The Mail,
The Express, The Telegraph and The Times were
Corbyn offended the liberal Cathedral and his
socialist ideas need a fair hearing perhaps
promoted by the young and media-savvy, and
the intelligentsia
by Frank Armstrong
Radicals should
remain embedded in
party organisations
and work via constitutional
means, relying on the clued-in
and digital-savvy youth to bring
about a political revolution
4 8 July 2017
predictable, but the approach of apparently cen-
tre-left publications is more surprising. The
authors state at the outset:
The results of this study show that Jeremy
Corbyn was represented unfairly by the British
press through a process of vilification that went
well beyond the normal limits of fair debate and
disagreement in a democracy. Corbyn was often
denied his own voice in the reporting on him and
sources that were anti-Corbyn tended to out-
weigh those that support him and his positions.
He was also systematically treated with scorn
and ridicule in both the broadsheet and tabloid
press in a way that no other political leader is or
has been. Even more problematic, the British
press has repeatedly associated Corbyn with ter-
rorism and positioned him as a friend of the
enemies of the UK. The result has been a failure
to give the newspaper reading public a fair
opportunity to form their own judgements about
the leader of the country’s main opposition”.
This would appear to vindicate Ralph Milli-
bands view that “the press may well claim to be
independent and to fulfil an important watchdog
function. What the claim overlooks, however, is
the very large fact that it is the Left at which the
watchdogs generally bark with most ferocity,
and what they are above all protecting is the
status quo”.
It is remarkable too that in the three apparently
left or centrist newspapers, the Guardian, the
Independent and the Daily Mirror a clear majority
of articles was either critical or antagonistic
towards him. Perhaps more concerning is the
extent to which Corbyn’s own voice was absent:
only 40% of articles in the Guardian and The Inde-
pendent actually quote him. The authors reckon
that up to one in five supposedly neutral news
reports in the Guardian (as opposed to opinion
articles) actually displayed bias against him.
The LSE authors conclude that superficially
left-leaning and liberal newspapers provided an
“extensive and enthusiastic platform to those
forces in the Labour Party that aggressively con-
tested Corbyn and what he stands for.
It should be born in mind that censure in the
apparently left-of-centre media was occurring at
a time when the so-called ‘bearded socialist’
was being subject to an unprecedented level of
attack by the right-wing press. The authors
found that several commentaries moralised
about Corbyn’s personal and romantic life. The
‘broadsheet’ Daily Telegraph heaped scorn on
his former relationship with Diane Abbotl folding
a political critique in with a questioning of what
attracted the pair to one another: “Lover’s of
what? Bolshevism? A warm vest to keep out the
chill winds of the political wilderness?.
On the eve of the election a Guardian editorial
on Friday 2 June reluctantly put its support
behind Labour, but continued to question Cor-
byn’s fitness for office: “Many see him as a fluke,
a fringe candidate who stole the Labour
leadership while the rest of his party was asleep.
In parliament he failed to reach beyond his fac-
tion. He is not fluent on the issues raised by a
modern, sophisticated digital economy. He is
thus portrayed as illegitimate, stealing the
Labour leadership from a candidate who would
presumably have adopted a more centrist posi
tion that preserved the status quo.
He is dismissed as a ‘has been’ who doesn’t
understand a sophisticated digital economy,
including a Neoliberal arrangement in which
transnational corporations successfully avoid
taxation. Most damningly: “his record of protest
explains why some struggle to see him as prime
minister”; the Guardian appeared to be more
comfortable with a Blairite willing perhaps to
support a Neoconservative administration in the
US. Of course since the election and Corbyn’s
flowering as a cult figure, “Oh Jeremy Corbyn!”,
much of the media has run for cover and trans
muted its disdain.
Fortunately the public was given an opportu
nity to form its own opinion in the general
election itself when broadcasting rules allowed
the Labour leader to connect directly with the
electorate. Policies appealing to the idealism of
the young set off a social-media storm that
almost overcame a massive Tory advantage at
the start of the campaign, and which actually
displayed a very keen appreciation among his
ranks of the power of the new digital media.
To some extent the public service broadcaster
was the saviour of democracy in the UK, but the
BBC was not immune to the characterisation of
Corbyn as a Prime Minister who would give suc
cour to the enemies of the United Kingdom.
During the election campaign David Dimbleby
publicly asserted that the press had treated
Corbyn unfairly, but his intervention during the
Leaders’ Question Time would have pleased Con-
servative head office. Soon after coming to power
Theresa May said that she would use nuclear
weapons as a first strike, which presumably was
designed to contrast her steely determination
with the protest movement led by Corbyn.
After repeated questions from the floor on
whether Corbyn would be prepared to use a
nuclear weapon, Dimbleby as mediator twice
pressed Corbyn on the issue. For the BBC’s most
eminent journalist to place such emphasis on
this issue is troubling. Dimbleby seems to have
felt his professional duties required him to deni-
grate a Prime Minister prepared to incinerate
millions of people at the touch of a button.
I am inclined to believe that the effort was a
reflexive rather than a conscious effort to under
mine Corbyn’s credibility on this representative
issue. Nuclear war has not been a concern in Brit-
ain since the 1980s, and the Labour manifesto
actually commits it to maintaining Trident, con-
trary to Corbyn’s own personal views. Theresa
May was not questioned on this issue, for exam-
ple about whether she could reconcile nuclear
annihilation with her apparent Christianity.
It allowed the Cathedral to portray Corbyn as
unsafe, and foolhardy, as it became clear that
the population was increasingly attracted to his
economic policies.
The ‘steel’ required to unleash nuclear weap
ons, was also a major concern for another
veteran reporter Andrew Marr when he inter
viewed Corbyn before the election. But, in an
intriguing interview from 1996 that is available
on YouTube Noam Chomsky pre-emptively lays
bare Marr’s bias. The MIT Professor quoted the
passage from George Orwell’s essay ‘Literary
Censorship in England’ to him: “unpopular ideas
can be silenced without any force”. He also
referred to how the educational system makes
you understand there are certain things you
simply don’t say, just as you know that devia-
tions from fashionable norms will be greeted
with derision.
Chomsky outlines to Marr how there is “a fil
tering system” that starts in kindergarten which
“selects for obedience and subordination”;
removing the ones “who are mad to live”, as Jack
Kerouac put it in ‘On the Road’. Thus the trou-
bled, and often artistic, student finds little
encouragement from dominant educational
models; and viewpoints that deviate from estab-
lished norms are held in check.
Chomsky referred to journalists he knew who
regarded the media as a sham and played it like
a violin: “If they see a little opening they will try
and squeeze something in”. Marr protests, “how
can you know I am self-censoring, to which
Chomsky laconically replies: “I am sure you
believe everything you are saying.
In the wake of the seismic shift in popular
opinion over the course of the UK General Elec-
tion it has been interesting to read the apologies
These troubling
times demand that
the intelligentsia,
who often wear odd-looking
clothes, re-engage with
politics and proudly assert the
radical position over that of the
July 2017 4 9
from leading radical journalists who abandoned
Corbyn, writing him off as ‘unelectable’. A previ-
ously ardent supporter Owen Jones wrote after
the election:
“I thought people had made their minds up
about Corbyn, however unfairly, and their opin-
ion just wouldn’t shift. I wasn’t a bit wrong, or
slightly wrong, or mostly wrong, but totally
wrong. Having one foot in the Labour movement
and one in the mainstream media undoubtedly
left me more susceptible to their groupthink”.
Another who deviated from his early enthusi
asm was George Monbiot who wrote an article
entitled: “The election’s biggest losers? Not the
Tories but the media who missed the biggest
story. He acknowledged: “the media has cre-
ated a hall of mirrors, in which like-minded
people reflect and reproduce each other’s opin-
ions”. So:
The broadcasters echo what the papers say,
the papers pick up what the broadcasters say. A
narrow group of favoured pundits appear on the
news programmes again and again. Press prizes
are awarded to those who reflect the consensus,
and denied to those who think differently. People
won’t step outside the circle for fear of ridicule
and exclusion”.
It is interesting that our own Fintan O’Toole
recently scooped a George Orwell press award
for his coverage of English nationalism during
Brexit. The Cathedral, in its favour, is hostile to
racism; although a bullish secularism often
leads to Islamophobia. Most, however, despair
at Theresa May’s lapses which shows how the
Cathedral is fracturing in the wake of the Brexit
Some weeks before the election, O’Toole
wrote an article entitled: ‘Corbyn’s nostalgia less
of a fantasy than Mays; note how Corbyn was
being portrayed – by the subeditor - as a nostal
gic fantasist just as the Cathedral would wish.
O’Toole underpinned the headline: “Corbyn’s
Labour has been characterised by the over
whelmingly Tory press as a throwback to the
early 1970s and there is some truth in the accu-
sation”. But what is this throwback to: Less
inequality? Job security? Public ownership of
vital infrastructure? These all appear to be objec-
tives to which O’Toole subscribes in Ireland, and
he goes on to commend Labours manifesto
while still insisting that Corbyn is “nostalgic”.
O’Toole concludes: “Corbyn is a highly prob
lematic leader, not least in his inability to think
about how to create a majority in England for this
radical social democratic vision”. The problem
with Corbyn appeared perhaps to be his effec-
tiveness in putting his point of view across; the
old ‘unelectable’ jibe in other words, the has-
been beardy-socialist of the wolf-whistling
rights portrayal. Or perhaps Corbyn is simply
unfashionably not a social democrat, as O’Toole
is, but something more radical.
The other slur levelled against Corbyn by the
Cathedral is to blame him for Brexit because he
didn’t campaign with sufficient vigour; this
despite the fact the British media hardly report
what he says, considering him in effect ‘toxic’.
Corbyn was being asked to give his idealist’s
support for an institution with many flaws for a
socialist, an institution which failed to imple-
ment the promised ‘Social’ Europe, and which
was imposing a cruel Austerity over Greece, and
Ireland. He supported Remain but refused to pre-
tend that everything was rosy about it, giving it
a grade of 7/10.
In the UK the Cathedral comprises almost all
graduates of Oxford and Cambridge. Whenever
I watch programmes devoted to politics on the
BBC I try to do an Internet search on the partici
pants. Invariably the politician, journalist, writer
or economist is a product of these limiting
places. In such circles attendance at a ‘redbrick
university’ is a euphemism for intellectual infe
riority. Corbyn bungled his A Levels and did not
attend any university. He’s an outsider with
‘cranky’ socialist and anti-imperialist views that
the Cathedral doesnt tolerate.
The furore over Donald Trump’s withdrawal of
the US from the Paris Climate Change deal is
instructive. That deal was supposed to have
taken care’ of the problem, allowing us to return
to giddy consumption. But the uncomfortable
reality of the accord is expressed by the Indian
writer Amitav Ghosh: “the Agreement’s rhetoric
serves to clarify much that it leaves unsaid:
namely, that its intention, and the essence of
what it has achieved, is to create yet another
neo-liberal frontier where corporations, entre-
preneurs, and public officials will be able to join
forces in enriching one another”. The agreement
hardly addresses poverty or inequality and the
principle of human superiority over nonhuman
remains intact. Both drive Climate Change, along
with the idea of economic growth-without-end.
The Irish Cathedral has similar constituents
and outlooks, and influence across the false
centre of the political spectrum. We don’t have
elite universities so the social and professional
networks tend to emerge in private schools. It is
most obvious in the Irish Times, and to a lesser
extent RTÉ.
In Ireland the Cathedral prefers to wage cul-
ture wars over issues such as gay marriage, and
to an extent the right to abortion, that become
overriding concerns which distract from struc-
tural and environmental questions. Both Enda
Kenny and Bertie Ahern before him proved
highly adept at managing the Cathedrals con-
cerns. The Irish Times now keeps Fintan O’Toole
as a mascot for a social conscience. In Ireland, it
is only when a serious crisis is apparent – such
as homelessness – that the Cathedral agrees to
drop a morsel. Otherwise its focus is easy life
style issues not issues of structural
One wonders how long the broad consensus
will last among the main Irish political parties
which play pass-the-parcel with political power.
At least Leo Varadkars Neoliberalism offers a
degree of ideological clarity. Genuine radicalism
may emerge within parties such as Labour and
the Greens. In this respect the lesson of Corbyn’s
success is clear: radicals should remain embed-
ded in party organisations and work via
constitutional means, relying on the clued-in and
digital-savvy youth to bring about a political
The Cathedral despairs at the extremism that
is evident in the disruptive era of the Internet,
but the disenchantment reflects grotesque ine-
qualities, particularly in the Anglosphere of
which Ireland remains a part. Jeremy Corbyn
seriously challenged these; he was hammered
as a result but ultimately he found a way to get
through to the electorate. The Left might take
issue with details of his policies but surely not
the thrust, which seeks to give a decent stand
ard of living to all, and to curb the excesses of
the super-rich. He also chimes with an environ
mental movement seeking to curb
Orwell wrote: “in countries where there is
already a strong liberal tradition, bureaucratic
tyranny can perhaps never be complete. The
striped-trousered ones will rule, but so long as
they are forced to maintain an intelligentsia, the
intelligentsia will have a certain autonomy”. The
disruptive power of the Internet is generating
new politics that the Cathedral cannot control,
and the intelligentsia have an opportunity to
challenge “the striped-trousered ones”.
The Cathedrals superficial centre cannot
hold. Let us hope more beasts such as Trump do
not slope towards Bethlehem to be born. These
troubling times demand that the intelligentsia,
who often wear odd-looking clothes, re-engage
with politics and proudly assert the radical posi-
An LSE report said:
Corbyn was often
denied his own voice
by the media. He was scorned in
both the broadsheet and tabloid
press in a way that no other
political leader has been


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