December-January 2014 11
UDGING by the speakers at the mas-
sive rally in Dublin on 10th December
against the Governments water
charge regime, the protest is far from
over and it is no longer just about water.
Despite media efforts, most notably in
RTÉ, to downplay the scale of the mobi-
lisation on a mid-week, mid-winter,
working day, the turnout was impressive
with up to 60,000, at its peak, gathering
at Merrion Square for the speeches and
Although there were plenty of
Right2Water, Sinn Féin, anti-austerity
and People Before Profit banners the
crowd largely comprised working people,
young and old, from across the country
who are clearly of the view that water is
one charge too many. While there are
dierences of opinion on whether water
charges, even as a conservation meas-
ure, are wrong in principle, or whether
people should be encouraged to break
the law and refuse to pay, those on the
march appear to be of a mind that the
issue has moved on: to the credibility of
the Government itself.
In their contributions from the plat-
form, Gerry Adams, Richard Boyd
Barrett and Clare Daly, among others,
predictably made the government par-
ties the target of attack, not only for
their mishandling of the water debacle
but for all the other austerity measures
that have devastated the lives of so many,
and forced the young away in droves,
over the past six years. Trade-union
speakers warned of the hidden agenda of
privatisation that clearly influenced the
architects of the new water regime, most
notably the former environment minister
and now EU Commissioner, Phil Hogan.
The dramatic climbdown on charges and
the decision not to deploy metering until
well into the life of the next government
may not be enough to persuade sucient
numbers of a deeply sceptical, and cyni-
cal, public to register with Irish Water
by next April.
Already the forces of the Right are
railing against the prospect of Sinn Féin
as the lead partners in a Left adminis-
tration. Eorts to construct a new party
from former Fine Gael and other right-
wing independents around Lucinda
Creighton or Shane Ross, or even Michael
Fitzmaurice, reveal a level of disarray
that is seriously frustrating for those
most fearful of a Left alternative.
Within the government parties there
is an element of panic over opinion
polls that suggest that many first-time
TDs elected in the 2011 ‘democratic
revolution’ will remain just that. The
desperation is most acute for Labour
given recent figures that suggest it will
be lucky to retain 10 seats from the
remarkable 37 they won last time. But
Fine Gael too is in trouble as it drops
below 20% from its election high of more
than 36%. Although these trends can,
and most likely will, be reversed as the
election approaches and voters interro-
gate the actual detail of party policies,
there is no question that a fundamental
change can be expected in the historic
year of 2016, if not before. Fine Gael may
cobble together something with a bloc of
like-minded independents, or if it comes
to it and needs must, in a coalition with
Fianna Fáil.
The Left, on the other hand, can always
snatch possible defeat from the jaws of
victory by failing to take an opportu-
nity to generate fundamental political
and radical change. It can do its best to
convince people that socialists and their
progressive allies could never really run
an economy (unlike those bright sparks
in FF, the PDs and FG) or it can seek to
provide solutions to the challenges that
confront the Irish people over the com-
ing decade.
There is a potentially sizeable bloc of
progressive parties, and of left-wing and
independent TDs who could help propel
a real alternative to the various forma-
tions on the right. This would require a
dramatic initiative by trade unions, com-
munity organisations, progressive NGOs
and think-tanks, Sinn Féin, Labour and
other serious left-leaning politicians and
parties, in the new year.
It would be aimed at nding an agreed
charter for government that can embrace
the key concerns of an austerity-fatigued
electorate and be focused on radical
political reform; the replacement of
regressive charges, including the hated
USC; on water and property taxes; and
promote a progressive taxation system
that targets corporate and other wealth.
It could address fairness and equality,
low pay, poverty, youth unemployment
and emigration, and public and private
debt. Given the approaching anniversary
of the Rising, it could set out the strategy
for an agreed, democratic and genuine
Republic. To succeed it will require a
degree of ambition and political cour-
age that has been absent for too long in
the culture of the Irish left. •
Right in disarray over how to deal with a Left Sinn-Féin-led administration.
By Frank Connolly
Courage in New Year should bring
charter for government from Left
The charter
could address
fairness and
low pay,
poverty, youth
and public and
private debt


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