 —  June – July 2013
HE history of Cuba is the history of sugar, coffee and slaves, and
of revolution. The intriguing island of  million people, the larg-
est in the Carribbean, is rich in heritage, history and resources. As
well as any visitor will say with the laughter and generosity of its
generations at play. Its tourism attractions, including white sandy beaches,
alluring warm waters, the friendly nature of its people, and their rich music,
art and culture, may now determine the economic future of the country.
From the arrival of the Spanish in the late th century, Cuba became the
Caribbean hub of the transatlantic slave trade where millions landed from
Africa to work the sugar and later coffee plantations that enriched the set-
tlers in it and surrounding countries and defined the physical evolution of
its old cities and towns.
The dramatic victory of Fidel and his band of revolutionaries in 
has played no small part in the continuing fascination with this small coun-
try, not least in the courage and ability of its people in standing up to the
world’s most powerful military force, ever since.
The crippling trade embargo imposed since it refused to bend to its
nearest neighbour which, before the revolution, had used it as one big
Mafia-run gambling and prostitution den and a source of valuable raw mate-
rials, would have destroyed many stronger economies. While it remains
poor it does not suffer the widespread poverty, homelessness and drugs-
induced crime wars that mark its Caribbean neighbours. Every family is
guaranteed its basic food needs, a renowned standard of health care and an
education system which compares favourably with those of most, including
much richer countries. Cuba has also assisted with the health and educa-
tional development of others through the provision of tens of thousands
of trained doctors and teachers across poor countries of Africa and Latin
America including in exchange for Venezuelan oil. However, its evolution
as a global, and cost-efficient, tourism destination is one of Cuba’s most
ambitious projects.
During a recent trip to the FitCuba fair in Varadero, sponsored by the
Ministry for Tourism (Mintur), the potential of Cuba’s growing tourism
industry was evident as journalists from around the world were given a
brief flavour of some of the countrys unique visitor attractions. From the
historic French-influenced architecture of historic Trinidad on the west
coast, to Che’s resting place at Santa Clara and the infamous Playa Giron
(Bay of Pigs) in the east, its rich political and social history is mixed with
an extraordinary natural beauty. The commitment to preserving the fauna,
flora and wildlife of the countryside is in sharp contrast to the over-devel-
opment of many such unique resources in neighbouring destinations.
With over two million Canadians visiting each year, Varadero with its
teeming, sun-soused beaches and pristine waters, is by now a world resort
with investment by Spanish, Italian and other hotel chains carefully improv-
ing its product, including the quality of food and other services, over recent
years. Visitors to Cuba have often complained about miserable, inconsist-
ent food but a lunch in the five-star Iberostar Laguna Azul hotel revealed a
marked improvement in a variety of meat and fish offerings from previous
visits. Much attention is also being given to the demands of eco-tourists
and especially those interested in diving, yachting and other nautical activi-
ties. A new hotel and over  berths at Marina Gaviota at the very tip
of the Varadero peninsula offers visitors a chance to rent a craft and travel
around the coast of the island at a very competitive price.
Havana too is a unique location which retains most of its colonial char-
acter despite the run down appearance of many buildings not helped by
a shortage of raw materials such as paint over many decades, due to the
US embargo. The renovation of the historic old city in a culturally- and
socially-sensitive way where refurbished houses, hotels and bars are set
side-by-side with primary schools and day centres for the elderly makes
for a joyful, safe and welcoming environment.
With music coming from every second bar, Havana is a friendly place
while the problem of female prostitution that was so apparent during the
special period’ of financial crisis in the late s and s has been largely
resolved. Its trademark s Cadillacs and Chevrolets, many of which
are now licensed as taxis under new reforms, ensure that cities like Havana
and Santiago de Cuba, retain a character that has been homogenised out of
nearly all other tourist haunts. For all their difficulties, its people have kept
their humour and their principles in the face of great adversity.
frank connolly
Cuba prevails
Interesting, reforming politics
combine with great natural beauty
and heritage and a radiant,
exuberant people
Street life, Havana
Hotel Nacional bar, photo: Frank Connolly


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