VILLAGEAugust/September 
HE circumstances of the demise of
former Minister for Justice, Alan
Shatter, diverted attention from the
risk of the thwarting of his reforms of the
legal profession. Infamously many minis-
ters, and their – often informal - advisers,
are lawyers. Indicative of the problem is that
at the last reading of the proposed reform
bill, it was clear that both Fianna Fáil and
Sinn Féin, the principal opposition contrib-
utors on the bill, had nothing to contribute
beyond what they had been fed by the repre-
sentative bodies of the legal profession, the
Law Society and Bar Council.
The only person who seemed concerned by
this was, ironically, the ex-Minister himself,
a high-ying solicitor. Under successor min-
ister, Frances Fitzgerald, the substance of his
proposals remain intact. So far.
To the detriment of all but the most pam-
pered senior lawyers, they do not go far
enough any way.
When the bar is accused of privilege and
anticompetitive practices, the defence is
often proffered that the fact that so many
barristers are struggling and even leaving
the profession proves lack of privilege and
anticompetitive practices. This defence
is incorrect. On the contrary, in a profes-
sion, the relative suffering of the incoming
juniors is indicative of anti-competitive prac-
tices, not of their absence: both the general
public and those less established in a profes-
sion pay for the profession’s obstruction of
Ireland shares with the UK the distinc-
tion of maintaining the highest legal costs
in Europe, and a similar system of practices,
including separate functions for barrister
and solicitor, the real pressure to hire three
lawyers in the higher courts, the much-ques-
tioned institution of Senior Counsel, and a
system of legal-cost adjudication (formerly
called ‘taxation’) in which the question of
whether a lawyer has overcharged you is
decided in a process which seems designed
to punish you severely for challenging the
lawyer’s bill.
Obstacles to barrister
right of establishment and
to price competition
Two key obstacles to barrister competition
are restrictions on advertising, particularly
of fees, and prohibition of direct access to
barristers by clients (approach must be done
through a solicitor).
These obstacles have a powerful twofold
economic effect in favour of established bar-
risters: first, they obstruct new entrants
from establishing themselves, getting
Bill fails to tackle advertising, ‘taxation, ‘three-lawyer
practice, direct access to barristers and Ministerial
veto. By David Reynolds
Dáil and its legal reform
bill still pro-lawyer
August/September VILLAGE
market share and competing with the
incumbents; second, they inhibit what econ-
omists call price competition: the system
inhibits the clients ‘shopping around’ for
the best-value barrister for their needs, and
haggling for fees, and thus bringing normal
market forces to bear for lower fees.
These two obstacles are of
the Bar Council’s own making
and it vehemently resists their
repeal, desite the issuance of an
infringement ‘formal notice’ by
the EU Commission in November
Theoretically the solicitor can
do this ‘shopping aroundfor the
client. But there are three major
problems with this. Firstly, the
solicitor is not necessarily going
to take this ‘shopping’ seriously
enough as her own money is not
on the line. Secondly, as this
shopping takes the solicitor’s time, the
solicitor can bill for it; if she does not, she
is not incentivised to work thoroughly on it.
Thirdly, there can be a fee-splitting practice
where solicitor and barrister, while having
actually billed the client distinctly, aggre-
gate their actual received fees and split
them. Fee-splitting is a form of kickback
to the solicitor on the barristers fees, and
actually puts price competition in reverse by
perversely incentivising the solicitor to use
a more expensive barrister. The barrister’s
code of practice is totally silent on any such
kickbacks; it does not prohibit them or even
require that the client be notified of them,
indeed it does not mention them at all.
Investigation by the Irish
Competition Authority
The Irish Competition Authority inves-
tigated the Irish legal profession and in a
final report published in , concluded
that the legal profession was “in need of
serious reform”, and “permeated with
unnecessary and disproportionate restric-
tions on competition”. It set a target date of
 for the implementation of its many
recommendations. As of , the most
important recommendations have not been
Troika pressure and glacial
government response
The Irish government was under pressure
from the Troika to reform the legal system
and to do something about excessive legal
fees. The first draft of the Legal Services Bill
was published in , already three years
after the Competition Authority’s target
date for implemented reforms. Since then,
the draft bill has sat on the shelf for a fur-
ther three years. In November , the
European Commission initiated an infringe-
ment procedure against Ireland (reference
NIF /) for continuing to allow the
Bar Council to maintain the restrictions it
has on advertising.
The first draft of the bill had
many problematic provisions,
some of which have removed
or improved in the new draft of
the bill.
Key obstacles to barrister
competition not removed
The draft seems to be pretend-
ing that it is implementing
direct access to barristers,
with a heading ‘code not to pre-
vent direct access to barrister.
When you look closely, it is only
implementing direct access in
‘non-contentious’ cases, that is, about %
of barristers’ work.
The bill does not mandate effective free-
dom of advertising for barristers at all.
Flagrantly unjust legal cost
adjudication regime
The current draft of the Bill codifies and
slightly modifies an existing th-century
practice of financially flogging those who
challenge lawyers bills: if you challenge
your own lawyers bill and she is found to
have overcharged by anything less than
%, you have to pay an % ‘stamp duty
on that bill and, additionally, the costs of
the hearing.
An even worse current practice is left
unmentioned and unchanged by the Bill: you
have to pay the stamp duty of %, regard-
less of whether or how much you have been
overcharged, when you challenge the bill of
a lawyer who is not your own (which hap-
pens only when you have to pay the costs
of the other side). This system is in flagrant
violation of natural justice, equality before
the law, and arguably the constitution.
In Ireland, unlike for example in Germany,
there is no cap on costs in such a case, and
exposure of €,-€, might be
expected. Legal costs inhibit the correction
of many injustices, including those related
to high legal costs!
The Minister for Justice exacerbated the
injustice in , by raising this particular
stamp duty from % to %.
Inconsistency with open justice,
and obstruction of research
The Bill mandates that legal-cost determina-
tions are to be ‘publishedby archiving them
locally in each county registrar’s oce. This
obscure arrangement powerfully inhibits
legal-costs research and therefore public
awareness of legal costs.
Transparency demands that they be pub-
lished and searchable on the central court
website. This would also be cheaper.
Also, the recently-introduced practice of
allowing journalists into family-law cases
needs to be extended to legal costs adjudi-
cations relating to family-law cases.
Ministerial veto without
political accountability
In a welcome move, the Bill establishes the
Legal Service Regulatory Authority (LSRA),
an authority which will regulate barristers
and solicitors.
But all of the reform proposals of the LSRA
as is currently the case for the proposals of
the Superior Courts Rules Committee - are to
be subject to veto by the Minister for Justice.
To facilitate accountability and inhibit
interminable ministerial foot-dragging,
the minister should have a limited period
to exercise such veto giving reasons, as is
the case for Minister for Enterprise with the
Competition Authority.
While the legals-cost regime benefits a
small number of elite lawyers, it is a disas-
ter for society as a whole and has profoundly
backred on lawyers as well. The public has
long responded to the huge fees in Ireland
by eschewing legal serv-
ices and depriving lawyers
of work; the civil litigation
rate of Ireland and the UK is
a fraction of what is typical
for developed, democratic
countries. Further, insti-
tutions such as the PRTB,
which are largely bandages
on the problem of excessive
legal fees, and are doing what
courts should be doing, now
permanently deprive law-
yers of work.
The cost to society is not
just in direct costs for those
whose lives are ruined by
legal bills, and in hidden and
distributed expenses such
as higher insurance premi-
ums but in the indirect cost
of unjust, antisocial and anti-competitive
practices that go unlitigated.
Real reform should bring legal fees down.
It should also in the long run bring the rate
of litigation up, and improve the state of
public justice. •
Both Fianna Fáil
and Sinn Féin
had nothing
to contribute
beyond what
they had been
fed by the Law
Society and Bar
The draft seems
to be pretending
that it is
direct access to


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