16 December-January 2014
Also in this section:
Ansbacher Special 18
John Gormley on Una Mullally 34
Ivana Bacik on abuse 35
Sinéad Pentony on healthcare 36
Niall Crowley on private schools 39
Constantin Gurdgiev on weak
economy 40
Rachel Moran on the Sexual
Offences Bill 43
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Anatomy of a whitewash
N the following pages Village publishes the
Ansbacher dossier which ‘Authorised Officer’ Gerard Ryan has
been attempting to submit to the Public Accounts Committee. We
print it because it seems to us there has been a whitewash to prevent
investigation of its mostly tightly documented allegations of widespread
offshore untaxed bank accounts being held by the political ascendancy.
It’s time the role of lawyers, toffs, prosecutory authorities and a range
of political parties – and their grandees – in the debasement of Irish
society, was recognised. It’s been all too convenient to load all the blame
on the buccaneers in Fianna Fáil, but they were supported by the
professional establishment and the local gombeens of international
finance. The Ryan dossier paints a picture which its compiler clearly feels
extends to the contemporary.
Most of the substance is printed in Village, though it has been
necessary to redact a lot. A few tracts have been edited out, and the
appendices omitted, for reasons of space.
In publishing, we are confident that we have avoided defaming anyone
and have attempted to be fair to all, alive or dead. In this context we note
that Mary Harney has claimed that she closed down Ryan’s investigation
only after it got bogged down and only to ensure that it was not waylaid
after she left office. “I made it clear, regardless of who might have been
involved, it had to be investigated correctly and thoroughly”, she has
said, adding that departmental records would prove this, that the
bonuses offered were entirely bona fide and that she did not direct that
letters drafted by Ryan not be sent to Des O’Malley, Ray Burke and Liam
Lawlor. Des O’Malley has said he opened a Guinness and Mahon account
only as a blind trust to ensure his business affairs were handled at arm’s
length while he was a Minister. The family of Declan Costello has
asserted that he opened his (onshore) account because the main banks
were on strike at the time (1976), and he needed to bank a recent
inheritance. The transactions appendixed to the dossier are certainly
compellingly consistent with this. The Moriarty and Mahon Tribunals
are no doubt unimpeachable.
Village is well aware that it is illegal under s21 of the 1990 Companies
Act to publish or disclose any information, book or document relating to
a body obtained by an authorised officer under the Act. We have
therefore removed ‘information’ relating to it. Happily moreover, Mr
Ryan and other media have beaten us to Ansbacher. There is no
difference in law between publishing the dossier and publishing extracts
or summaries of it, if they relate to Ansbacher.
So the Irish Times has reported that Ryan “had discovered in 2003
records of a deposit account in Guinness and Mahon in the name of
Declan Costello…Mr Ryan suggested in the dossier that Mr Costello had
had “a major undisclosed conflict of interest” while he led the High Court
investigation into the company”.
The Irish Independent reported that the Ryan dossier claims:
• “Declan Costello held an account with Guinness & Mahon bank,
which was at the centre of the offshore tax evasion scandal.
• Former Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael ministers held Ansbacher accounts,
which were not revealed by an investigation into the offshore tax evasion
• The Moriarty Tribunal did not properly investigate Ansbacher – a
state of affairs that undermines the integrity of the tribunal and the
reliability of its findings.
• Des Traynor was the accountant who set up oshore Ansbacher
accounts, allowing hundreds of well-heeled individuals to evade tax.
“Mr Declan Costello had a major conflict of interest”.
And the Sunday Times has printed allegations of a “cover up”; and
named Helen Downes as being in charge of updating the ‘black briefcase
files’ where “the names of the Cayman account holders were kept in a
separate safe from the lists of their ‘very substantial’ account balances,
to avoid any chance of the senior politicians being identified”.
Some of the dossier appears unfair and we have eliminated it.
Unlike many media we have not unfairly reiterated the names of
alleged Cayman account holders that have entered the public domain
– as they were received by the Authorised Officer as mere hearsay from a
junior employee in Ansbacher. Not, in any event, that all Cayman
account holders failed to pay tax.
Furthermore we believe the Authorised Officer makes some inferences
about Costello and O’Malley that are not justified by the evidence
adduced in the rest of the dossier. Nor does he prove his allegations that
the Moriarty and perhaps Mahon tribunals were compromised in their
lack of zeal in pursuit of Ansbacher, though Village has always
questioned the extent to which the tribunal reports managed to probe
and explicate all the allegations presented to them, even if in the end the
tribunal reports were afforded a blind imprimatur by a gormless press.
The tribunals were inert in the absence of investigatory powers, with
Mahon in particular relying too much on unreliably dysfunctional
whistleblowers, and ultimately toppling too few among the still
It is necessary also to be fair to the prosecutors: one of the problems
for authorities is that the investigations came too late and were
hampered by the blanket immunities conferred by a cynical tax amnesty
in 1993, though Revenue still expects to extract €250m from
recalcitrants. The gardai did in fact investigate ‘Ansbacher’ but not the
secret ‘black briefcase’ with its dozens of allegedly dodgy accounts. The
fraud squad was advised such an investigation would be barred under
the terms of Bertie Ahern’s 1997 Taxes Consolidation Act which
prohibits them or the Revenue prosecuting offences more than ten-years
old; and the DPP decided not to prosecute the more general claims of
Ryan, following submission of a Garda file.
The Ryan dossier is creditable but it remains unresolved. Uniquely we
have published it – in the hope this might help this process. We have
published but we have been careful and fair. We do not expect to be
damned. •