February 2016 79
Enda Kenny,
Taoiseach 2011-2016
The accolade is probably unfair as
Kenny has proved reasonably competent
in delivering his agenda.
The problem is "making Ireland the
best little country in the world in which
to do business" isn't an adequate
agenda. Ireland needs a vision of how
to make it feel like the wealthy country
it is, a vision of a quality of life, of social
progress, of equality and of quality in
planning and the environment.
Even when forced to expand his agenda
to making Ireland "the best country
in which to raise a family, to grow old
with dignity and respect” it seemed
mediocre and pedestrian. For a modern
country that needs an imaginative
vision, Enda Kenny is not the man.
February 2016
80 February 2016
   ,   littlemuseum.ie
Open 9.30am-5pm Monday-Sunday, late opening until 8pm on a  ursday. Guided tours hourly. Curator’s pre-dinner tour every  ursday at 7pm.
ar e
ancient history.
Visit the Little Museum today.
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Visit the Little Museum today.
(photograph by the late Christopher Robson)


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