February 2016 39
Energy, Environment
and Planning
Report Card
by Michel Smih
he environment isn’t a vested inter-
est so it doesn’t rate in Ireland. Enda
Kenny argues for Irish exceptional-
ism on climate change and prevailed
in Europe which has now recognised
the special position of Irish agriculture in Euro-
pean climate-change policy. We’re not and we
do not deserve to get any exemptions at all.
We’re a wealthy country that emits twice as
much Green House Gas (GHG) emissions as for
example the Swedish, per head. If cattle
farming is noxious, the world needs to stop it,
not allow more of it to happen in Ireland which
does it marginally less noxiously than most
The number of wild animals on Earth – ver-
tebrates - has halved in the past 40 years, yet
Ireland pursues food-production targets that
will devastate our wildlife.
The Department of the Environment isn’t too
keen on environmentalism so the new planning
bills are inert, any new national spatial
strategy will be toothless, there is no chance
of a binding Climate Change Act or the eleva-
tion of quality of life over GDP growth as the
benchmark of ireland’s success.
Most of all Ireland’s planning and environ-
mental regime remains discretionary and
unenforced, characterised by the use of terms
like “may: rather than “shall” and “shall have
regard to” rather than “shall be in compliance
with”. Our heart isn’t in it.
We will legislate to support the geothermal energy
There has been no legislation, so the only geothermal exploration company in Ireland, GT, has stopped
investing in Ireland, and moved to Manchester. GT says that 70-90 degree-centigrade-type reservoirs
occur across Ireland and are perfect for the purposes of district heating.
Patchy progress on bringing more renewable energy onto grid, stymied by rural backlash against both
turbines and pylons. No meaningful progress on ‘community energy’ approach so successful in Den-
mark, Germany.
Marine Energy
"We will provide efficient foreshore licensing and leas-
ing process for marine energy".
The Maritime Area and Foreshore (Amendment) Bill 2013 aims to align the foreshore consent process
with the onshore planning system but has not been commenced.
Wind Farms
We will ensure that future wind farms are built in
locations where wind regime is best and that they are
built in large numbers or in clusters to reduce cost of
connection to grid under new ‘plan-led’ Gate 4 pro-
cess, as opposed to the existing ‘developer led’
The Gate 4 process of allocating windfarm capacity multiannually is underway after many delays.
Environment Minister Alan Kelly's as yet unpublished guidelines would increase them minimum dis-
tance between wind turbines and towns and villages so resulting in the "end of onshore wind",
according to his Cabinet and party colleague Alex White who said proposals to introduce a set-back
distance of 1km would put jobs at risk and jeopardise the country's renewable-energy targets, in view
of the number of one-off houses countrywide.
Offshore Drilling
"We will incentivise and promote off-shore drilling and
streamline planning and regulatory processes for
bringing ashore these reserves and seek to maximise
the return to the Irish people".
The Finance Act 2015 provides for a Petroleum Production Tax with an increase in the maximum mar-
ginal tax take on a producing field (combining corporation tax and petroleum production tax) from 40%
to 55%. However, investment in marginal drilling locations has collapsed with the price of oil.
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"two foolish Ministers for
the Environment merely
went throught the motions"
40 February 2016
"We will create a new State company, Irish Water to
take over the water investment maintenance pro-
grammes of the 34 existing local authorities".
After a botched launch and numerous PR fiascos, Irish Water, mired in controversy, staggers on the
brink of insolvency. Incentive to conserve water, via pay-as-you-use metering, has disappeared.
Sustainable Waste Policy
"We will develop a national waste policy that will
adhere to the EU waste hierarchy and favours a coher-
ent approach to waste management that minimises
waste going to landfill, and that maximises the
resources that can be recovered from it".
National policy on waste management is set out in ‘A Resource Opportunity,’ published in July 2012
but it is unambitious compared to the 1998 policy, ‘Changing our Ways. The EU waste hierarch of mini-
mize, reuse, reduce, recycle, recover and dispose has become code for allowing incineration.
Dublin’s €600m Poolbeg Incinerator is set to come into operation by the end of 2017 – almost two dec-
ades after it was first earmarked for a Sandymount site.
The project will see the construction of a facility that has the capacity to burn 600,000 tonnes of waste
per year, much of which would be diverted from recycling.
Waste management plans for the three new regions of Southern, Eastern-Midlands and Connacht-
Ulster were published in May 2015.
Waste Reduction Programme
We will drive a waste reduction programme through
extension of producer responsibility initiatives and a
levy on packaging after appropriate consultation with
In 2013 then Environment Minister, Phil Hogan, said he would not be introducing any packaging levy as
it would be “likely to generate a number of costs – to the legislative process, to public administration,
to business – with few identifiable additional environmental benefits.
In Ireland, we generate nearly 20 million tonnes of waste each year, of which 1 million tonnes is food
waste. Much of this waste is preventable, reusable, repairable or recyclable. The EU is issuing new
guidelines and recycling targets for all Member States looking for 70% recycling level for all municipal
waste by 2030.
Environmental Crime
We will clamp down on environmental crime, such as
illegal dumping and graffiti and noise pollution by
allowing for on the spot fines, and providing for medi-
ation between neighbours”.
The government established new waste enforcement structures at regional and national level and
introduced range of on the spot fines for offences under the Waste Management Acts.
Aarhus Convention
We will complete ratification of the Aarhus Conven-
tion on access to information, public participation in
decision-making and access to justice in environmen-
tal matters”.
The Aarhus Convention is an ambitious agreement providing a means of democratic participation in
environmental matters. Ireland did not ratify the Convention until 2012, some 14 years after it was
The first two strands have not been legislated for: the right of everyone to receive environmental infor-
mation that is held by public authorities within one month of the request, to say why it is required; and
the right to participate in environmental decision-making.
The third has been badly implemented: Ireland has altered the legal-costs rules from the prevailing
English Rule (losing litigant pays winner’s costs) to the American Rule (each side pays their own costs)
for legal actions that relate to an EU directive implementing certain Aarhus compliance measures.
Ostensibly, the special costs regime (SCR) means that a party could at least represent herself, without
being threatened with a huge adverse legal costs bill, if she failed in her legal action. However, there is
a Catch 22 in the SCR. To determine that a civil action falls under the ambit of the SCR, the applicant
must risk an adverse legal costs award in making the application for such a declaration. The High Court
said this “acts in such a way as to nullify the State’s efforts to comply with its obligation to ensure that
costs in certain planning matters are not prohibitive”.
There is no reference to biodiversity (species protec-
tion) in the Programme for Government.
Targets under the Department of Agriculture’s Food Harvest 2020 will contribute dramatically to spe-
cies loss and have not even been strategically assessed.
The wildlife-unfriendly Heritage [sic] Bill 2015 provides for managed hedge-cutting in August and con-
trolled burning in March, for the first time.
Site Valuation Tax
"The government will consider introduction of a site
valuation tax"
The government is not to pursue the much-lauded and fasionable site-value tax though it might con-
duce to orderly development.
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Energy, Environment and Planning Report Card
February 2016 41
"We will allow an exemption for domestic turf cutting
on 75 National Heritage Area sites subject to the intro-
duction of agreed national code of environmental
These NHAs, of national significance, are being sacrificed as peat-extraction sites without reference to
the biodiversity, landscape and climate implications.
"We will establish an independent mediation between
all relevant stakeholders with specific objective of
facilitating resolution to 55 Special Area of Conserva-
tion designated bogs.
We will establish an independent mediation to resolve
outstanding issues associated with turf cutting on
blanket bogs".
The cross-sectoral Peatlands Council is paying displaced turfcutter claimants up to €1500 or moving
them to less sensitive boglands.
99% of the actively growing raised bog in Ireland has gone, with one third of the remaining 1% lost in
the last 10 years As to private turf cutting, which involves tens of thousands of individuals in 128 desig-
nated sites around the country, the government introduced the “Cessation of Turf Cutting Scheme” in
1999. Under the voluntary scheme, domestic cutters were given 10 years notice to cease cutting turf
and make new arrangements for their fuel supply. The 10 years notice or derogation applied to 32
raised bog SACs designated in 1999, with cessation of turf cutting in 2009.
"We will seek to better coordinate national, regional
and local planning laws in order to achieve better and
more coordinated development that supports local
communities instead of the current system that
favours developer led planning".
"We will improve local transport access by making
local transport plans an integral part of local Develop-
ment Plans. We will force all local authorities to
develop a transport plan in conjunction with their
County/City Development Plans, and Local Areas
"We will make the planning process more democratic
by amending the 2010 Planning and Development Act
to allow for detailed public submissions on zoning,
and to rebalance power towards elected
"We will abolish the position of County Manager and
replace it with that of Chief Executive, with a limited
range of executive functions. The primary function of
the Chief Executive will be to facilitate the implemen-
tation of democratically decided policy".
"A democratically-decided Regional or City Plan will
replace the present top-down Strategic Planning
Guideline model".
"We will give councillors a legal power to seek reports
from, and question in public, all providers of public
services in their area. And we will also empower them
to question private sector service Providers".
"New Chief Executive positions have been established
to replace the roles of City and County Manager and
there has been a feeble rebalancing of powers
between elected councillors and management. There
remains no sign of elected mayors".
Local authorities will be required to carry out a flood
risk report in the preparation of their City and County
Development Plans, and will also be legally required
to manage flood risk through sustainable planning
and development.
Ireland will miss the deadline for lodging plans with the European Commission on how to best prevent
flooding and manage areas when they are flooded.
The OPW, responsible for drawing them up, said they will be finalised in 2016, but they should have
been completed in December 2015 and submitted by March 2016.
By 2016 the government was talking about
“Planning Legislation to Support the Construc-
tion Sector”:
The Urban Regeneration and Housing Act 2015
introduced a number of reforms in relation to Part
V (housing supply) regulations, the dubious ret-
rospective application of reduced development
contributions and the introduction of a vacant
site levy, which together are aimed at putting in
place structural reforms that will support an
increase in the output of housing to meet needs.
Updated statutory Planning Guidelines on Apart-
ment Standards, issued by the Minister for the
Environment under Section 28 of the Planning
Act in December 2015 will boost supply of new
apartments in city centre locations by pandering
to CIF lobbyings to reduce minimum sizes to 45
square metres for one-bedroom apartments.
Three Regional Assemblies have been estab-
lished in place of 10 previous regional structures
to prepare (nebulous) new Regional Spatial and
Economic Strategies.
New Local Community Development Committees
have been established to ensure a more coherent
and integrated approach to local and community
There is no apparent intention to coordinate
National Transport and Planning policies.
The very belated Planning and Development
(Amendment) (No 2) Bill 2015, which had no
chance of being implemented under the current
Government, will implement some of the recom-
mendations from the final report of the Mahon
Tribunal. It will provide for the creation of an
independent Office of the Planning Regulator "to
maintain a constant watch over the general sys-
tems and procedures employed by planning
authorities including An Bord Pleanála though it
is not clear whether the independence extends to
being allowed to mandate changes to regional
and local plans if the Environment Department
objects. It will provide for a new National Plan-
ning Framework, which will succeed the 2002
National Spatial Strategy and will be published in
draft form later in 2016.
The current Government announced the scrap-
ping of the National Spatial Strategy in February
2013 citing implementation failures and has yet
to replace it with a promised new Strategy for
Development in Ireland.
Rory Mulcahy SC is to look into allegations of
planning corruption in Donegal made by former
senior planner, Gerard Convie. The terms of ref-
erence for a ‘review report’ allow the Minister not
to publish its findings, and itt is not clear if it will
address impropriety or just ‘bad practice’’
Minister Alan Kelly rescinded the 80% tax on
Windfall Profits from Land Rezoning.
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