April 3
Issue 54
April 2017
Village Magazine promotes
in its columns the fair
distribution of resources,
welfare, respect and
opportunity by the analysis
and investigation of
inequalities, unsustainable
development and
corruption, and the media’s
role in their perpetuation;
and by acute cultural
Michael Smith
Eamonn Young
Eoghan Carroll
Boylans, Drogheda,
Co Louth
Ormond Quay Publishing
6 Ormond Quay Upper,
Dublin 7
Evidence and
Vision, then Policy
Simon Coveney’s avoidance of the facts
on housing completions is a metaphor for
our governance
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Cover illustration by Nita Carroll,
inspired by Henry Payne.
OW DID public policy go off the rails? Indeed how
was policy always so skewed? For Village, equal
ity of outcome, sustainability of the environment
and accountability are political imperatives but - whether
or not this radical agenda appeals - at a minimum Public
Policy should be evidence-based and serve the public
interest, conducing to improvements in the quality of life
of the people.
Yet such an approach is anathema to the voguish poli-
ticians of our age: from the goldfish-attention-spanned
Mr Trump to the economics - and history-illiterate
stormtroopers of Brexit to the foreigner-blamers in
France, the Netherlands, Poland, Hungary and beyond.
In Ireland too we eschew good policy. We lead this edi
tion of Village with the failure of the Department of the
Environment under Simon Coveney to treat seriously
what his government describes as its “number one prior-
ity”, housing: they can’t even compile useful statistics on
housing completions. As Mel Reynolds first pointed out
on these pages, housing-completion figures for last year
were - at absolute best - 7300, not the claimed 15,000.
How can you make policy when you don’t even know the
scale of the problem you’re addressing; when you have
to lie about it?
Of course Minister Coveney is not alone. The Minister
for Justice and the Garda Commissioner remain rooted
in office, though the Garda recorded a million breath
tests more than the actual number carried out, probably
because someone’s promotion, or salary, would benefit
from an indicator of commitment. The Garda also seem
to have concocted the crime figures, at least on domes
tic violence and murders but let’s face it probably on
everything else too.
Clearly the problems are not of oversight or strategy
but of culture. Conor Lenihan outlines in this month’s
magazine a history of delinquency. But we’re not serious
about reform: sure it might wreck everyone’s head.
We’ve looked into the Garda enough. From Morris to
Smithwick to Fennelly to O’Neill investigations have
uncovered bits and pieces but rarely the whole picture,
and clearly the follow-ups have been nugatory.
Moreover, from the Beef tribunal report, which was tai-
lored to advance its judicial author's career, to the
Moriarty Tribunal's defanged findings on Denis O'Brien,
to the vastly discredited Planning tribunal our major non-
Garda investigations too have often got diverted and
have characteristically been undefinitive and unreform-
ing, though they often attracted media approbation.
While many countries have their political weak spots
in these fascist-tickling post-truth times, unserious Ire
land runs a particularly fragile regime when it comes to
impropriety. This magazine considers that the political
process has abjured action on the biggest corruption
issues of our time.
If we cared about Policy and Reform we’d have some
clue why our health services are in disarray and
The central plans of health policy were supposed to
be universal insurance and the elimination of fees for
primary care ie GPs. A White Paper on Universal Health
Insurance was published in 2014. The debate was always
too much about the cost of this rather than on how a
focus on insurance might actually serve the presumed
goal of universal healthcare. In the end then Health Min-
ister Leo Varadkar suspended it, likening universal
health insurance to Irish Water. He claimed it would have
been impossible to impose the extra fees without a back-
lash from struggling families. While denying the
Coalition had performed a U-turn on its central health
policy, he was unable to give any specific year as to when
a new version will be introduced.
Varadkar also confirmed before the 2016 election was
called that Fine Gael could not commit to the introduc-
tion of universal care in the next Dáil term due to a
shortage of GPs. Free GP care for children under 6 and
for persons aged 70 and over were implemented but of
course, these changes prejudice needy patients, as
opposed to ones who come within the age strictures, and
anecdote suggests there has been a big increase in visits
to GPs by under-sixes.
If we were serious about Policy, we’d have ensured
that the religious congregations paid compensation
commensurate to their abuses , we’d ensure that educa-
tional standards improve year on year, we’d be less
concerned about water charges than VAT, income tax and
capital taxes which yield far greater dividends. If we
cared about policy we’d have dumped Michael Healy Rae
and his clan; and Fianna Fáil, Fine Gael and their allies in
confused ‘non-ideological’ ‘centrist’ ‘pragmatism’: the
swamp out of which emerges policy-based evidence
making, and jobs for the boys.
We don’t even as a country have any idea of the goal of
national policy. If it is quality of life then that should be
measured. In default, because it is the default measure
of our success as a society, we’ll continue to pursue an
economic agenda of GDP maximisation even though it
plunders the environment. An oil-slick-and-cleanup reg-
isters as an increase in economic activity/GDP and does
not necessarily increase the happiness of the citizenry.
We should measure quality of life across dozens of indica-
tors from equality (the Gini Coefficient etc) to crime and
unemployment rates, water and air quality, commuting
times and even people’s perceptions of their happiness.
If we don’t compile the evidence, there is no chance,
if we ever decide to get serious about Vision and Policy,
that we’ll be able to act on it.