40 July-August 2023 July-August 2023 PB
The lengths that supposed
regulators have gone to
protect CRH plc is staggering
So where does one turn, in circumstances
where one’s opponent is enjoying
unprecedented levels of protection from the
establishment; the media of course.
In the past,there has been some terrific
reporting on CRH plc, Mick Cliord (Irish
Examiner); Ted Harding, Vincent Browne and
Kieran Wood (all Business Post); Jim Clarke
(Ireland on Sunday); Gerry Byrne (Sunday
Independent), Barry O’Halloran (Irish Times),
Brian Lavery (New York Times) and indirectly
Trevor Birney (recent author of ‘Quinn’). Sadly,
reporting has entirely dried up, as CRH and its
government associates have wielded their
influence and shut media down.
A special word for RTÉ: the author has been
approached on eight separate occasions to do
a ‘Prime Time’ programme on CRH plc and the
construction materials industry. On these
eight occasions, I was informed by RTÉ
insiders that the proposed programme was
pulled by senior RTÉ personnel. Back in 1998,
one particularly experienced team described
the proposed documentary as “the best we
have ever worked on because it involves the
political parties, the banks, Ireland’s largest
company (CRH plc) and finally, the victim
(Maye family)”.
Now, to put things in further context, let’s
briefly take a wider look at CRH plc’s
international activities:
Ireland: It is not possible to elaborate on CRH
plc’s controversial activities in a short article.
However, apart from the myriad anti-
competitive complaints going back over 50
years, some will remember the secret sale of
Glen Ding Woods to CRH plc by the State, the
Ansbacher Scandal, the Moriarty Tribunal’s
failure to investigate CRH plc, Judge
Moriarty’s €500k shareholding in CRH plc,
and illegal dumping and quarrying. The DPP
failed to prosecute CRH plc for illegal
dumping adjacent to Glen Ding in County
Wicklow and CRH’s failure to comply with a
High Court Order (in 1996) to reinstate lands
from which it had legally extracted 67,000
tonnes of material (Wicklow County Council
was the Plainti). Then there is the financial
relationship between CRH plc, Des Traynor
and Charles Haughey, former Taoiseach. All
of this and more was contained back in 2000
in a lengthy submission to the Moriarty
Tribunal by Philip Lee Solicitors, on behalf of
the then Quarry and Concrete Family Alliance.
Apart from an eventual token look at Glen
Ding, the submission was binned.
• Last July, I wrote to the CRH dominated Irish
Concrete Federation [ICF] detailing how CRH
controls the sector through a myriad of
control mechanisms and explained the huge
ramifications of the so-called ‘Mica Crisis’
from which CRH and ICF, the protagonists,
are receiving total immunity. The cost of
deleterious building materials will come to
many billions of euro, which government is
intent on passing on to taxpayers. Why? I
finished with the following,
• “The problem for ICF is how to unravel itself
from the clutches of CRH plc. I say this
notwithstanding the diktat of omertá which
has served the construction materials sector
so eectively for decades. It would be
erroneous to assume that omerta will
continue to protect the sector”.
Outside of Ireland here are the main
Europe: On 30 November 30, 1994, the EU
Commission fined CRH plc subsidiary, Irish
Cement Eco, €3.5 million for playing a lead
role in the pan-European cement cartel.
Notwithstanding the extensive appeals
process through the EU Court of First Instance
and EU Court of Justice, the findings and fine
were substantially upheld by the European
Court of Justice.
• US: CRH settled with Miracon Technologies
in 2015, Miracon had accused CRH of patent
infringement, breach of contract,
misappropriation of trade secrets, tortious
interference with existing contracts, tortious
interference with prospective relations,
unjust enrichment, fraud and conspiracy
against defendants.
US: The Port Dock antitrust case taken
against CRH plc concerned the supply of
aggregates to the New York market. This
case had substance but was struck out on
certain legal technicalities around
“standing”. The court stated that “in crafting
the following summary of facts, the Court
accepts all of the factual allegations in the
complaint as true”.
• US, West Virginia: CRH settled a price-fixing
and market-sharing case with the State of
West Virginia in October 2020 for $101m plus
costs; price-fixing is a criminal oence under
the US Sherman Act.
• Northern Ireland. Both CRH and Sean Quinn
were found to have fixed cement prices.
Author Trevor Birney in his book ‘Quinn’
states that the files in this case have been
closed until 2081. Birney goes on “but what
is known is that in the files is the evidence –
and a subsequent guilty verdict – that Sean
Quinn colluded with his once most vicious
enemy, Cement Roadstone Holdings to fix
the price of cement (products) in the North
from 1985 to 1992”.
Poland: CRH plc was fined $530,000 in
2007 for obstructing the Polish Oce for
Competition and Consumer Protection’s
investigation into allegations of its
involvement in a price-fixing and market-
sharing cartel. In 2009, the same oce
fined CRH plc $26million for price-fixing and
other anti-competitive behaviour. Back in
2005, a Polish businessman, Marek Dochnal
told a parliamentary inquiry that he had
paid a $1million bribe on behalf of CRH plc
to the former Minister for privatisation,
Wieslaw Kaczmarek, in 1995, to facilitate
CRH plc’s takeover of Ozarow cement plant
in Poland.
Ukraine: Back in 2003, Ukraine’s People’s
Deputy, Taras Steskiv, wrote an extensive
article on the privatisation of Ukraine’s
cement sector, in which he states that a
large part of Ukraine’s cement and
industrial capacity had been bought for as
little as one twentieth of its value by
transnational businesses, including cement
companies such as CRH plc, Lafarge and
Germany’s Dyckerho. Deputy Steskiv had
been Deputy Chair of the ad hoc Verkhovna
Rada Commission investigating into the
violations of the rights of Ukrainian
stakeholders in Nikolayev cement by
Lafarge and others. The Commission found
that after privatisation of the cement sector,
cement exports were banned by these
transnational companies, thus cutting o a
currency flow to the Ukrainian economy, and
prices of cement as a result increased four-
to five-fold.
Switzerland: In 2015, CRH plc was fined
€32million arising from its involvement in a
price-fixing and market-sharing cartel in
bathroom fixtures and fittings.
• China: In 2014, a Chinese cement company
partly owned by CRH plc was fined €8million
for its participation in a price-fixing cartel.
Its fair to say that on occasion there is no
smoke without fire!
Back to this year’s CRH plc AGM, as I thought
back over my lifetime in the construction
materials sector and visualised my family’s
eradication from the cement/quarry/concrete
sector on four dierent occasions between
1983 and 1994, the eviction of my family from
our home in 1993, the subsequent sheri’s
raids on our home and all the arrest and
imprisonment orders against me from AIB, BOI
and Ulster Bank, our subsequent blacklisting
by Irish banks (with CRH directors on their
boards), and our 27 years before the Courts, I
saw through the opulence of the Carlisle Room
and the expensive suits being modelled
around the top table and realised that the
Maye family has spent our lives and continue
to do so as prisoners of an OCG.