July 2022 63
partially due to new regulations, but also
thanks to the oshoring of much of the West’s
highly polluting heavy industries, which had
triggered the crisis.
So, wealthy countries began to
de-industrialise, not by consuming less and
living more modestly, but by shifting the axis
of production – and pollution – over the
horizon, to poorer countries where
environmental standards were mostly non-
existent and where desperate workers could be
more easily exploited.
Missing entirely from the environmental
movement of the early 1970s was any
consideration of global warming. While the
concept was understood within the scientific
community by then, it had zero traction among
the wider public, and much of the scientific
establishment treated it more as an academic
conundrum about what could possibly happen
in the twenty-first century.
The trace gas carbon dioxide (CO2) is the
atmosphere’s key chemical thermostat. Dial it
up, and temperatures rise, almost in
In the 50 years since Soylent Green was
released, global CO2 levels have climbed
inexorably, and now stand at 420 parts per
million, a rise of 50% versus pre-industrial.
This may well be the most rapid shift in
atmospheric chemistry in Earth’s history.
The last time CO2 levels were this high was
in the Pliocene, an era several million years
ago. Then, sea levels were 20 metres higher
than today and global average temperatures
were 3-4ºC higher than today.
The unprecedented spike in atmospheric
CO2 levels since 1970 will continue to aect
temperatures on this planet for centuries into
the future.
Already, it has led to a rise in global surface
temperature of nearly 1.2ºC versus
The red line for dangerous and irreversible
changes to the Earth’s climate system lies at an
increase over pre-industrial levels of around
1.5ºC. Today’s levels are perilously close to
Based on current emissions, the global
‘carbon budget’ for +1.5ºC will have been
exhausted by 2030. To avoid breaching this
danger line, global emissions will need to have
fallen by a staggering 60% by then.
Nothing short of a highly improbable global
political, economic, social and cultural
revolution could deliver such a profound
transition in time. In reality, our current
economic model sees emissions actually
accelerating at the time we need to be hitting
the brakes and bracing for impact.
However dramatic the rise in global
emissions and temperatures have been in the
last five decades, this almost pales into
insignificance when measured againstthe toll
humanity has taken on the natural worldover
this period. We have eradicated almost two
thirds of all the wild mammals, birds, fish and
reptiles in just 50 years.
The last time a global mass die-o on this
scale occurred was some 66 million years ago,
in the wake of the asteroid impact that led to
the extinction of all non-avian dinosaurs.
Researchers used the term ‘biological
annihilation’to describe the nature and extent
of what they term the ‘frightening assault on
the foundations of human civilisation’. While
this carnage ultimately threatens humanity, it
has already laid waste to hundreds of millions
of years of evolutionary progress and, in the
process, brutally simplified countless once-
complex ecosystems.
Today, over three quarters of the entire
world’s land surface has been ‘significantly
altered’ by human actions, with tens of millions
of hectares of forests razed and cleared for
agriculture. The hunting of wildlife for food is
another force accelerating extinction, withat
least 300 species of mammals facing near-term
extinctionsas a direct result of the bushmeat
At sea, the anarchy is even worse. Over 90%
of the world’s large predatory fish, from sharks
to tuna, marlin and swordfish, are already
gone, with many species now on the brink of
The vast fishing fleets that scour the oceans
have the capacity to catch and destroy fish far
more quickly than species can recover. Further,
ocean acidification as a result of global
warming is accelerating, while surface water
temperatures are rising quickly, adding to the
disruption of marine life.
On top of this, tens of millions of tons of
plastic waste is ending up in the world’s oceans
every year, contaminating the base of the entire
marine food chain. One estimate states that by
2050 there will bemore plastic in the world’s
oceans than fish.
In what amounts to a zero-sum game, the
human footprint has expanded as natural
systems are eradicated. Since 1970, the global
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population has more than doubled, to over 7.8
billion today, while GDP of the world economy
has quadrupled, to almost $90 trillion.
Californian environmentalist and authorPaul
Hawken put it bluntly: “we are stealing the
future, selling it in the present, and calling it
While the original Earth Day was inspired by
people’s experience of ecological degradation
they could see and even smell all around them,
and while it achieved some notable successes,
its ultimate legacy is one of failure.
We humans have so far proved unable to
extend our empathy to other species, to nature
itself, and to act unselfishly on behalf of people
in other places, or indeed of all future
generations. This was neither accidental nor
Generations of neo-liberal thought have
helped inure humanity against the pain of the
natural world and the suering of others, both
humans and sentient animals, while shielding
the billionaire predators, who have profiteered
from this ruin, which is the consequences of
their actions.
Our species achieved spectacular
evolutionary success not just by brute force
and violence, but primarily by our ability to
cooperate, and the strength and complexity of
our social structures. These have been worn
threadbare by decades of atomised
This too did not happen by accident. Back in
1955, USretail economist, Victor Lebowlaid
out the brave new world of manufactured
consumerism: “our enormously productive
economy demands that we make consumption
our way of life, that we convert the buying and
use of goods into rituals, that we seek our
spiritual satisfaction and our ego satisfaction
in consumption. We need things consumed,
burned up, worn out, replaced and discarded
at an ever-increasing rate”.
Dystopian Soylent fantasies
notwithstanding, the future, in the words of
environmentalist Jonathon Porritt “will either
be green, or not at all”.