32 February 2016
Report Card
by Michel Smih
veryone who is ordinarily resident in
the country has access to public hos-
pital services, whether they have
health insurance, a medical card or
nothing at all.
The services may not be free and may be sub-
ject to waiting times depending on medical
Without a medical card patients are charged
€100 for all treatment received in a public hos-
pital accident and emergency room, though a
referral letter obviates the charge.
A White Paper on Universal Health Insurance
was published in 2014 with a report on the
potential costs of the White Paper model pub-
lished in November 2015. The debate was
always too much about the cost of this rather
than on how a focus on insurance might actu-
ally serve the presumed goal of universal
healthcare. In the end Leo Varadkar suspended
it, likening universal health insurance to Irish
Water. He claimed it would have been impossi-
ble to impose the extra fees without a backlash
from struggling families. While denying the
Coalition had performed a U-turn on its central
health policy, he was unable to give any specific
year as to when a new version will be intro-
duced. He also appeared to criticise his
predecessor James Reilly by alleging there had
been an “obsession” with the Dutch form of
UHI. Varadkar insists the Coalition remains
committed to introducing the policy at some
unspecified stage in the future.
The Irish health system ranks 21st in the 2015
Euro Health Consumer Index, up one place from
2014 but down from 14th in 2013. Lower-income
countries such as Macedonia, Croatia and Slo-
venia all rank ahead of Ireland in the index,
which is led by the Netherlands and Switzer-
land. And there has been a litany of specific
scandals and failures that have characterised
the media discourse on health. Or the consist-
ent overspends. Enda Kenny says his greatest
disappointment as Taoiseach is ongoing stories
of people’s negative experience with the health
Most of the health issues in the general elec-
tion arise inevitably not from abstract policy but
from crises and failures to address long-stand-
ing problems. Unfortunately for the government
the public perception of the health service
remains that it is a sort of dysfunctional
“Angola: Rebecca O’Malley, Susie Long, Leas
Cross, Áras Attracta, Savita Halappanavar and
‘Grace’, the woman with intellectual disabilities
who was tortured and sexually abused in a
foster home over thirteen years.
Worse still the proportion of the Irish popula-
tion that was over the age of 65 has been static
at 11% for years. But forecasts suggest that the
percentage of people over the age of 65 will rise
to 26% by 2026. About 20,000 additional
people turn 65 each year and the actual number
of people over that age will double in the next
few decades. Within that the number of “older
old”, people over the age of 80, will double.
Minister for Health Leo Varadkar no longer
repeats the 2011 election pledge to bring an end
to the hospital trolley crisis. The Government
should move towards a similar system to that
of the UK where trolley counts are not relied
upon to examine waiting times.
Meanwhile, though there has been some
marginal improvement since last year, over
crowded Emergency Departments (EDs),
famously described by actor Brendan Gleeson
in 2004 on the Late Late Show as “unspeaka-
ble… like a military field hospital… a disgrace…
a war crime continue to make it difficult for staff
to fully examine and adequately treat patients,
risking cross-infection and patient safety. There
have been improvements in the number of
emergency consultants (though problems sub-
sist at weekends and nights) and the
out-of-hours availability of GPs but the biggest
problems are the maintenance of too many EDs
(30 countrywide) and the under-resourcing of
alternative primary care. Furthermore there
has been for example no systematic introduc-
tion of minor-injury clinics, or deployment of
techniques like acute medical assessment and
early-discharge planning, no improvement in
GPs’ access to diagnostics to enable them to
avoid sending patients to hospitals, or improve-
ment in hospital IT.
"a poor vision
that failed"
February 2016 33
"This Government is the first to commit to developing
a universal, single-tier health service, which guaran-
tees access to medical care based on need, not
income. By reforming our model of delivering health-
care, so that more care is delivered in the community,
and introducing Universal Health Insurance, the aim is
to reduce the cost of achieving the best health out-
comes and end the unfair, unequal and inefficient
two-tier health system".
Thats the theory in the 2011 Programme for government.
But both of the key elements have failed.
End to two-tier system:
Universal Health Insurance
"A system of Universal Health Insurance (UHI) will be
introduced by 2016".
"The Universal Health Insurance system will be
designed according to the European principle of social
solidarity: access will be according to need and pay-
ment according to ability to pay".
"UHI will provide guaranteed access to care for all in
public and private hospitals on the same basis as the
privately-insured have now".
"Insurance with a public or private insurer will be com-
pulsory with insurance payments related to ability to
pay. The State will pay insurance premia for people on
low incomes and subsidise premia for people on
middle incomes".
As of now Universal Health Insurance is in disarray - suspended.
The idea was no discrimination between patients on the grounds of income or insurance status. The
two-tier system of unequal access to hospital care would end, even if a vision centred on private insur-
ance might be deemed a jolt towards privatisation and profit-taking. Currently health funding is 80%
government, 9% insurance (half the population has insurance) and 9% out-of-pocket consumer pay-
ments. The shift would have been radical.
The ESRI reports underpinning the initial costing exercise for UHI were published in November and
concluded that more research is needed in this area before definitive conclusions can be drawn about
the best type of model to implement universal health care.
Primary Care
"Universal Primary Care will remove fees for GP care
and will be introduced within this Governments term
of ofce under a Universal Primary Care Act".
Leo Varadkar confirmed before the election was called that Fine Gael could not commit to the introduc-
tion of universal care in the next Dáil term due to a shortage of GPs.
Free GP care for children under 6 was introduced in 2015 and by late December over 219,000 children
and 93% of GPs had signed up. GP care without fees for persons aged 70 and over was also imple-
mented in July and over 50,500 people have signed up to this GP service. Of course, these changes
prejudice needy patients and anecdote suggests there has been a big increase in visits to GPs by
under-sixes. These steps to wider non-needs-based healthcare mean, for the first time, some 800,000
of the eldest and youngest in our society are now able to access GP care without being charged, a small
fraction, of course, of the 4.5m people envisaged. Budget 2016 announced the plan to extend universal
GP care without fees further to include all children aged 11 years and under, subject to the negotiation
of a comprehensive new GP contract with the Irish Medical Organisation.
But Fine Gael has abandoned plans to introduce free GP care for all citizens over the lifetime of the next
government. Leo Varadkar said extending free GP care to “everyone for everything” would overwhelm
the primary care system: “We set out to be very honest and what we believe to be achievable reforms
in health over the next couple of years and we do not think it is achievable to extend free GP care to
everyone in the country, to all adults and children in the space of five years because we are already
short on GPs.
Prescription charges, which former Minister James Reilly promised to eliminate, in fact rose from €.50
to €2.50.
Cost Reductions
"This Government will act speedily to reduce costs in
the delivery of both public and private health care and
in the administration of the health care system".
"Action will be taken to reduce the cost of procure-
ment for medical equipments and construction of
The Health (Pricing and Supply of Medical Goods) Act 2013 provides for cheaper generic drugs and
reference pricing.
The Department of Public Expenditure and Reform says Irish hospital costs were an extraordinary 80%
higher than the European average in 2014.
Scandalously the health budgets have had to be supplemented by an unanticipated €2.4bn since 2011.
€5bn and 1,250 beds (of which 300 have been reinstated by the coalition) have been taken out of the
Health Service. Ireland spends 8.1% of GDP on health compared with an OECD average of 8.9%, though
we have an unusually young demographic and GNP is a more appropriate measure. The HSE had a
budget (capital and current) of €14.5bn in 2015. €13.5bn is current expenditure, of which more than half
goes on staffing. €4.8bn goes on hospitals, €2.6bn on publicly-funded GP care, €1.3bn on nursing
homes, and support services for older people, €1.56bn on disability services. Legal claims are high at
€70m up from €21.7m six years earlier. The HSE says salaries for doctors, managers and other health-
care professionals are too low and generating a brain drain. But there is no consenus on this issue
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"a poor vision
that failed"
34 February 2016
Cost Reductions (cont.)
The 2016 Fine Gael manifesto instead commits to introducing free GP care for children up to 18.
Minister Leo Varadkar said the shortage of GPs meant the system could not cope with additional
The Labour Party is still committed to its introduction but it is now highly unlikely free GP care will be
included even in the next Programme for Government.
"Under the new GP contract the rate of remuneration
of GPs will be reduced. Under a new consultant’s con-
tract hospital consultants’ remuneration will be
According to an OECD report GPs earned an average of €115,940 in 2013, down from €118,677 the year
The OECD said that hospital consultants earned €164,494 on average in 2014, not including private
income, down from €173,646 the previous year.
The OECD figures are inevitably disputed by medical organisations.
Up to 2000 consultants could be set to receive millions of Euro compensation, after a recent Employ-
ment Appeals Tribunal decision, because the HSE is not paying higher salaries agreed in 2008 to
incentivise them to treat more public patients but eliminated when public-service salaries were
reduced by 15%.
"Reference pricing and greater use of generics will be
introduced to reduce the State’s large drugs bill and
the cost to individuals of their medications".
A deal agreed with Ireland's employment-heavy pharmaceutical industry in 2012 reduced the cost of
the State’s bill on existing medicines by a meagre €400m over 3 years.
Waiting Lists
"A Special Delivery Unit will be established in the
Department of Health to assist the Minister in reducing
waiting lists and introducing a major upgrade in the IT
capabilities of the health system".
The SDU was established by James Reilly to reduce the numbers of patients on hospital trolleys and on
waiting lists with a former CEO of St Jamess hospital as Director.
Waiting times for emergency treatment in Irish hospitals are the worst in Europe, according to the Euro
Health Consumer Index.
It also found waiting times for minor operations and CT scans were among the longest of 35 countries
Damningly, Ireland with a population of 4.5 million has 7800 on waiting lists for more than a year.
92,000 people were treated on trolleys in 2015. England has a population of 53 million but only 800
people on waiting lists for medical treatment more than a year. The Department is missing its unambi-
tious target of guaranteeing all outpatients will be seen within 15 months. The policy of no-one being
on a trolley for more than nine hours is a chimera.
Patient Safety Authority
A Patient Safety Authority, incorporating HIQA, will be
In May 2012, James Reilly described the proposed patient safety authority as “a key component” of
his health reform programme but in 2014 it was one of the new organisations criticised by the Depart-
ment of Public Expenditure and Reform as representing “a proliferation of quangos”. He said a patient
advocacy agency would be established, initially within the structures of the Health Service Executive.
"The Health Service Executive will cease to exist over
time. Its functions will return to the Minister for Health
and the Department of Health and Children; or be
taken over by the Universal Health Insurance system.
Staff will be deployed accordingly".
The HSE is as unloved as the UK's NHS is adored. The HSE’s spokesperson recently said it was set up
as a “punchbag, and its CEO says it concessions were made to unions when it was instigated that
meant it was never going to yield any real benefit. Its board has been abolished and replaced by a
Directorate which is more accountable to the Minister for Health
The Vote of the HSE has been disestablished and funding of health services is now provided through
the Vote of the Office of the Minister for Health. But the HSE remains, and will be around for another
three or four years though its CEO, Tony O’Brien, notes there is “no timeline” nor even future annual
budgets (the NHS has five-year budgets) has said that it has been starved of funding to deliver major
change, that we had “messed about with the structures” with no coherent vision. He believes the
debate on free GP care suggests that some don’t want a change to the two-tier health system, though
it may be that some just don’t see the initial changes being made as being progressive.
"During the term of this Government, GP training
places will be increased. GPs will be encouraged to
defer retirement and will be recruited from abroad,
and the number of practice nurses will be increased so
that GPs can delegate care when appropriate to
As of late 2014, just 25% of GP trainees plan to stay in Ireland after graduation, almost 17 per cent of
GP graduates are already working overseas and fewer than one in five of this group plans to return to
The HSE says the number of contracts the HSE has with GPs has increased by 400 in the last six years.
A Memorandum of Understanding has been signed with the IMO to develop a new contractual frame-
work focused strongly on strengthening GP services in primary care
A wider range of registered medical practitioners can now provide services under GMS scheme as a
result of the Health (Provision of General Practitioner Services) Act 2012
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Health Report Card
February 2016 35
"Under UHI public hospitals will no longer be managed
by the HSE. They will be independent, not-for-profit
trusts with managers accountable to their boards".
"The existing policy of co-location of private hospitals
on public hospital lands will cease".
"Public hospitals will be given autonomy from the
"Boards will include representatives of local communi-
ties and staff".
"Smaller hospitals may combine in a local hospital
network with a shared management and board".
"Hospitals will be paid according to the care they
deliver and will be incentivised to deliver more care in
a “money follows the patient” system".
Seven new Hospital Groups have been established as a first step to independent Hospital Trusts
established in line with the Government’s programme, initially on a non-statutory administrative
basis, pending the establishment of Hospital Trusts with the focus now turning to the development of
Hospital Group Strategic Plan. In 2015, the Activity-based Funding Implementation Plan 2015-2017 was
published which provides a road map and list of thirty-four actions to ensure this new method of fund-
ing becomes fully embedded in the acute hospital system over the coming years. Activity-based
funding budgets for inpatient and day-care services are being introduced for the 38 largest public
hospitals. Developing ABF budgeting for other areas like outpatients will continue in 2016.
Care of Older People and
Community Care
"Investment in the supply of more and better care for
older people in the community and in residential set-
tings will be a priority of this Government".
"Additional funding will be provided each year for the
care of older people".
"This funding will go to more residential places, more
home care packages and the delivery of more home
help and other professional community care services".
"The Fair Deal system of financing nursing home care
will be reviewed with a view to developing a secure
and equitable system of financing for community and
long-term care which supports older people to stay in
their own homes".
There is a direct link between increased waiting times and longer queues for approval under the Fair
Deal scheme. Last year a further €44m was allocated to provide 1,600 extra nursing home places
under the Fair Deal scheme. This investment has reduced the waiting times for the Fair Deal scheme.
As it stands, the first €36,000 euro of assets (€72,000 for a couple) is not counted in the means test
for the scheme.
The Government has invested more than €70 million in additional funding to address delayed dis-
charges from hospitals of patients who have completed acute treatment; the resulting speedier access
to the Fair Deal nursing home scheme is reflected in a reduction in length of stay figures. Nursing
home places will increase by just 344 in 2016 and while 2015 home-help hours will be maintained
there are 2 million fewer of them than before the economic crisis.
A current review says the Government could decrease this figure to cut the amount of State support.
The assets such as savings and properties that currently have to be contributed under the scheme is
capped at 7.5%. The review states that this could be increased to 10%.
Those availing of the scheme are currently required to contribute 7.5% of the value of their family home
each year for a maximum of three years. The review says this three-year cap could be reconsidered.As
it stands people are asked to contribute 80% of their income. The review states that consideration
could be given to increasing this level for those with incomes in excess of the State old age pension.
The review also says that the Government could consider amending the law to allow for Fair Deal
charges to be attached to earnings or deducted at source from pensions.
Extras not mentioned in the Programme for Government
Protection of Life during Pregnancy Act 2013
enacted and implementation guidelines published
Protection of Children’s Health (Tobacco Smoke in
Mechanically Propelled Vehicles) Bill passed pro-
viding for a ban on smoking in cars and plain
Magdalene Restorative Justice Scheme established
in June 2013 for women who were admitted to and
worked in the Magdalene Laundries with 804
applications and €23m paid out to date
New Suicide Prevention Strategy, Connecting for
Life 2015–2020, launched in June 2015 and setting
a target to reduce suicide and self-harm by 10%
over the five year period.
An additional €4m was allocated in 2014 and 2015
to assist in implementing the Progressing Disabil-
ity Services Programme for children. This equates
to approximately 80 / 90 additional therapy posts
to expand the provision of speech and language
therapy in primary care and the development of
therapy services.
The Planning application is being finalised for the
redevelopment of the National Maternity Hospital
on the St Vincents Campus.
The planning application for the new children’s
hospital at St James’s hospital campus and the
satellite centres at Tallaght and Blanchardstown
was submitted in August 2015.
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