36December-January 2014
EALTH is life-dening. We all experience ill-
health during our lives and need health services.
Health inequalities are reflective of injustice and
inequality in society. Austerity has exacerbated this
injustice and deepened these inequalities in Ireland.
Three studies have recently been published which
examine the impact of austerity on access to health
services and the impact of geography on cancer survival
rates. A common thread through the research studies
is inequality – of access to health services and of health
outcomes in cancer survival rates. Health inequali-
ties refer to the differences in the experiences of health
among dierent sections of the population. Although
some people will live longer healthier lives due to genetic
or hereditary factors, health inequalities refer to ine-
qualities which are unnecessary, unjust and avoidable,
and could be addressed through public policies.
The European Foundation for the Improvement of
Living and Working Conditions research on ‘Access to
Healthcare in Times of Crisisfound that the economic
crisis has had a negative impact across Europe on access
to healthcare services not only because of budget cuts,
but also because access to healthcare for households
has been reduced when their disposable income has
declined, creating new barriers to diminished health
services. In Ireland, the ESRI budgetary analysis has
previously illustrated the disproportionate effect of
successive austerity budgets on low-income families,
which are also particularly dependent on the public
health system and therefore most affected by cuts in
health services. The situation in Ireland thus presents
a particularly acute case in the European context.
The funding of the Health Services Executive (HSE)
was reduced by €3.3 billion (22%) over a four-year
period, 2009-2013. Health staff levels have been cut
by approximately 10% since the 2007 peak. The health
system was able to ‘do more with lessto a certain extent
in the early years of the cutbacks. However, in more
recent years it has been more a case of ‘doing less with
less. This is evidenced by the growing numbers of peo-
ple on trolleys in emergency departments, increased
waiting times for public appointments, and the removal
of medical cards from significant numbers of people.
Alongside this there has been a growing trend towards
cost-shifting by Government to individuals and fami-
lies through the introduction of, or increase in, charges
and thresholds for reimbursements (illustrated in Chart
1). In 2013, cost-shifting meant that on average every
person in Ireland was paying about €100 in additional
costs for care and prescribed drugs (Lancet, 2014). This
cost-shifting further worsens the inequities in access to
health services by low income families.
Fund it better
and distribute it
on basis of need
only, not wealth
Healthcare demands equality
December-January 2014 37
Budget 2015 included a slight improvement in
Government funding for health, which was increased by
just over €300 million. This brought the health budget
up to €13.1 billion. While this modest augmentation
is to be welcomed, Ireland has a growing and ageing
population and the additional resources are likely to be
eaten up by increased demand for existing services. This
leaves little or no scope to extend and improve health
The latest OECD data show that Ireland’s total health
spend was 8.9% of GDP in 2012. This was the second
lowest in the EU (15), which had an average total spend
on health of 9.9% of GDP.
It is also necessary to remember that private money
from health-insurance premiums and out-of-pocket
spending on various health-related charges make up
a lot of our total health spending. On average, public
spending on health in the EU accounts for 75% of all
spending on health. In Ireland, this figure is 68%, and
we rely more on private sources of funding than most
other EU countries.
This mix of public and private resourcing of health
services has resulted in a dual system which means that
health services can be assigned on the basis of medi-
cal resources (i.e. health insurance) and not medical
A funding model that supports a single-tier health-
care system capable of providing universal access is
long overdue. The Government had planned to reform
the funding of health services and address the inequi-
ties in the system through Universal Health Insurance
(UHI). While it is questionable whether these goals could
have been achieved through the model proposed by the
Government, its planned introduction has now been
shelved indefinitely. It appears that the Government has
gone back to the drawing board in seeking to develop a
sustainable funding model.
In the meantime, low-income individuals and fami-
lies with limited means will continue to face barriers
to access to health services, while others continue to
skip the queue and receive treatment and care in a
timely manner. For some reason it has been accepted
that treating patients on the basis of their ability to
pay instead of medical need is acceptable in Ireland.
Perverse incentives are hard-wired into the health
system and will only be addressed through root and
branch reform.
The current system of healthcare is a contributing
factor to the prevalence of health inequalities, and
research projects from the National Cancer Registry
(NCR) and NUI Maynooth clearly illustrate the effect
this is having on cancer patients living in deprived com-
munities. There have been many advances in the early
diagnosis and effective treatment of cancer in recent
years; however, these improvements do not always
reach the population in the same way.
The NCR research shows that people living in
deprived areas experience a poorer survival from can-
cer than those who live in more affluent parts of the
country and it found that breast-cancer patients from
the most deprived areas were about 30 per cent more
likely to die from their cancer than patients from the
Source: Thomas, Burke, Barry, ‘The Irish Healthcare System and Austerity: Sharing the Pain.
The Lancet
, 2014, 383 (9928):1545
Source: Wilkinson, R. and Pickett, K, ‘A Convenient Truth: A better society for us and the
planet. Fabian Society and F’riedrich Ebert Stiftung (2014).
Chart 1: Estimates of cost-shifting from Government to household 2008-2013
Chart 2: Life expectancy is strongly related to income within rich countries
38December-January 2014
least deprived areas.
Those from more deprived backgrounds were more
likely to present late with advanced stage cancers and
were more likely to present with symptoms rather
than present on foot of screening. The research found
death rates from cancer in some of the poorest parts of
Dublin were more than twice as high as in more afflu-
ent areas.
The NUI Maynooth research found that some of these
disparities are due to the difficulties getting access to
healthcare for the poorest in society. In North Dublin,
for example, there is one GP for every 2,500 people.
Nationally thegure is 1:1,600. Issues relating to the
provision of primary care services are not restricted
to towns and cities. The village of Feckle in Co Clare
has no GP and it made the national headlines recently
when the community oered a rent-free surgery to any
GP willing to move to the village.
The equitable provision of, and access to, health
services is essential for the elimination of health ine-
qualities. There has been some progress at policy level
with the reduction of health inequalities established
as one of four goals in the Governments public-health
strategy ‘Healthy Ireland’. However, there is no clear
plan on how this goal is going to be achieved, no budget
allocation and no targets.
The provision of, and access to health services, is only
part of the solution. The main factors inuencing health
include environment (where we live), education, income
and life opportunities. For real improvements in health
and wellbeing we need a more equal society. Wilkinson
and Pickett (2014) draw particular attention to the very
close relationship between life expectancy and income
within societies. This relationship is almost perfectly
graded across society, as health improves with each
step up the socio-economic scale (see Chart 2). This is
the pattern of health inequalities which can be seen in
almost any society when health is shown in relation to
income, education or any other indicator of socioeco-
nomic status.
Reducing and ultimately eliminating health inequal-
ities therefore requires a more equal distribution of
wealth, income and resources. This implies investment
in public services (including health) and the develop-
ment of a funding model tahat ensures public-health
services are accessed on the basis of medical need.
Health is a fundamental human right which can be pro-
tected as part of a wider set of economic, social and
cultural rights in Irish law.
Enshrining these rights in Irish law would copper-
fasten their protection and contribute to a more just,
inclusive and equal society. •
Eliminating health
inequalities requires
more equal distribution
of wealth, income
and resources, and
public-health services
distributed on the basis
of medical need
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