N a world where economic growth’ may not
be desirable, materials will have to come
from the environment around us. One won-
der material is a controversial crop called
hemp. Hemp is a commonly used term for varie-
ties of the cannabis plant and its products, which
include oil, fibre and seed. Hemp can provide
fibre and biomass from the stem and high qual-
ity food from the seeds and has great benefits for
the land it is grown upon.
I have been involved with trials and research of
Hemp here in Ireland for the last  years. Hemp
crops have been grown in many areas of the coun-
try over this time including counties Cavan, Clare,
Down, Kerry, Kildare, Roscommon and Tipperary,
So far we don’t have the type of processing equip-
ment needed to turn the crop into a marketable
product, but I and others are working on what
will become the world’s first hemp combine har-
vester. Many of the , uses identified for
the plant will be displayed in the Dublin Hemp
Museum opening soon in the basement of the
Hemp Shop on Capel St, Dublin.
Hemp has been grown for at least the last
, years for fibre (textiles and paper) and
food. Because of its importance for sails (the
word canvas” is rooted in cannabis”) and rope
for ships, hemp was a key crop in the American
colonies. George Washington and Thomas
Jefferson both grew hemp and the Declaration
of Independence was drafted on hemp paper. But
it has been effectively prohibited in the United
States since the Marijuana Tax Act of ,
which placed an extremely high tax on mari-
juana and made it effectively impossible to grow
industrial hemp. This is despite the fact that the
dangers of confounding marijuana and hemp are
negligible. Marijuana is grown widely spaced
to maximise leaves. Hemp is grown in tightly-
spaced rows to maximize stalk and is usually
harvested before it goes to seed.
Hemp grows well in a variety of climates and
soil types. Hemp is especially conducive to sus-
tainable and organic agriculture. It is naturally
resistant to most pests, precluding the need for
pesticides. Its tight-spacing squeezes out weeds,
so herbicides are not necessary. It also leaves a
weed-free field for a following crop.
It produces up to four tonnes per acre per year.
After processing its stems, two materials are pro-
duced; hurds and fibres. Both hurds and fibres
have properties that make them useful in building
construction. Rudolph Diesel designed his engine
to run on hemp oil. Henry Ford experimented
with hemp to build car bodies. He wanted to build
and fuel cars from farm products. More recently
BMW has been experimenting with hemp mate-
rials in automobiles as part of an effort to make
cars more recyclable.
Because of hemps long fibres, the products
are stronger and/or lighter than those made from
wood. Construction products such as medium-
density fibre-board, and even beams, studs and
posts could be made out of hemp. Hempcrete is
a bio-composite made of the inner woody core of
the hemp plant mixed with a lime-based binder.
The hemp core or shiv” has a high silica con-
tent which allows it to bind well with lime. This
property is unique to hemp among all natural
fibres. The result is a lightweight cement-like
insulating material a seventh the weight of con-
crete. Hempcrete blocks float.
Hemp fibres are longer, stronger, more
absorbent and more mildew-resistant than cot-
ton. Fabrics made of at least one-half hemp block
the sun’s UV rays more effectively than other fab-
rics. Hemp can replace cotton which is usually
grown with the aid of chemicals. % of all the
world’s pesticides are sprayed on cotton.
Hemp can be made into fine quality paper.
The long fibres in hemp allow such paper to be
recycled several times more than wood-based
paper. Because of its low lignin content, hemp
can be pulped using fewer chemicals than wood.
Its natural brightness obviates the need for chlo-
rine bleach, which averts the dumping of toxic
Nutritionally, hemp oil is the richest known
source of polyunsaturated essential fatty acids
(‘good’ fats). Its high in some essential amino
acids, including gamma linoleic acid (GLA), a very
rare nutrient also found in mothers milk. While
the original frugal gruel” was made of hemp-
seed meal, hemp oil and seed can easily be made
into nutritional products.
Hemp has been touted as a tool to ‘Save the
Planet’ but as I illustrate in my stand-up show,
“Hemp Can’t Save the Planet but It Might Save
Humanity” by clothing, feeding, housing and
transporting us.
Steve Allin will give a talk on the wonders of hemp
on June 27th at 8.00pm downstairs in the Ormond
Wine Bar, 6 Upper Ormond Quay, Dublin 7. A book of
the show will be published later this year.
steve allin
A wonder material that is gentle on the planet has uses in construction, paper,
clothing and food
Because of hemp’s long
bres, the products are
stronger and/or lighter than
those made from wood
you can live in it


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