70 February 2016
atin, a dead language, is taught in
thousands of schools. A Latin online
news bulletin gives the world’s news
and carries ads. A radio station broad-
casts the news weekly in Latin. Latin
enthusiasts organise social gatherings.
But despite all this, Latin remains a dead lan
guage. Is Irish on the way to becoming that?
Most of us don’t want to speak Irish, but we
like to have Irish in our lives. We cherish it, the
surveys show, as a precious part of our national
heritage. We are glad there are Gaelscoileanna,
a Radio na Gaeltachta and a TG4; that the des-
tinations of buses are shown in Irish as well as
English, and to hear that there is a news-and-
comment magazine in Irish on the internet.
We would not like everything in Ireland to be
in English only.
However, it is one thing for a minority lan-
guage under pressure by a dominant language
to give pleasure to those who speak and write
it and to comfort others by its presence in their
lives. It is quite another for that language to live
into the future as many of us hope it will. To do
that it must at least be the spoken language of
a sizeable self-renewing community as Latin,
for example, is not. With the former Gaeltacht
districts now completing Ireland’s shift from
Irish to English, the Irish language has no such
This fact constitutes an emergency for lovers
of the Irish language; an emergency that needs
to be countered by dramatic new action – not
by the State which has lost interest in Irish but
by the lovers of the language themselves.
The most valuable achievement of the Irish
language movement is that there are now sev-
eral thousand men and women throughout
Ireland who speak and write Irish well; that is,
as correctly, and with as wide a vocabulary, as
the average educated user of any other
European language. Collectively, these people
in their speech and writing are a national treas-
ure because they embody the Irish language
alive today. Indeed, because of their wide diver-
sity of circumstance and occupation, they
embody it more fully than any Gaeltacht ever
The initiative that is called for is to convert
this national human treasure, which embodies
the Irish language as it is today, into a living
‘language bank’ that yields high interest—is
self-renewing— through adding new people to
its number each year.
For a start, it would be a matter of establish-
ing - insofar as now possible and with the
personnel now available—the kind of commu-
nity that is necessary for ensuring the
continuance of Irish as a living language. The
personnel available for that are those several
thousand men and women who speak and write
Irish well.
Identify a thousand of them and obtain their
consent to be jointly responsible - together with
others whom they would admit to their number
through an annual examination - for the survival
of Irish as a spoken and written language. Have
them agree on a collective name for the lan-
guage community they would form; undertake
to hold general and regional conventions; and
choose a discreet badge that they would wear
on their clothing to identify themselves to each
other and to people generally.
That badge would become a mark of positive
distinction. The annual entrance examination
for new members, which would become a big
national occasion, would provide a prestigious
goal for Gaelcholáistí and for the university
courses in Irish. Apart from the holding of its
conventions, this body of Irish-language per-
petuators would carry out its remit simply by
living, speaking and writing, and growing annu-
ally towards an initial complement of, say, 8000
The present Irish-language activities and
occasions would continue undisturbed.
Because the members of the language commu-
nity would not be living next door to each other,
they would not be a self-renewing community
of the ideal kind. But it would be the best that
can be done under present circumstances.
The annual entry exam would give the sec
ondary Gaelscoileanna and the university
courses in Irish a concrete and prestigious goal
to aim at. In time the initial goal of 8000 mem-
bers might well need to be extended.
It must be clear that unless this scheme or
something like it is implemented, the spoken
and written Irish language will enter in the
coming years a period of gradual, ragged, igno-
minious, death, with very minority-interest
programmes on radio and television recalling
the real thing.
Dr Desmond Fennell’s last book was 'Third
Stroke Did It: The Staggered End of European
How to save Irish
We should urgently select 1000
language-lovers to champion it
Apart from the holding
of its conventions,
these Irish-language
perpetuators would
simply live, speak and
write, and grow towards,
say, 8000 members
by Desmond Fennell