4 8 April 2016
n his 1976 poem, ‘A Part of Speech’, Joseph Brodsky
says Russian narratives of the future and of history
are informed by language, not facts.
“... and when “the future” is uttered, swarms of mice
rush out of the Russian language and gnaw a piece
of ripened memory which is twice
as hole-ridden as real cheese”.
Current events in Ireland import his observations to
our own milieu.
March and April mark the peak of the Centennial cel-
ebrations season in Ireland - the months of
remembering, interpreting and occasionally re-writing
the already troubled historical narratives of the nation
to reflect the distant 1916 Easter Rising. The ripened
memory is hole-ridden by interpretations and narra-
tions, though the factual history of the event could
easily be explained in simple timelines.
Thus the focus of many analysts has drifted from the
original Easter Rebellion to the future. The culmination
of this was a rather simple, yet far-reaching, observa-
tion by President Michael D Higgins that modern Ireland
is a society that has yet to achieve the core perceived
objectives of the Rising: the
story of Ireland is still being told.
This notion of Irish sovereign
incompleteness, one hundred
years from the Rising, is an
important and complex one.
To some, extracting relevance
from the Rising means project-
ing historical myopia into an
evolving future: the ideal of
national independence defined
by physical boundaries. Nation-
alist rhetoric, historically apt,
but backward-looking, has been one of the significant
themes in the Centenary. For others, including myself,
relevance is less about the ideals of the original
Rebellion, and more about
the nature of the Irish state
and its elites within the con-
text of the modern reality,
framed forcefully by the memory of
the Global Financial Crisis.
Put simply, irrespective of the wishes of the 1916
leaders and the generations of Irish national leaders
who followed them today’s Ireland is, economically-
speaking, a vassal state, dependent on fortunes,
choices and policies determined well beyond our
Perhaps the saddest part of this truth is that this
state of affairs is the direct outcome of the willful co-
opting of Irish elites by our external masters: the
technocracies of Europe and the Multinational
As in 1916, today Ireland has little control over its own
destiny. And just as in 1916, there is only a small minor-
ity of the Irish people willing to confront this reality.
No matter what the Irish President declares about the
‘Irish story’ being a continuing saga, we are subjects of
the world order that our leaders, aided by the silent
majority of us, have not the will to alter. Still less the
Over the hundred years that separate the Easter
Rebellion and today, Ireland has travelled an impres-
sive path of economic growth - a path that is still new
but which is celebrated today as our major achieve-
ment. However, attributing the economic success of
today to the struggle for independence in the past is a
false narrative. Apart from the fact that on average Irish
citizens were doing well before the Rising, asserting
Ireland’s economic independence from the UK required
a period of painful and exceptionally protracted misery
that stretched from the Rebellion into the early 1970s.
When we finally did get growth to flourish, we squan-
dered its fruits. And though we have growth it has not
yielded independence.
The economic renaissance after 1973, attributed to
in a Vassal State
Racing to translate 1916 into the
future we ignore our subjugation, not
to empire, but to debt, European
technocracies and MNCs
For me, contemporary
relevance is less about
the ideals of 1916 and
more about the positioning
of the Irish state and its
elites in the post-Global
Financial Crisis world
April 2016 4 9
TK Whitaker-promoted economic openness and
FDI-focused development, did not mark mean-
ingful economic sovereignty for the country.
Rather it represented a shift in Irish economic
dependency from reluctant participation in UK-
centric trade, investment and labour markets
to an enthusiastic embrace of the EU as an
opportunity for the beggar-thy-neighbour
model of tax arbitrage policies and to compre-
hensive prostration to corporate markets, first
represented by the ‘civilised’ foreign direct
investors, lately – by the blackmail-wielding
bondholders and vultures.
The overall outcome was belated prosper-
ity, but also atrophying leadership.
Economic growth came with policy defla-
tion through Social Partnership, the
perceived and real demands of FDI,
and reliance on the importation of
social, cultural and economic
ideas (and institutions) from the
EU. A nation once subjugated to
the UK found itself subjugated
to a virulent blend of national-
ism and religion and, finally, to yet another set
of hegemonies.
By the end of the 1990s, the Irish model of
commerce, traditionally defined by the triumvi-
rate of the local councilor, local priest and local
bank manager presiding over economic
resources gave way to the Social Partnership
model where those three agents were supple-
mented by a motley crew of social and business
groups and state bureaucrats whose sole pre-
occupation was to make sure that the wishes of
the MNCs and Brussels were not trampled by
mere local selfishness.
The fruits of 100 years of striving for inde-
pendence is an economic culture of dependency.
Which, in cold and impersonal language of eco-
nomic statistics, looks like this:
In 2014, Ireland spent more than the EU and
euro-area average as a percentage of GNP -
0.87-0.88% - on social housing, against the
Euro area’s roughly 0.72%. In return, we got a
spiralling homelessness crisis and a ratcheting
length and duration of social housing queues.
We posted the second highest GDP per capita
figure, based on EU purchasing power parity,
but only average (for the euro area) levels of
actual real individual consumption. We got the
fastest growing economy in the EU, with OECD-
topping investment figures.
But we also have average or below average
growth rates in construction spending
(+3.1% in the first nine months of 2015
compared to the same period of 2014)
and our companies’ investments in
machinery and equipment was
down almost 18%. In fact, January-
September 2015, total
investment growth, excluding
intellectual property - domain
of smoke and mirrors gener-
ated by the tax-shifting MNCs - was down 9.5%,
just as official total investment figures for the
economy were up 26.8%.
Consider the following simple exercise. We
used to believe that the true state of the Irish
economy was described by our Gross National
Product (GNP) because, unlike GDP, it ‘accounts
for profit expatriation out of Ireland by our
hyperactive MNCs. Official national accounts
tell us that in 2015 Irish real GDP and GNP grew
by 7.8% and 5.7% compared to 2014. Stripping
out the increase in Intellectual Property invest-
ments over the first nine months of 2015
compared to the same period of 2014 implies
GDP growth of 3.3% and GNP growth of 0.5 %.
That’s right: GNP growth, if MNC-led
‘domiciling’ of foreign patents and research and
development outputs into Ireland is stripped
out of our national accounts, implies the Irish
economy remained basically flat.
In human terms this manifests itself in fami-
lies losing their homes to vulture funds - a
process actively facilitated by our sovereign
leaders. It looks like patients in hospital corri-
dors and on trolleys and names on years-long
waiting lists, as investment increases are swal-
lowed by inefficient management practices
which are actively facilitated by our sovereign
leaders. The state of the economy above is
attested to in lavish though somehow jaded
bank adverts and property promotions once
again commanding our media, while the banks
prolong their clumsy extend-and-pretend dance
around mortgages arrears. Credit to the real
economy shrinks and the cost of private credit
rises relative to ECB funding rates and govern-
ment debt yields, as our leaders toast their
governance successes.
President Higgins is correct: one hundred
years after the Easter Rebellion, Ireland remains
a sovereign project still in progress - incom-
plete, and increasingly likely to remain so over
the next hundred years. Hegemonies change,
vassals remain.
Or, as Brodsky said in the same poem:
“Life, that no one dares
to appraise, like that gift horse's mouth,
bares its teeth in a grin at each
encounter. What gets left of a man amounts
to a part. To his spoken part. To a part of speech”.
And the part that remains is certainly not
macroeconomic statistics – dodgy ones.
Stripping out the increase
in Intellectual Property
investments implies GDP
growth of 3.3% and GNP
growth of a paltry 0.5 %
The master has changed but the supplication is the same


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