52 February 2016
What would progressive fiscal
policy look like?
As we face into a General Election it is appro-
priate that we consider how we could construct
a fiscal policy that can deliver fiscal and finan-
cial stability and sustainable economic growth.
A fiscal policy that can provide the investment
required for the delivery of decent services and
infrastructure and that can adapt to changing
demographic pressures. The fundamental
issue underpinning fiscal policy is that any deci-
sion to raise or reduce overall levels of taxation
revenue or expenditure should
be linked to demands on gov-
ernment resources.
Now that Ireland is emerging
from the recession there is a
renewed focus on fiscal policy.
It is important that we learn
from the mistakes of the past
and ensure that current and
future policies work for the
common good of all in Irish
society. There has been much
discussion and rumination on
the fiscal policy of successive
Governments in the decades
leading up to the crisis, but
less regarding what progressive fiscal policy
might look like in the future.
So…progressive fiscal policy should be able
to deliver macroeconomic stability, investment,
a just taxation system, strong social services
and social infrastructure, good governance in
terms of policy development and policy evalu-
ation, and finally it must be sustainable in the
longer term. It should incorporate demographic
projections of future expenditure and revenue
Ireland’s macroeconomic policy is, and will
continue to be, heavily influenced by our com-
mitments under the Fiscal Compact and the
Stability and Growth Pact. However, this does
not mean that there is not space for progressive
fiscal policy.
The Fiscal Compact introduced an expendi-
ture benchmark but this does not mean that
expenditure cannot increase above this
benchmark; it simply requires that any expendi-
ture above this benchmark be matched by the
required revenue increase.
This is important as Ireland will need
significant levels of investment in the future if
we are to address the current deficits in our
infrastructure and services and they can adapt
to meet the changing needs of our changing
A programme that invested in social, eco-
nomic and environmental infrastructure would
contribute to growth which would in turn lower
Ireland’s deficit and real-debt burden. It would
also generate sustainable employment and
begin to address the many infrastructural chal-
lenges we face in
areas such as
broadband and
social housing,
for example.
Total invest-
ment as a
percentage of
GDP in Ireland
was just under
17% in Ireland in
2014, the fourth
lowest in the EU. Within this figure, Govern-
ment investment accounts for just under 2% of
GDP, the second lowest in the EU.
Ireland is starting from a very low base and
the present deficits in infrastructure make it
clear that domestic investment is sorely needed
to provide employment and improve quality of
life and productivity; this would reduce short-
term unemployment and increase the long-run
productivity of the Irish economy.
It should not be overlooked that Ireland still
faces substantial debt challenges despite the
strong GDP growth figures for 2015. The rapid
increase in our national debt, driven by the
need to borrow both to replace disappearing
taxation revenues and to fund emergency
‘investments’ in the failing commercial banks,
has increased the ongoing annual costs associ-
ated with servicing the national debt.
The scale of Ireland’s debt is still significant
(General Government Debt stood at 97% of GDP
in 2015) and we are vulnerable to international
developments. If there are no additional liabili-
ties arising from the banking sector and no
further economic shocks, Ireland’s debt may be
sustainable, assuming continuing low govern-
ment debt yields and economic growth.
However, deflation in the Eurozone could
have implications for Irelands real debt burden
if it continues. To increase debt sustainability,
European authorities should also consider fur-
ther changes to the status of the government
bonds which were issued to replace the promis-
sory notes including further extending the
maturity and considering a lower interest rate.
Future taxation needs
The need for a wider tax base is a lesson pain-
fully learnt by Ireland during recent years. A
disastrous combination of a naïve housing
policy, a failed regulatory system and foolish
fiscal policy and economic planning caused a
collapse in exchequer revenues.
It is only through a determined effort to
reform Ireland’s taxation system that these mis-
takes can be addressed and avoided in the
Suggesting that any country’s tax take
should increase normally produces negative
responses. People think first of their incomes
and increases in income tax, rather than more
broadly of reforms to the tax base.
It is important that we realise that taxation
encompasses far more than just income tax,
and that it is possible to reform and broaden
Ireland’s tax base. There are a number of
approaches available to Government. A brief
(and not exhaustive) list could comprise: eval-
uation of tax expenditures/tax reliefs,
corporation taxes, a site value tax and a finan-
cial transactions tax.
The ex-ante evaluation of the costs and ben-
efits of any proposed tax expenditure, the need
to collect detailed information on each expend-
iture, the introduction of time limits for
expenditures, the creation of an annual tax
expenditures report as part of the Budget pro-
cess and the regular scrutiny of this area by an
Oireachtas committee should be part of all
future fiscal policy. This is a simple and effec-
tive way to ensure that the expenditure in
question is generating the required policy out-
come and a return for the State.
The issue of corporate tax contributions is
principally one of fairness. From a societal per-
spective, it is important that corporations
contribute in a reasonable and credible way to
the costs of running the state in which they
operate and benefit from. Introducing a mini-
mum effective corporate tax rate of 6% would
not only generate significant revenue, it would
Total investment was
17% of GDP in Ireland in
2014, the fourth lowest
in the EU. Government
investment accounts for
just under 2% of GDP
For social and economic progress
and sustainable development
by Michelle Murphy
February 2016 53
ensure a fair contribution from the corporate
sector to the Irish exchequer.
A recurring site value tax would be a better
alternative than the current Government value-
based local property tax. A site value tax would
lead to more efficient land use within the struc-
ture of social, environmental and economic
goals embodied in planning and other
A financial transactions tax (FTT) is a progres-
sive tax on the financial services sector, applied
to trading in bonds, shares and derivatives. 10
countries in the EU are finalising proposals to
introduce such a tax. These include Germany,
France, Italy and Spain. Ireland, however, is not
part of this process. It should become part of it
immediately. Such a tax would increase Govern-
ment revenue by about €350m a year and would
be a progressive fiscal policy.
It is being supported in Ireland by a coalition
of more than 40 organisations being facilitated
by Claiming our Future. Progressive fiscal policy
would not just deliver a broader tax base; it
would deliver a fairer tax system.
Such a system would ensure that those who
benefit the most from the Irish economic system
contribute the most, in the most efficient
manner. There are a number of simple changes
that can be made in the short term to make Ire-
lands tax system fairer. These include:
standard-rating all discretionary tax expendi-
tures, keeping the minimum wage out of the tax
net, making tax credits refundable and making
the tax system less complex.
Government decisions to raise or reduce
overall taxation revenue need to be linked to the
demands on its resources. These demands
depend on what Government is required to
address or decides to pursue.
The effects of the recent economic crisis, and
the way it was handled, carry significant impli-
cations for our future taxation needs.
Despite favourable lending rates and payback
terms, there remains a recurring cost to service
this large national debt – costs which have to be
financed by current taxation revenues. Further-
more, the erosion of the National Pension
Reserve Fund (NPRF) by diverting it to fund vari-
ous bank rescues (of over €20 billion) has
transferred the liability for future public sector
pensions onto future exchequer expenditure.
Although there may be good returns from a
number of the rescued banks, overall it is likely
to be small relative to the funds committed and
therefore will require additional taxation
These new future taxation needs are in addi-
tion to those that already exist for funding local
government, repairing and modernising our
water infrastructure, paying for the health and
pension needs of an ageing population, paying
EU contributions and funding any pollution-
reducing environmental initiatives that are
required by European and international
Collectively, they mean that Ireland’s overall
level of taxation will have to rise significantly in
the years to come – a reality Irish society and
the political system need to begin seriously to
Social services and
Ireland faces challenges both in delivering
decent public services and in providing high
quality social and physical infrastructure. The
need for increased levels of investment has
been highlighted earlier; present levels of
investment are inadequate to address the pre-
sent infrastructural deficits and will not enable
Ireland to adapt to changing demographic pres-
sures. Levels of public expenditure are of
course, closely linked to levels of revenue.
Chart 1 outlines the Government’s revenue and
expenditure projections up to 2021, as set out
in Budget 2016 documents.
As a society can Ireland provide high-quality
public services to all while allowing total
expenditure to fall as a percentage of GDP?
Can Ireland deliver the infrastructure
required to meet demographic pressures in the
future while allowing total expenditure to fall as
a percentage of GDP?
Demography in Ireland is changing and this
will have a significant impact on public policy.
It will mean increased pressure on education
places at all levels, increased pressure on our
health and community services as our popula-
tion ages, and a changing labour force in the
longer term. Extra expenditure will be required
to meet the demands of our changing popula-
tion. A recent presentation on Demographic
Change and Expenditure Pressures in Ireland
given by Dr Thomas Conefrey of the Irish Fiscal
Advisory Council (IFAC) highlighted the implied
steep fall in primary spending as outlined in
Government projections and how this differs
from two IFAC scenarios for primary spending
based on demographic projections. Progres-
sive fiscal policy would incorporate these
demographic projections into all medium- and
long- term financial and budgetary planning.
The incorporation of these projections would
aid medium- to long-term policy planning, it
would help to ensure that the focus is firmly on
sustainable growth and predictable revenue
streams, on using windfall gains for one-off
investments in the areas in which Ireland needs
them most.
It would help Ireland to have a real debate
about the levels of services and infrastructure
it seeks to have in the coming decade or two
and how these are to be financed.
The question needs to be asked: if we expect
infrastructure to catch up to that in the rest of
Europe, how can we do this while simultane-
ously gathering less taxation income than it
takes to run the infrastructure already in place
in most of those other European countries?
In reality we will never bridge the social and
economic infrastructure gaps unless we gather
a larger share of our national income and invest
it in building a fairer and more successful Ire-
land. This is a question not just for politicians
or policy makers; it is a question for everyone.
There are no easy answers, but it is a fact the
Ireland must face up to now before it is too late.
Progressive fiscal policy would mean that Ire-
land would be forced to face up to this fact.
2005 2007 2009 2011 2013 2015 2017 2019
Government expenditure as a Percentage of GDP Government revenue as a percentage of
Total Revenue and Total Expenditure as a % GDP 2005-2021
Evaluate tax
expenditures/tax reliefs,
corporation taxes, a site
value tax and a financial
transactions tax


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