— April – May 2013
U and Irish trade policies are undermining sustainable development
in the Global South. We need a change from the current approach
which is resulting in growth without development for these coun-
tries. The Irish Government has committed itself to advancing EU
trade negotiations and supporting the World Trade Organisation and the
multilateral trading system, including the Doha Round of negotiations,
during its EU Presidency. This ignores both growing concern about this
model of global trade, rooted in trade liberalisation, and the fact that these
priorities undermine Irish and EU development policies.
EU trade policies seek to expand trade between Europe and other parts
of the world. They follow an aggressive competitiveness strategy and use
bilateral and multilateral free-trade agreements to secure market access
and cheap supplies of raw materials for European companies. They pur-
sue an agenda of trade liberalisation which encourages countries of the
Global South to open up their markets to international trade by reducing
tariffs and quotas, increasing rights for investors, privatising industries
and services, and reducing support to domestic producers.
Loss of tariff revenue to trade liberalisation leads to a reduction in public
revenue in developing countries. Opening up markets negatively impacts on
local producers as cheap goods from Northern countries flood markets.
In the agricultural sector this has had a particularly detrimental effect
on food sovereignty. Small scale and subsistence farmers are unable to
compete with subsidised agricultural imports from Europe and other
regions. European Commission impact assessments have acknowledged
that Economic Partnership Agreements, for example, could lead to the
collapse of the manufacturing sector in West Africa.
Irish and EU policies prioritise the opening up of new markets and a
substantial role for the private sector in development co-operation. The
primary concern appears to be how Irish business can profit in Africa rather
than underlining the need for ethical trade and sustainable development
which would support local economies.
In Liberia the result of such policies has been land grabbing and human
rights violations by extractive industries and agribusinesses. Transnational
corporations lease large tracts of land to cultivate rubber and oil palm,
preventing their use for food production. Rubber, palm-oil and log-
ging plantations, known as ‘concessions’ currently cover approximately
,, hectares or % of the country. Hundreds of thousands of
Liberian citizens live in districts that were granted to companies without
local input and consent.
These contracts cannot be implemented without violating the rights of
local communities simply because operations encroach on their farmlands.
This leads to significant loss of livelihoods and negative impacts on local
economies. Land deals have become the new ‘Scramble for Africa’. .
million hectares of agricultural land (roughly the size of Kenya) has been
bought or leased by investors since for export-oriented projects
which undermine food sovereignty, local industry and environmental
EU trade policy puts corporate interests ahead of sustainable and inclu-
sive development. However, there appears to be little consensus on this
between EU institutions in practice. MEPs recently voted to reject the
European Commission’s proposal to impose a unilateral deadline of
on African, Caribbean and Pacific Countries (ACP) to sign trade agree-
ments that are deemed unfair. The EU Council supported the European
Commission’s position.
Ireland, as EU president, now plays a crucial role as chair of the Council
of Ministers in negotiating a compromise between the EU Council and
European Parliament. Irish and EU civil society organisations are urging
the Irish government to ensure this negotiation results in a fair deal and
sustainable development in ACP countries and more equitable relations
between the EU and the Global South. This is an opportunity for Ireland
to promote a global trade system that prioritises justice, equity, rights and
sustainable development.
Jacinta Fay is co-ordinator of the Liberia Solidarity Group’s Trade Justice Project
which aims to ensure that human rights and ethical business are the cornerstone
of Ireland’s trade with the Global South. This article is based on “The Free Trade
Trap” published by the Liberia Solidarity Group.
jacinta fay
The EU uses bilateral and multilateral free-
trade agreements to secure market access
and cheap supplies of raw materials for
European companies
Ireland should wield moral
muscle on trade
Government should broker equitable, sustainable relations between EU and
Global South/ACP
Palm oil plantation in Sinoe County, Liberia. Image
courtesy of Sustainable Development Institute Liberia