30 October-November
Have quliy of life indicors moved
cenre sge s promised?
Quality of life and wellbeing are central
considerations in all Government decisions.
They were key themes in Budget 2025. A
Wellbeing framework is published every year
which assesses our performance across a
range of headings and this feeds into the
Summer Economic Statement and budgetary
process. The indicators show we are making
progress in most areas and rank above the EU
and OECD average for key wellbeing metrics.
Do you expec he curren
governmen o improve inequliy
during is ime in office. Under wh
mesure? By how much? Wh is he
governmen’s record so fr?
This government has dramatically improved
inequality across our communities and that is
backed up by the facts. I saw statistics earlier
this year that showed that over the last 3
decades, real incomes increased three-fold
while income inequality fell.
We do pre-emptive assessments of the
impact of the budget not just on GDP or GNI on
the environment and equality, using a
combination of the Gini Co-efficient and decile-
oriented measures. I get a readout before
decisions are take. The tax measures this
government has taken have been highly
progressive. 20% of the population pay 80%
of the tax. We are a wealthier country and a
more equal society. I wouldn’t want to be a
member of a Government which didn’t take
tackling inequality seriously. There has been a
real focus on addressing child poverty in his
government and Budget 2025 is another
progressive Budget that supports those
families who need it most.
Do you hink he governmen is
mking progress on housing nd
Yes, on both fronts. The Government has
delivered more than 115,000 homes since
taking office in 2020. This is more than were
built in the previous 9 years combined. There
were more than 50,000 commencements in
the past 12 months. There is no doubt much
more to be done and building needs to be
ramped up again. We will be publishing
updated housing targets for the coming period
which will take account of our changing
demographics. But the truth is there are
thousands of families housed today because
of the policies and the initiatives this
Government has implemented.
On health, we have provided unprecedented
investment in the frontline of the health system
which is helping to drive delivery of improved
patient outcomes. For example, the number of
patients on trolleys in the first half of the year
was down 14%, meaning 7,800 fewer patients
were waiting on trolleys for a hospital bed. An
additional 28,500 people are working in our
health service since the end of 2019 and there
are 1,182 more acute hospital beds.
What do you hink of Sinn Féin’s
housing policy?
I think their policy would seriously risk overall
supply and undermine the progress we have
made in housing in the last 4 years. More
fundamentally, I don’t think people will be
happy with a situation where there is question
marks over who actually owns the property
and the land under it. Sinn Féin wants to control
people’s property rights and there are now
serious questions on whether the banks would
lend to their new housing plan which could
completely detail the supply of housing in
Isn’t here n ideologicl obscle
o be overcome o provide more
I believe in the State playing a central role in
scaling the delivery of all forms of housing; and
the Government under Darragh O’ Brien has
advanced this objective but there is more to
do. There are lots of obstacles to overcome to
ramp up housebuilding. I don’t believe
ideology is a significant one. Reform of our
planning laws, financing, availability of land
and ensuring we have the workforce to
increasing housing supply are more obvious
challenges we as a Government have worked
hard to try and tackle.
What resricions re pproprie on
I support the current constitutional and legal
position as the people voted for and the
Oireachtas legislated for following the
referendum. I am open-minded to further
changes and will await recommendations from
Minister Donnelly.
Climate Chnge
Are we clime lggrds?
Although progress towards 51% emissions by
2030 is difficult, we are using the levers within
our gift for example we have engaged the
Department of Transport and other
departments and are trying to make progress.
I think what’s being really important for this
government is where we’ve come from. If you
think of the institutional structures that have
been established, changes and carbon limits
for all departments and the changes we’ve
made around ring fencing of the carbon tax,
for example. But we haven’t yet achieved the
full emissions profile and I accept that.
Will his governmen hi rges of
wo hirds new expendiure on public
There has been a sea change in how
Government invests in public transportation.
I saw it first hand in my time in the Department
of Transport. We delivered a new rural bus
route every week last year which is helping to
transform our rural communities. The same
for the Safe Routes to School programme I
had responsibility for, which not only
increases the number of children using active
travel to get school, but make our villages and
towns more accessible to everyone. However,
there have been challenges with certain
projects based on the ratio and the allocations
in the last couple of years. I’m strongly in
favour of increased investment in public
transport and have seen first-hand the
transformative impact of such investment in
our rural towns and communities in particular
from my time in Transport. However, for the
future we need to examine if a ratio is the best
way to manage wider investment priorities.
Both new public transport and certain road
projects for wider regional development have
merit for funding.
Will he Glwy bypss be buil?
As someone born in Galway City, I really hope
so; and I am confident it will. Like Michael
McGrath told you last year, we have to respect
the planning process and continue to invest in
public transport and other roads infrastructure
in the region while this process continues.
Do you expec o replce Michel
Mrin nd when?
I’ve been solely focused on the Budget.
Micheál is a phenomenal leader of our country
and our party and the Irish people have great
trust in him. I fully support him and his
I am absolutely not
socially and economically
conservative. I am open-
minded and believe in
politics you have to be
pragmatic, and can’t be
wedded to strict ideology’
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