AURA Burke has been Director General
of the Environmental Protection Agency
(EPA) since , before which she
served as a Director of the Agency for
seven years in the Office of Communications and
then the Office of Corporate Services and Climate,
Licensing and Resource Use.
Before joining the EPA, Burke was project and
operations manager for Indaver Ireland, including
for incinerators in Meath, Cork and Dublin Port.
The Green Party considered this involvement
disqualified her from even taking up a position
in the EPA. Like her predecessor as head of the
EPA, Mary Kelly who now leads An Bord Pleanála,
she was involved, before moving to the EPA, in
environmental policy with the can-do employers
representative group, IBEC.
Burke was born in Dublin in the early s
and attended St Joseph’s of Cluny Girls school
in Killiney before going to the largely male St
Conleth’s College in Ballsbridge. She studied
chemical engineering in UCD, graduating with
a : honours degree and working for a while in
her mothers chemists in Dun Laoghaire. She took
an MSc in Management Practice from Trinity in
The EPA was established in  ‘to protect
and improve the environmentand deals with
air and water, climate change, waste-licensing,
hazardous waste, sewage effluents and geneti-
cally-modified organisms. It monitors a range
of indicators including air, water and CO emis-
sions. It issues Integrated Pollution Prevention
and Control Licences for pollutant activites which
deploy best available techniques to eliminate or
limit releases to the environment, and minimise
effects on the environment.
In the USA the Federal EPA has interpreted its
limited remit as broadly as possible, for example
extending its role in regulating air quality under
the Clean Air Act to regulating greenhouse gases
in the teeth of Presidential opposition, and
moving in, as a Federal body, to
traditional State areas of planning
and transport, under the pretext of
concern for air and water, the sta-
ples of any EPA. In Ireland, however,
EPA leaders are cautious and are
recruited from the ranks of those
who will not extend the remit.
Within five months of Burke’s
appointment as Director General,
she gave an interview to the Irish
Times, in which she stated that the
EPA “should not be racing” to pros-
ecute business for not complying with
environmental licences and regulations. She said
she wanted to reposition the agency to support
economic growth and move away from the percep-
tion that it was purely an environmental watchdog
or policeman. This apparently ran counter to the
perspective of a Departmental Review instigated
by John Gormley as Minister for the Environment
which was broadly laudatory of the agency but
noted concern among some stakeholders at the
“apparently relatively low” level of prosecutions
being taken and even recommended instigation
of an environmental court.
Burke said she was not trying to subvert or
dilute the agencys role as a regulator but that
Irish businesses were “broadly compliant” and
the agency had an important part to play in the
State’s economic recovery.
“We now need more than ever to highlight the
importance of the environment, not just for its
own sake, but also the importance of the environ-
ment to the economy and to economic recovery”,
she adumbrated, suggesting her own personal
Her “not be racing” comment has shocked
environmental campaigners as it is perceived
to give a public signal to Companies, especially
those which are considering investing here, about
the reality of an Ireland which out of one side of its
mouth still claims to be green. The message, one
which admittedly is often countered by worthy
rhetoric, seems to be that whether their enter-
prise is fracking, incineration, industry or oil and
gas explorations an IPPC licence, granted by the
EPA can be breached in todays reeling Emerald
Isle. Communities will have to make do.
But EPA deference is not new. A 
report published by Professor
Jacqueline McGlade of the European
Environmental Agency named seven
industries in Ireland, led by elec-
tricity-generation as damaging the
environment and human health, with
a cost of over a billion euros in dam-
age for the year  alone.
In September  Labour TD,
Ciaran Lynch, who is chairman of
the joint Oireachtas environment
committee, accused Minister, Phil
Hogan, of not engaging the commit-
tee before the appointment. He wrote: “A
committee cannot refuse an appointment, but
it can make a recommendation or judgment call
if it has concerns about an individual’s attitudes,
background, etc”.
The Irish Environment Forum has sought, to
have Burke removed because of her comments
and background, compromised by her involve-
ment in industry. To date Minister Hogan has
failed to answer any of our requests, though it
is unusually difficult for him to hide behind the
EPA Act, when section  () states clearly “the
Director General may be removed from office if
his removal appears to the Government to be nec-
essary or desirable for the effective performances
by the Agency of its function”.
In the EPAs Review of , Burke comments
“We are fortunate in Ireland that our environment
remains generally in good condition”. For many
environmentalists, particularly against a back-
ground of the pristine environment handed to the
current generation, that is not just not enough; it
is not even true.
Pat Geoghegan is founder of the Irish Environmental
pat geoghegan
Laura Burke, not racing to
prosecute business
Irish Environmental Forum has sought resignation for comments and industry
A Departmental review was
laudatory of the agency
but noted concern at the
“relatively low” level of
prosecutions being taken
and even recommended
instigation of an
environmental court
Laura Burke


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