April 2016 3 7
s predicted a month ago in Village,
and following a pathetic shadow
dance by the two main parties, cli-
maxing as Village went to press with
Fianna Fáil’s rejection of Fine Gael’s
offer of Partnership in a government with them
and a few Blueshirt-diluting independents, the
former two giants of Irish politics still have little
choice but to ride the tide of history and engage
in negotiations to form a government - or go
back to the people.
Any assessment of their policies, not to men-
tion shared ideologies, only serves to confirm
that their differences are far fewer than their
common interests and that only by exaggerat-
ing the former, such as the future of Irish Water,
can they mark out separate territories.
Of course, there are other obstacles to agree-
ment that will need to be thrashed out and
overcome, including the constituency concerns
of deputies and rivals of both parties and the
much-hyped reluctance of ordinary members,
particularly in Fianna Fáil, to embrace the old
But just as the senior spokespeople and TDs
of each, cynically and with straight faces,
claimed over the past four seeks to be on course
to lead the next government, everyone knows
that the members will go with the flow and ulti-
mately digest even the most unpalatable of
outcomes. Think Charlie Haughey and the PDs,
It is not beyond the capacity of negotiators of
the two parties to find the necessary compro-
mises on the broad range of issues that can
ensure a government that will survive a reason-
able period and is not at the mercy of immediate
collapse when FF decides, inevitably, to pull the
The respective and again predictable out-
come of the vote for Taoiseach on Wednesday
6th April, with support for each from just their
own TDs (plus Michael Lowry for FG) – 51 for FG
and 42 for FF (Ceann Comhairle excluded) con-
firms the fruitlessness of the engagement with
most of the Independents over recent weeks,
though it appears a rural few were prepared to
support Fine Gael’s proposal to Fianna Fáil.
In the meantime, the Left has problems of its
own making and will require a significant
amount of time and political space to identify
how it can progress to become a realistic alter-
native to the parties and independents of the
Sinn Féin will be the largest opposition party
of the Left but with just under 14% of the vote
and 23 seats it has a long way to go before it can
challenge for leadership of a future govern-
ment. Labour with seven seats will go through
an internally destructive selection process to
replace Joan Burton before spending a long time
deciding where to place itself on the political
spectrum, further to the left or in coalition,
sooner rather than later, with one of the larger
parties or whatever emerges from them.
With an eye to the more vibrant Social Demo-
crats and a deep underlying hostility to Gerry
Adams and Sinn Féin, which was magnified over
recent years, a new Labour leader has to find
potential allies if it is to offer anything new over
the coming period.
Similarly, those in the People Before Profit/
Anti Austerity Alliance have to find a path that
leads to the viable and concrete political change
to which they aspire but which also requires a
fresh willingness to agree and compromise with
others on the Left.
The Right to Change campaign achieved a
certain degree of cohesion around a broad
policy platform but it was clear there was reluc-
tance in individual constituencies to cede
ground to political rivals.
Nevertheless, if you put all these components
together, along with a significant number of pro
gressive independents, the potential exists for
the Left to grow in tandem with a broad swathe
of non-party activists, greens, NGOs, commu-
nity organisations and trade unions seeking
fundamental change.
As the day-to-day crisis for many ordinary
people continues and intensifies, in health,
education, housing and through precarious
work, youth unemployment and emigration, the
objective conditions for a more coherent Left
will become more obvious. But serious and sen-
sible people must recognise them.
Left in the shadows
As an insipid Civil War replays
elsewhere, the Left will realign,
balancing principle and pragmatism
- and must co-operate
by Frank Connolly
The objective
conditions for a more
coherent Left will
become more obvious