14March 2015
The danger, now, is that many lessons of the crash of 2008 and what led up to it have not been learned and mistaken
policies are being pursued. One clear example of this is the widespread endorsement of the idea that taxation is too
high and tax cuts for this group or that group is a necessary and good thing to pursue (usually this comes with the
proviso that tax cuts must be for our group or interest but not for others). True, political parties do not win elections
on the basis of promising tax increases. However, if we are to be honest with ourselves, we have to ‘join up the dots’ to
establish priorities in areas such as health, education, childcare, transport, energy and increased poverty including
poverty among those in work struggling with
rising bills and charges of one sort of another.
The debate in the lead-up to the next election
needs to be informed by a vision of what sort of
society we envisage and how we are going to get
there. For the moment, a progressive political
agenda needs to focus on four things:
- Pay and welfare
- Employment – quantity and quality
- Public services
- Homes
What counts in terms of people’s economic
and living conditions is access to employment,
income and services built in a dynamic and
diverse enterprise economy.
1. Recession and recovery have offered little for
wages. The latest trends show a downward
overall trend in average weekly earnings
from the beginning of 2009 to the third
quarter of last year. There was a sudden
and sharp increase in estimated average
weekly earnings in the last quarter of 2014.
This pushed the average weekly rate back
up to where it was at the beginning of the
recession. While there can be some flux in
quarterly estimates and the final quarter estimate is ‘provisional’ it does appear that the pattern of falling wages
has come to an end – provided that the economy continues to recover. When inflation is taken into account (using
the consumer price index which includes the effect of falling mortgage interest costs in recent years) ‘real wages’
have moved more or less in tandem with nominal wages since the beginning of 2011 (reflecting low inflation). The
thin blue line in Chart 1 shows the movement in the consumer price index. There was a re-emergence of very mild
price deflation in the second half of last year – reflecting among other factors the impact falling oil prices.
The pattern of recovery in wages is very uneven across sectors and occupations (with some sectors and occupations
faring worse than others. From peak real earnings (end of 2009) to the end of 2014 real average weekly earnings fell
by just over 6% on average. Coupled with the impact of cuts in social welfare and increases in taxation the actual cut
in livings standards for households mainly dependent on wage income was greater than 6% over that period.
A key problem in Ireland is the unbalanced structure of the economy and the eect of that on pay and welfare. There
is over-reliance on foreign direct investment and, as a consequence, a low share of wages as a component of national
income. Add to this a growing inequality in wages (before taxes and social welfare payments). This puts huge strain
on public finances and, at the same time, leaves Ireland extremely exposed to international shocks. Changing this
will take time. However, a start can be made by focusing on:
• The national minimum wage (currently €8.65 per hour).
Low pay just above the minimum wage (typically under €12.20 per hour) as well as precarious work contracts
and conditions.
Social-welfare payments and eligibility where a tightening of conditions and a lowering of some payment rates
Over coming
will outline a
suitable platform
for a radical
new movement
on the Left
To: New Left Government
From: Tom Healy
Date: March 2016
Re.: Priorities to improve the economy and living conditions
for a Left
Chart 1: Average weekly earnings in the Irish Republic
Source: OECD Employment Outlook 2014
Consumer price index
Real average weekly earnings
Nominal average weekly earnings
March 2015 15
took place during the recession need to be reversed, especially where poverty rose as a direct consequence of
cuts to welfare.
Reform of the welfare system and a movement to reduce and eventually abolish low pay goes hand in hand with
the establishment of the principle and practice of a living income that allows all persons and households to live
with dignity (something that is surely not unrealistic in a relatively prosperous country such as Ireland).
2. Creating full employmentmeans creating enough well paid jobs that can sustain individuals, families and
communities. This will require a co-ordinated approach to strategic investment, banking, lending to rms,
upskilling and a growth in new forms of economic activity based on co-operative ownership and public and
community enterprise. Moving towards full employment will mean creating enough full-time and part-time
jobs for everyone who wants to work and can work on a living income with proper conditions. Investment in
sustainable sources of energy could give an important boost to employment creation as well as move Irelands
towards a medium-term goal of lower dependency on imported oil and gas. The potential for revenues coming
from oil and gas off the Irish coast should be re-assessed and, where warranted, the rate of corporation tax on
such profits raised.
3. Much of Europe taxes more and spends more money on social services than ireland does. The European Commis-
sion Taxation Trends shows that taxes (including social insurance, VAT etc.) came
to 28.7% of GDP in the Republic of Ireland in 2012. The corresponding gure,
in France, was 45%. However, there is at least one very significant difference
culturally, politically and economically – between Ireland and France. It is that
enterprises, in France, spend a much larger amount by way of employer social
security. The Republic of Ireland has an exceptionally low rate of employer and
employee social insurance contribution. Chart 2 shows the total amount of social
insurance contributions as a percentage of GDP. France shows that social insur-
ance contributions account for 17.1% of GDP in 2012, whereas, in the Republic
of Ireland it was 4.4%.
The Republic of Ireland has the lowest overall rate of social insurance contribu-
tion of any EU Member State (Denmark is not included in the comparison due to the
fact that is insurance system is organised in a very dierent way). ary of politicians,
commentators and economists who come to our TV screens offering treats of more
money in your pocket’ through tax cuts. We might ask them to price these tax cuts
in public service forgone, community health centres not opened, public transport
not invested in, quality and affordable childcare not provided. And if they mutter
something about inefficiencies in the public sector we may ask them to quantify (a)
productivities gained since 2008 and (b) potential productivities to be extracted
over the next 20 year.
Given Ireland’s growing population as well as a higher proportion of people over
the age of 65 there is a need to create a more efficient, expanded and accountable
public service. Government should invest in, and provide directly, early childhood
education and care for children in the 2-4 age bracket. A key to funding a European
level of public service will be an expanded and properly resourced social insur-
ance fund. This will involve an adequate level of contribution from employers and
employees. A start could be made by raising the employer rate of social insurance
contribution by 3 percentage points on all wages above €100,000 a year.
4. Sometime in the 1980s, Ireland like the UK moved from a culture of residen-
tial houses or apartments being primarily homesto a situation where an
increased number of houses/apartments were seen as investment assets. Esca-
lating prices in the 1995-2007 period brought large capital gains to a great
many home owners just as collapsing house prices in 2008-2012 wiped some
of those gains and placed recent borrowers in positions of ‘negative equity
or extreme nancial pressure (which is not necessarily the same as being in
negative equity).
The impact of scal austerity in the 1980s was such as to greatly reduce the proportion of local authority housing
as a proportion of housing stock or new housing units. The traditional ratio of public to private dwellings shifted
once and for all in the late 1980s and has never recovered. The acute accommodation shortages and escalating
rental prices of recent years is not unrelated to this. The total of local authority and housing association house-
building construction in housing output went from 28% in 1985 to 6% in 2012.
An emergency programme of social housing provision needs to be introduced allied to controls on rent which
are normal in many European countries at least until such time as the supply shortage has been rectified.
With a general election looming sometime between now and this time next year it is timely to consider what
choices and policy options are appropriate. The Nevin Economic Research Institute of which I am director is not
associated with any political party or platform. Our job is to undertake economic research informed by the evi-
dence. The Memorandum is written in a personal capacity. •
Chart 2: Total social insurance paid as % of GDP, 2012
Source: Online Eurostat database (gov_a_tax_ag)
Source: OECD Employment Outlook 2014
Employer 3.1
Employee 1.1
Czech Rep.
Ireland (Rep. of)
0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0


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