26 February 2015
ERLIN in January is a very cold time to have a
demo. Yet 50,000 people – about the same
number as attended Dublin’s biggest water
protest, the zenith of Ireland’s opposition to long and
oppressive austerity – marched the frosty streets that
month not for a high profile march against cuts or
Islam, but rather to march against food. The Wir
Haben Es Satt, or “We are Fed Up” protest attracted 80
tractors and 120 organisations to demonstrate
against the globalised, industrialised extremes of the
food system.
Germany is not known for its protests, and 50,000
is 20,000 more than the previous year’s event. This
was one of the biggest protests in Germany in decades.
The 80-tractor bit is interesting too, especially for
an Irish person: these events are often, especially
when held in very urban countries like Germany, seen
as for naïve city types who don’t know farming. There
may of course be an element of truth in this. However,
as one of the organisers, organic farmer Jochen Fritz
pointed out, when 75% of the pig farmers who were in
business in 2000 are now gone, something has to give.
Farmers for business as usual is a bit like turkeys
voting for Christmas: even the organic ones get
slaughtered in the end.
A recent high-profile publication in one of the
world’s leading journals Science gives us some
background. Rockstrom conceived idea of planetary
boundaries. That’s the safe operating space for
humanity, or the earth’s natural carrying capacity for
certain practices.
In these areas – climate change, biochemical cycles
(nitrogen and phosphorus) biosphere integrity
(biodiversity loss and species extinction) and finally
land-use change – we are exceeding our carrying
capacity. Climate change and biodiversity loss were
considered by the team to be core boundaries defining
the future.
EU agri-food will reduce its climate change impact
by 1% by 2020, yet we need global decarbonisation of
80% by 2050 to prevent runaway climate change. An
area in the Baltic Sea sometimes rivalling the size of
Germany is stubbornly covered in a polluting algal
bloom thanks in large part to the excessive nitrogen
and phosphorus levels industrial pig farming off-loads
Agri-food with its land-use, processes and
pesticides, undermines biodiversity. Species are
disappearing at between 100 and 1000 times the
natural extinction rate. The Food and Agriculture
Organisation of the UN classifies 80% of fish stocks as
“fully or excessively depleted”.
Scientists asked for a 20% reduction in the EU
fishing quotas. What happened? A 5% increase was
granted in January. There are socio-economic
measures of agri-food’s poor performance but
exceeding planetary boundaries is a solid indicator.
TTIP – the Transatlantic Trade and Investment
Partnership – was credited by organisers as bringing
the extra thousands out onto the streets this year.
Ostensibly about trade, many civil society
organisations fear TTIP is more about a race to the
bottom for food standards, where the lowest standard
becomes the norm. This suits corporations but not
threatens citizens’ hard fought labour, health and
environmental standards. TTIP is inimical to national
To take a relevant example, the EU’s precautionary
principle is seen as a barrier to equivalence, or
harmonisation, of pesticide rules between the EU and
US. Europe adopts a precautionary approach to
pesticides, while in the US proof has to be provided
that damage is being done. While currently pesticides
like paraquat, and many class 1 organophosphates are
not allowed in Europe, a recent report highlighted 82
potential new and very strong pesticides that would
come on the market in the EU, were the US standards
to be applied. There is evidence that a regulatory chill
on, for example, endocrine disrupting pesticides is
already happening in the EU, simply because
legislators anticipate TTIP coming into effect.
It is interesting to see how these issues morph into
each other. Walter Haefeker, President of the European
Professional Beekeepers’ Association, spoke from the
stage about TTIP because he feared the EU’s partial
ban on bee-killing pesticides (neonicotonoids) is under
threat: already “the manufacturers in question do not
accept even the current temporary partial ban and
have initiated legal action against the EU Commission
at the European Court of Justice”, he said. One of the
main provisions in TTIP is to make it easier for
companies to sue governments or the EU potentially in
Investor State Dispute Settlements (ISDSs). Indeed this
partial neonicotonoid ban has been specifically cited
by US negotiators as problematic for regulatory
It is worth remembering that, while 97% of replies
to a recent EU consultation were against either TTIP or
ISDSs most lobbying on TTIP is by the corporate
sector, the biggest component of which is agribusiness
and food. It’s definitely a cause to march for.
What happened to the environmental movement,
and its marches, in Ireland? •
Dr Oliver Moore works for UCC’s Food Business and
Development Department
Germans care
enough about
food and the
environment to
A cause to freeze for
Berlin 2015, where they march for bees