— March - April 2012
nda Kenny got into trouble by over-gener-
alising on the sensitive issue of just who
went mad with greed and borrowing dur-
ing our distant boom, but he might just
as well have gone the whole way and questioned
which of us dabbled in corruption too.
Corruption, illegal and legal, has been endemic
in banking, in the awarding of public contracts,
in planning, in the exploitation of resources and
the environment, in the unblinking repayment
of unsecured bondholders and ultimately in the
obscene maldistribution of wealth.
Ireland is regarded as suffering particularly
high levels of ‘legal corruption’ – perhaps as many
(not you dear reader or I, of course) need to look
into their souls to see if they have been party
to corruption as need to see if they are party to
While no laws may be broken, ‘strokes’ and
‘cute hoorism’ such as nepotism, patronage, job-
bery, parochialism, political favours and political
donations influence political decisions and policy
to the detriment of the common good, dispropor-
tionately in this country. Influence-selling has yet
to be completely outlawed, while political funding
remains open to abuse through loose thresholds
on political donations and weak disclosure criteria
for political parties. Though legislation is pro-
posed, political lobbying is entirely unregulated
and political parties are not required to publish
audited accounts.
Disgrace bears little consequence in this soci-
ety. Ben Dunne still has a weekly column in the
Irish Sun, although Moriarty found him corrupt
and his principal defence seems to be that he had
psychiatric difficulties. Bertie Ahern batted for the
Star from behind the contents of a refrigerator and
Celia Larkin pontificates on the issues of the day
in the Sunday Independent. No-one cares what
Moriarty said about civil servants. Denis O’Brien
still dominates our Global Economic Forums, the
Clinton Diaspora Summit and the horrible Ireland
Inc St Patrick’s Day NYSE bell-ringing.
Whatever about the benighted Fianna Fáil,
our current main ruling party raised, with cor-
rupt Minister Michael Lowry’s involvement, €.
million to clear its debts between and
and, despite that and an army of dodgy rezoning
councillors, most of whom were recognised in
the Mahon Report, it rose to political ascendancy
last year as if it were a paragon of virtue. There
was, and is, no sign of criminal proceedings
for corruption against Haughey, Burke, Lowry,
O’Brien, the Bailey Brothers or Liam Lawlor.
Michael Lowry, Ray Burke, Ivor Callely, George
Redmond, Liam Cosgrave Jnr, Frank Dunlop – that
galaxy of unworthiness – all retain their govern-
ment pensions. Government promises to address
Mahon recommendations and seek prosecutions
are as tenuous as the forgotten pledges it gave
after Moriarty.
Village likes to look at human progress in
terms of four spheres that comprise human activ-
ity – economic, social, environmental and cultural.
On probably all, certainly on three, we live in a cor-
rupt society, morally and often legally.
Economically, Ireland Inc (that well-worn
if emasculated phrase!) turns out to believe in
bailing out people who were paid excessively for
taking risks and then avoided responsibility when
the risks went wrong. This reveals as insincere
the very premise of the capitalism it purported
to believe in. In this respect if you have to do
capitalism, it is better to do it the US way with
competition and swift criminal penalties for
In Ireland, we failed to regulate, even to main-
tain functioning capitalism, let alone to facilitate
an equal and sustainable society. And from the
Beef Tribunal to the Moriarty Tribunal to the
Planning Tribunal and various insipid banking
inquiries as well as in cases involving insider trad-
ing, public tendering and the whole planning
process, it is clear that there is widespread red-
toothed corruption tainting important sectors of
our economy and reaching right to the top; as well
as ubiquitous ‘trading in influence’.
During the boom all the main parties promoted
or went along with a tax-reducing, officiary-over-
remunerating agenda and the now-ruling parties
supported insane stamp-duty reductions. If not
corrupt this was at least unfair and reckless. The
biggest recent instances of economic corruption
are repaying largely foreign plutocrats with their
unsecured bonds and Nama‘s decision in most
cases to retrieve not the original value of loans,
but the haircut price it paid, so losing the poten-
tial upside benefit to the taxpayer; and revealing it
as sustaining burnt-out speculators when we were
expressly promised it would not. Predictably too,
NAMA pays some of them up to €, a year
to run their troubled companies.
Socially, budgetary policy favours expenditure
cuts which affect the poorest most and taxation
policy favours the rich. Even during the boom we
had very low public expenditure relative to income,
On Mahon and Irish corruption
As Mahon finally grinds to a somewhat disappointing report, it is time to recognise
that corruption, even more than its cousin greed, did for Ireland in our time
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Judge Alan Mahon