48 October/November 2023 October/November 2023 PB
Had that action not been taken then, much of
the southern hemisphere in particular would
by now be bathed in deadly levels of ultraviolet
Among the most severely critical boundary
breaches now occurring are as a result of the
overuse of nitrogen and phosphorus, primarily
as fertilisers. These chemicals are devastating
many of the world’s waterways, leading to algal
blooms and oxygen-free dead zones.
In Ireland, the toxic eff ects of nutrient
overloads into our waterways are becoming
ever more apparent. Lough Neagh, the vast
lake in Northern Ireland, is severely damaged
as a result mainly of runoff from agriculture, as
well as raw sewage and other contaminants.
Similar blooms are being reported across
Irish lakes and estuaries, a problem that has
notably worsened since the abolition of dairy
quotas in 2015 and the subsequent rush to
intensify industrial-scale dairying operations,
using our political leverage at EU level to allow
thousands of Irish farmers a derogation to
exceed the EUs scientifi cally established
maximum safe limits for nitrates.
The overloading of the global atmosphere
with powerful heat-trapping gases, mainly
carbon dioxide and methane, means
we have fundamentally altered the
chemistry of the atmosphere of an
entire planet, and this is playing
out, as predicted, in ever more
extreme weather events, from
droughts, heatwaves and fl ooding
events to more powerful storm
The ferocious summer of 2023,
which has seen devastating impacts
across much of the northern
hemisphere, is a harbinger of a far
more dangerous future, with rising
sea levels, coastal inundation, killer
heatwaves and fl ooding disasters
that force the permanent
abandonment of entire regions.
While life is about to become
much more precarious and di cult
for many millions of people, human
impacts have already laid waste to
much of the natural world, pushing
tens of thousands of species into
extinction and drastically reducing
both the numbers and range of millions more.
This is the planetary boundary known as
‘biosphere integrity’ and the world’s genetic
diversity has been severely depleted as a result
of human actions. The current extinction rate
is thousands of times higher than the natural
or ‘background’ extinction rate. A key driver of
extinction has been the destruction of
ecosystems and their sequestration for
agriculture, fishing, mining, fossil fuel
extraction and commercial forestry.
Another boundary that has been smashed is
termed ‘novel entities’. This innocuous phrase
describes the witches’ brew of tens of
thousands of toxic artifi cial chemicals, from
plastics and pesticides to PFAs, the so-called
forever chemicals” that have been casually
unleashed into the biosphere.
Even in the relatively well-regulated
European Union, around 80% of man-made
chemicals are brought into use with little or no
testing or true understanding of their long-term
To paraphrase Oscar Wilde, breaching one
critical planetary boundary is unfortunate; to
breach six is beginning to look like
n ancient mariners’ maps,
areas of uncharted waters
were often marked with
illustrations of dragons
and other mythological
creatures to signal to the unwary that
dangers lay ahead.
The modern equivalent of ‘Here be
dragons’ is a project which began in
the Stockholm Resilience Centre in
2009, with the aim of graphically
mapping the nine key ‘planetary
boundaries’ beyond which the
dragons of ecological disaster lay in
There have been two major updates
on the original 2009 report, the latest
of which was published this summer.
The multidisciplinary team that
carried out the research underpinning
the report looked at climate change,
biosphere integrity (functional and
genetic), land-system change,
freshwater use, biogeochemical
ows (nitrogen and phosphorus),
ocean acidification, atmospheric
aerosol pollution, release of novel
chemicalsand stratospheric ozone
Nothing was viewed in isolation; in
dynamic Earth systems, every
element interacts in complex and
sometimes unexpected ways with
every other element. “It’s pretty
alarming: We’re living on a planet unlike
anything any humans have seen before”,
according to Jonathan Foley, director of Project
Drawdown, who was involved in the original
B r i e fl y , this year’s update established that
six of these critical boundaries for the
maintenance of a stable climate system and
overall integrity of the biosphere have now
been breached, with two others approaching
the red zone: ocean acidifi cation is close to
being breached, while aerosol loading
regionally exceeds the boundary.
Only one of the nine boundaries is currently
considered to be in stable and satisfactory
condition, and ironically, this is global ozone.
Back in the 1970s and 1980s, damage to the
stratospheric ozone layer was fi rst of all
established theoretically, then by observations,
leading to a huge public reaction and strong
and concerted intergovernmental action.
This was spearheaded by the US, culminating
in the signing of the Montreal Protocol in 1987
and the rapid phasing out of CFCs, the
seemingly inert man-made chemicals that were
wreaking havoc in the upper atmosphere.
Make no mistake, we had a narrow escape.
One out of nine
Of nine key environmental boundaries only
ozone depletion has been made safe
By John Gibbons
The report shows only the last of the following 9 key ‘planetary
boundaries is stable:


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