September/October 2015 3
Village Magazine promotes in its
columns the fair distribution of
resources, welfare, respect and
opportunity by the analysis and
investigation of inequalities,
unsustainable development
and corruption, and the media’s
role in their perpetuation; and
by acute cultural analysis.
Michael Smith
+353 1 873 5824
Village Magazine
Editorial Board
Niall Crowley, Joan Fitzpatrick
Bride Rosney, Michael Smith
Contributing Editors
Niall Crowley, John Gormley
Boylans, Drogheda, Co Louth
Village is published by:
Ormond Quay Publishing
6 Ormond Quay Upper, Dublin 7
Copyright Inquiries
Issue 40
Focus anger and energy to promote equality and sustainability
NDA Kenny was not in fact damned by the Fennelly
report. It found he did not sack or seek to sack hap-
less Garda commissioner Martin Callinan.
Admittedly there are caveats and a “however, but from
the fury of commentators and opposition politicians
you would think Kenny was Bertie Ahern. When people
need to be fired, and no-one could vouch confidence in
the commissioner, its impossible for the axe-wielder to
look good. The most important thing was to remove the
commissioner, in a society where too often incompe-
tents are left in place.
Village is not particularly well disposed to Enda
Kenny as a force in politics but that is because of his
antipathy to equality and sustainability (and all that
winking). Not how he fires people, though clearly he
can learn lessons in transparency, and minute-taking.
Certainly there are questions for the Attorney Gen-
eral and the Garda Commissioner (and indeed his
successor) and the report published is only a compo-
nent of an ongoing investigation of Garda station
recordings but a sense of proportion is required and
anger should be dispensed effectively.
For example, for Village other issues of propriety
have more legs. The recommendations of the Moriarty
and Mahon Tribunals languish. What happened to the
team of  officers from CAB who were looking at the
£, channelled to Lowry by Denis O’ Brien after
Lowry had granted the second mobile-phone licence to
O’Brien’s Esat in ? What is happening to Ben
Dunne who received benefits from Lowry that were
“profoundly corrupt to a degree that was nothing short
of breathtaking”? Is Bertie Ahern to be prosecuted for
his perjury and conspiring to mislead the Mahon
The authorised officers dossier on Ansbacher pur-
ports to establish a wide-ranging establishment
conspiracy to ensure well-known holders of illegal
bank accounts were never exposed. Why has this never
been investigated and why will the media not even
report it?
If propriety is the issue, Kenny is not the outstanding
But it is not the principal problem. There are epochal
emergencies such as the rise of Isis, failed nations,
colossal migration and climate change. Kenny, no
visionary, makes little difference to these issues.
Meanwhile, basic iniquities seldom make the news.
Poverty, Travellers’ rights, Direct Provision and refu-
gees (until there’s a photogenic death), homelessness,
the iniquities of the bank guarantee and Nama, species
For Village the overarching issue is equality. Village
believes equality of outcome is an ethical imperative.
We are all equal from birth and ethically. Society’s goal
is to recognise that by distributing resources to rein-
force that equality.
Only equality gives the perspective necessary to deal
pre-emptively with each of the problems above, without
the need for a crisis, a death or a photo-op.
The debate about equality is very crude, partly
because those who benefit from inequality want to keep
it that way.
For example, inconveniently, during the Great Reces-
sion in Ireland the two income groups worst affected
were the very highest earners whose income fell by over
% and the very lowest earners whose incomes fell by
%. It is important nevertheless to keep a focus on
the fact that absolute poverty and deprivation levels
- among those very lowest earners – have been rising
consistently since . The level of deprivation has
almost doubled since . As Mike Allen notes, for
example, in this edition of Village: in July this year, 
families became homeless,  of them for the first time.
Anybody seeking to address the big ethical issue of
equality would have only to undertake to reduce abso-
lute poverty and increase equality, measured by the
Gini coefficient, across the range of income levels, and
to leave office if they did not make progress. That politi-
cians are insincere is evident from their unwillingess to
establish simple indicators to gauge their impact on
And sustainability is a subsidiary of equality for it is
transcendently unequal to transmit fewer of the earth’s
resources and joys to the next generation than the
legacy left to this generation.
In ,  and  years they will not remember Sep-
tember  for the Fennelly Report (or for water
charges or property taxes). They will note that we
allowed inequality to pervade, that we were squander-
ing the earths resources and that we failed to avail of
the opportunity to tame climate change.
And they may note that the desperate quest for
asylum, and its principal driver, an anarchic civilisa-
tion-subverting industrial-scale terrorism of daunting
ambition, both first became manifest on a vast scale in
If we think migration on the scales we’ve reluctantly
been debating over the last few weeks is dramatic, wait
until climate change drives millions from drought,
desertification and sea-level rises.
If we want to deal with the problems of our era and
for future generations to pay us any respect we must
ensure all policy pushes for equality and sustainability.
And direct our ire at those who stand in its way. Not get
waylaid by an incompetent firing of an inept Garda
Commissioner. •
4September/October 2015
3 Editorial Perspective required on Fennelly, corruption and equality
6 Villager News miscellany
10 McCreevy, Dunne and Mulryan Axis of developers, bankers and politicians not fully exposed
Frank Connolly
12 Contagious Allegations about NAMA in North
Frank Connolly
13 Affray in Bray How did restaurant get 250-year lease?
Frank Connolly
14 In the dark Workplace Relations Commission shelters Parties
Michael Smith
15 North’s Unions Wary of Souths embrace of Sinn Féin
Anton McCabe
16 Migrants Minister’s cynicism on direct provision
Fiona Finn
18 Constantin Gurdgiev No market is an island
22 Sinéad Pentony Atkinson’s template for equality in Budget 2016
25 John Gormley Migration gyration
26 Ruth Barrington Children and Family Relationships Act is no panacea for unmarried fathers
28 Abortion Ireland’s laws let us down internationally
Cathie Doherty
30 Deinstitutionalise and give choice to people with disabilities
Niall Crowley
31 Transformative Trans legislation needs to include children too
Vanessa Lacey
32 Freedom politics My platform of creativity and passion
Senator Katherine Zappone
34 Septic tanks Ineffective National Inspection Plan
Simon Mooney
37 Homelessness Open letter to Taoiseach
Mike Allen
38 Times tables
Irish Times’
app better than
Gerard Cunningham
40 Confusing How newspapers confound sales and readership
Gerard Cunningham
42 Book review Theodore Zeldin’s ‘The Hidden Pleasures of Mankind
Frank Armstrong
46 Sculpture My initiation into art
Kenneth Ruxton
48 Rugby took over my life
Brian John Spencer
replies to
Jim O’Callaghan’s
recent article
50 Newgrange Boyne Valley chamber of horrors
Kevin Kiely
54 Obesity obeisance
Michael Smith
replies to a misleading article on obesity
58 A prehistory of violence Mass extinction caused by fossil fuels
George Monbiot
60 Plastics A beady eye on toxin balls
John Gibbons
61 Obituary Dominic Dunne, heritage hero
Ruádhan MacEoin
62 Motor moronism Regime of taxes weirdly doesn’t achieve aims
Eoin O’Malley
64 Depressing Exposed and un-green Wolfe Tone Park
Ciaran Flynn
68 Nationalism trumps socialism How history made leftists pro-EU
Anthony Coughlan
70 Sustainability Multinationals outmanoeuvre UN
Lorna Gold
72 Halawa’s purgatory Get medical treatment for young Ibrahim
Lynn Boylan, MEP
73 Sustainable development Make us the best little country
Niall Crowley
74 Europe’s angry Ukrainian frontier Where the EU is a force for division
Frank Armstrong
76 The meaning of Civilisation From Syria to asylum in Germany, via Greece
Johanna Kaprio
78 (Fake Letter) From Dr OBrien to Dr Desmond
79 Village Idiot September/October 2015 Donald Trump
CONTENTS September/October 2015
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September/October 2015 5
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