16 July-August 2024
that would listen which I found oensive,
as, I do to all of his terrorist oensives –
he was very proud of the fact that he
designed the firing mechanisms used in
that mortar attack which targeted the car
in which police ocer Coleen McMurray
was murdered in Merchants Quay; he
thought it was in some way amusing and
said that he was just doing it for the
money – as if it was a job.
• I understand from our conversations that
he had informed his handlers that the
attack was coming and, that the RUC were
the target of that attack.
Keeley told me that he was responsible
for the murder of a woman who was killed
by a bomb that exploded next to a police
station in Warrenpoint in 1989, I believe
her name to be Joan or Joanne Reilly, he
was delighted with that, a bomb used in
a van – I believe from what he had said
that he was responsible for making that
bomb and delivering to the location of the
attack; he laughed at the excuse made for
the attack being as it was claimed it had
accidentally exploded, but he was
adamant that he had intentionally fixed
the device to explode earlier than
He has told me on multiple occasions that
he had been responsible for torturing
suspected police and army informants
and had committed punishment knee-
cappings, shootings and beatings of
people suspected by the IRA and that he
was assisting “Scappaticci” and
someone he named as John Joe Magee in
what he called the “nutting squad” . At
times it was apparent that it was Keeley
that suggested the victims subjected to
this torture before being murdered, he
said that “Scappaticci” tapped a tin
during the torture sessions and that he
loved to beat the victims and said that he
fired the shots during a number of these
killings just as he had said that he shot
Morley in the back!
He said that he had killed a total of 47
people, I had asked him if this included
the Omagh Bomb, he said no and that 29
people had been murdered on that
• He spoke to me in such detail about this
and other events; I feel that it is so
detailed and he doesn’t care that this has
happened. I feel that he can always do
what he wants and he gets away with. He
has said that if he is prosecuted his
handlers will be in the cell next to his and
he says, he is a “protected species” and
should be recognised as a ”nationl hero”
for the work he has done on the behalf of
the police and the army!!
I kept in contact with Peter until 2012; the
reason I am no longer talking to him was
due to his stupidness, I cut all ties with
him after he threatened to “shoot me and
my family on our doorstep” during some
heated exchanges over several months –
I made very clear to him that if the threats
didn’t stop they would have
consequences, he said “like what”, I told
him “do you remember what you said
about murdering Eoin Morley”?? he fell
silent, hung up and minutes later called
back and said that “if I tell the authorities,
by this he meant the police “he would
shoot me on the doorstep” since this time
I have suffered multiple death both
verbally and online, Peter has published
my personally identifiable information,
threatened to shoot me in the street and
murder me and my family which has
forced us to move on several occasions.
• Keeley has developed links to right-wing
extremism [Tommy Robinson], I fear that
Keeley, who loves to brag about his past,
i.e. killings and bomb-making, could
pass on these to extremist groups who
have a deep hatred of government and
democracy – in recent years Keeley has
indicated a desire to make our
parliamenterians pay for the peace-
process, taking into consideration he has
a deep fascination with hurting people
and guns, bomb-making it is a recipe for
disaster on a scale never seen before in
• Keeley, I believe, would think nothing of
attacking civilian targets in England (if
the price was right) and the fact that he
was paid cash to harass and surveil
private citizens who are actively engaged
in exposing extremism should I believe
ring alarm bells.
He has said that if he is prosecuted his
handlers will be in the cell next to his and,
he says, he is a “protected species” and
should be recognised as a ”national
hero” for the work he has done on the
behalf of the police and the army.
Crucially too, he views himself as in his
words a “great spy” not an “informant”.
• Referring to the murder of Thomas Oliver
which occurred in 1991, Peter Keeley
stated to me that he was involved in his
abduction and murder. He stated that
there were other people involved in the
Tom Oliver murder including “Scapp”, i.e.
Freddie Scappaticci. Peter stated that
when they abducted Tom Oliver they put
him in a van and he was wearing
• I asked him if the police and army know
about his involvment in the murder of Tom
Oliver, he replied “that they knew all
about it” and so did the “Security
Services”. He justified Tom Oliver’s
murder as “keeping my cover” even
though he knew that Tom Oliver was
innocent of the false alligations of being
a Garda informant: he had merely, as a
good citizen, reported finding guns on his
land. He said “I’d do it all over again
Keeley described the scene near
‘Belleeks’ (near Newry): Oliver was
“trussed-up” and has suered significant
beating and was forced by “Scapp” to
make a false confession of being an
informant; Keeley said that he felt
overwhelming joy at doing such a good
Keeley has admitted to me that Owen
Corrigan a police ocer (Garda) from the
Irish Republic was falsely accused by
Keeley of being involved in the murder of
two RUC ocers called Harry Breen and
Bob Buchanan; Keeley told me that he
had done this to boost his credibility and
that no one could disprove this which is
why he gave evidence to the Smithwick
Tribunal in the Irish RepublicSam
A video recording Keeley had made
confessing to all his murders and terrorist
offences was eventually given for
safekeeping to I believe a UTV journalist
by the name of Trevor Birney.
He stated that there were
other people involved in
the Tom Oliver murder
including “Scapp”, i.e.
Freddie Scappaticci.
Tom Oliver