72 October/November 2023 October/November 2023 73
RedC survey on consiuionl mendmen. Source: Friends of he Irish Environmen
would prefer to put it”, Clarke wrote, “a ‘derived
right’ but must be subject to a referendum. The
advantage of express incorporation is that the
precise type of constitutional right to the
environment which is to be recognised can be
the subject of debate and democratic approval”
and not imposed by the Courts.
The Citizen Assembly on Biodiversity made
this its top recommendation, which the IFA said
had “the potential to signifi cantly increase on
the already overburdened legal and planning
systems as well as infringe farmers’ property
rights”. Nor has the State an appetite for such
a referendum when it has little public support
compared to housing or health, according to a
RedC survey commissioned by FIE.
As to climate budgets for the period until
2030, a delay in allocating the emissions
attributable to land-use and a provision for
“unallocated savings” of 8% of emissions
undermine the objectives. For ‘land use’ read
‘rewetting’ (and the failure of forestry) and
you see why government has kicked the tin
down the road.
The term ‘unallocated savings’ is not
contemplated by, or mentioned in, the Climate
Act or its implementing Regulations and is not
a category in the Common Reporting Guidelines
or in the UN Reporting Guidelines. These
absences fail the ‘specifi city test’ and bring
into question the ceilings for the other sectors,
since the missing savings may a ect the share
of the carbon budget other sectors can emit in
order to stay collectively within the overall
budget for 2025 and 2030.
These ‘framework’ challenges to Government
policy are supported by Ireland’s increasingly
ignored Climate Change Advisory Council,
which has valiantly crunched the numbers and
this summer expressed the signifi cant fear that
“clarity may arrive too late”. Even given the
1.9% reduction in emissions in 2022, annual
emissions reductions of 12.4% will be required
from 2023-2025 if we are to stay within this
‘legally binding’ carbon budget. Nor is it
possible to create realistic fi ve-year budgets
when the overall budget until 2050 remains
unknown. The credibility of the Green Party, if
not the Government itself, will at least be
tested in open court.
FIE is also challenging omissions in the
sectoral allowances, and inadequacies in the
2023 Annex of Actions.
Climate litigation can also be targeted at
specifi c projects (and hopefully individual
companies), but these are fi ercely resisted.
FIE has successfully delayed, if not stopped,
projects like the proposed Shannon LNG
terminal or the Galway Ring Road. An Taisce
succeeded in linking unsustainable peat
extraction to planning permission for a Bord
na Mona peat powered electric plant but it
failed more recently in a brave attempt to stop
a joint venture agreement with Glanbia’s
Dutch partner Royal-A-Ware from using Ireland
as a ‘milk haven’. The Supreme Court rejected
any (legally) “signifi cant indirect e ects” of
the expansion of milk production to supply the
plant with 450 million litres of milk a year.
And litigation is expensive. FIE’s pioneering
case for legal aid for its challenge to the
National Development Plan was rejected by
the High Court and the Court of Appeal as,
being an NGO, it was not a “person”; to add
salt to the wound, the case seeking the costs
of the appeal on the grounds of (legal) “public
importance” was also unsuccessful.
Climate litigation in Ireland depends on the
goodwill of the legal profession and the
willingness of a few lawyers to act ‘pro bono’
- receiving what in fact is generally only a
portion of their fees, even if the case is won.
The collective costs to all the litigants and
the defendants and the Notice Parties in the
challenge to the extension of Dublin Airport in
2018 was estimated by one barrister to be
€100,000 per day in appearance costs and
€100,000 for each day in research. The case
ran for 10 days.
To bring FIE’s case against overfi shing
through the national courts to the European
Court of Justice – where it awaits judgment as
this is written – cost €220,000 in legal fees.
And still FIE must meet ‘out of pocket’
expenses as solicitors and barristers cannot
be asked to reach into their pockets for outlays
like Court fees. FIE spent more than €7,000
upfront in photocopying for the Supreme
Court Climate Case hearing alone!
The Government’s proposed legislative
changes, in the current Planning Bill, restrict
access to the Courts and limit cost recovery
even when a case is won. It may well be that
all our futures rely on the e ectiveness of
judicial systems worldwide. The jury is still
Tony Lowes is one of the Directors of Friends of
the Irish Environment.
You can follow FIE’s litigation at https://www.