December-January 2014 55
clips from vast amounts of footage. The
show, called ‘COPS’, became a smash hit
and spawne d cou nt les s im it ations a round
the world. A second wave followed with
the theme of ‘Big Brother’.
Once the premise of cheap and cheer-
less reality shows had been established,
a cascading multiplication of genres fol-
lowed: shopping shows, property shows,
beauty or fashion-makeover shows, fit
families shows, masterchef type shows,
people locked together in a house, iso-
lated together on an island, or isolated
in a jungle setting.
Little did celebrity culture realise that
it spent 300 years awaiting the rise of
reality TV.
Film franchises like the ‘Hunger
Games’ draw on the premises of real-
ity television. US production companies
have elevated reality television to a
finely honed formula that morphs from
season to season, and is now closer to
augmented reality after producers real-
ised that scripting the shows keeps the
shock/schlock value high. (The voice of
Bill Hicks, 20 years dead, returns: “Here
is ‘American Gladiators’! Here is 56 chan-
nels of it! Watch these pituitary retards
bang their fucking heads together and
congratulate you on living in the land of
When O’Connor brought the Irish
redneck comedy of the Hardy Boys to
the ‘Saturday Night Show’, the audi-
ence looked completely baffled, but
O’Connor was on to something. The rise
of redneck reality television cashes in on
that potent cringe-generating mixture
of embarrassment and fascination that
Americans feel for their southern coun-
terparts. Watching poverty television,
we’re relieved that although things are
bad, we’re not yet eating roadkill.
Redneck reality shows like ‘My Big
Redneck Family’ or the highly-ranked
‘Duck Dynasty’ have toppled the charms
of the Kardashians and the ‘Housewives
of Miami’, and repo TV is also big. Shows
like ‘South Beach Tow’ take the for-
mula forward by using actors to create
the scenes, which producers claims are
based on ‘real stories’ [sic]. Another repo
show, ‘Lizard Lick Towing’, counters by
boasting that its reality television fea-
tures real-life situations. Repo television
is huge, and will surely arrive in Ireland
soon with families having their cars and
homes repossessed live on television,
perhaps with narration by angry right-
wing television presenters.
The true home of this genre is the
TruTV cable channel which reaches 90
million Americans and a vast interna-
tional audience. These aren’t obscure
shows. They make unimaginable profits,
are produced by the biggest media com-
panies in the USA, and you’ll find them on
most cable packages in Ireland.
So it’s not a shock to find that the
‘Saturday Night Show’ opens its couches
to media personalities and other celeb-
rities from the world of reality TV. It’s
all about the magic of television, where
by dint of getting onto television, you’ve
got every chance of staying on television,
even as a D-list celebrity careering down
through the talk show hierarchy.
The most popular guests in order of
ranking are: media personalities, non-
celebrities aka unfortunate ordinary
people, journalists, singers, sports
stars, chefs, stylists and comedians.
Women make up about 40 per cent of the
guests, which is not bad by Irish stand-
ards though it still has some way to go.
A quarter of the guests over the 2013-
2014 season are RTÉ regulars such as
Gerald Kean (‘The Restaurant’, ‘Celebrity
Bainisteoir’), Norah Casey (‘Dragons’
Den’, ‘Norah’s Traveller Academy’) and
Bill Cullen (‘The Apprentice’). Then there
are the TV chefs and celebrity chefs,
which seem to be one and the same thing:
Marco Pierre White, Nevin Maguire,
Kevin Dundon and Darina Allen.
There’s a cosmpolitan chunk of non-
RTÉ celebrities including Dr Leah Totton
(UK ‘Celebrity Apprentice’), Vincent and
Flavia (‘Strictly Come Dancing’) and
Dr Christian Jennsen (‘Embarrassing
Bodies’); and from the USA trainer Jessie
Pavelka who crossed over to UK reality
TV with ‘Motivation Nation’. Actors from
‘Love/Hate’ and ‘Coronation Street’ fill
out the guest sofa. It seems obvious in ret-
rospect that ‘Love/Hate’ filled a gap that
reality television couldn’t reach, though
it’s surely out there in the future some-
where: reality TV shot from the point of
view of criminals.
That cultural cliché the song contest
has thrived on reality TV, which means
that Jedward earn themselves more than
one appearance on ‘Saturday’. That Louis
Walsh never showed up seems like an
oversight. Perhaps he was unwell his
night. Sports stars, who are also celeb-
rities (and often now “celebrity brand
ambassadors”), are one of the pro-
gramme’s favourite guest categories,
with rugby players dominant.
O’Connor has produced some scoops
on the ‘Saturday Night Show’, including
the first TV interview with Pussy Riot
members following their release from
Russian prison in December 2013. The
interviewer and interviewees did have
something in common: O’Connor enjoyed
a brief career as a singer parodying a
priest, while Pussy Riot rose to fame
with a performance of a punk prayer in
a Russian church.
Accompanied by a male inter-
preter, the women arrived on set, with
O’Connor kissing each of the three on
the cheeks. The interpreter explained
that as O’Connor offered to greet each
of them with a kiss, and Nadja had
declined, a compromise was reached
where O’Connor would kiss both men and
women. After this awkward interlude,
O’Connor begins the interview with: “So,
girls...” and continues to address them as
‘girls’ throughout, oblivious to the poli-
tics of this century, and the last.
When one of the women admits mixed
feelings about sitting on a couch in a TV
studio talking about “reformist” activi-
ties, O’Connor interjects to apologise for
the “capitalist running-dog bourgeois
couch” and promises to make available
a bed of nails the next time. Look it up on
Youtube and experience the bed of nails
for yourself.
One episode not to be found on Youtube
is the early 2014 appearance of Rory
O’Neill, better known as drag queen Panti
Bliss, which generated the storm that
was Pantigate when O’Neill alleged that
certain journalists were homophobes,
resulting in RTÉ paying out damages to
the named journalists.
O’Connor’s defender-of-the-powerful
act along with his role of attack dog for
the Sindo makes him one of the candi-
dates for the currently vacant editorship
at the paper.
One wonders what will become of the
Brendan O’Connor / Barry Egan / Sinéad
O’Connor love-in now that regular guest
Sinéad has pronounced that she’s join-
ing Sinn Féin, enmity of which has long
been a Sindo requisite and O’Connor
O’Connor has had a hand in making
the paper as venal as it is. It’s hard to
see him being able to keep his ‘Saturday
Night Show’ slot while taking on the edi-
torship of the Sindo, although O’Connor
has hinted that he does see some kind
of natural progression from Saturday
Ryan Tubridy should be feeling nerv-
ous. And not just about the more talented
Ray D’Arcy. •
US production
have elevated
television to
a finely honed
formula that
morphs from
season to
season, and
is now closer
to augmented
reality after
realised that
scripting the
shows keeps
the shock/
schlock value